/ Vase from a pumpkin with your own hands. Pumpkin vase: master class

Pumpkin vase with your own hands. Pumpkin vase: master class

Each time of the year has its own zest.And if the winter takes its exquisite beauty, spring - a riot of colors, then for the fall is characterized by a cool sunrise, a wealth of flowers and an inexpressible charm. Perhaps this is why our ancestors chose this period of the year to celebrate the harvest festival, which counted the collected belongings on the eve of long winter nights. And the main autumn hero was rightfully considered a pumpkin, which is not only very tasty and useful, but it can also help create a special festive atmosphere in the house. And in today's article, we'll look at how to make a pumpkin out of a pumpkin.

A little foreword

a pumpkin vase

As practice shows, from pumpkins are created simplymagnificent vases that will serve not only the original decorative decoration on the festive table, but also an indicator of your skill. In addition, thanks to additional elements of decor (seasonal berries, leaves, flowers), it turns out a very beautiful vase of pumpkin with flowers. Also, when adding carving from a variety of vegetables (carving roses, chamomiles, chrysanthemums from them), you can create an unforgettable masterpiece that will amaze all those present to the depth of the soul.

What do you need to know?

In order for everything to work out, and your vase frompumpkin turned out for a long time, you need to stop your choice on not very large fruits, and often very small. But, of course, you need to be guided in this case by the size of the supposed vase. For example, for the floor one needs to choose the largest one. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the shape of the fetus, which is both rounded and oblong. The only unpleasant moment is that later you can be very upset, - such a pumpkin vase is not very durable. But if you do everything properly and slowly (clean the flesh and dry it), then the service life can increase at times. In addition, it is not in vain that most of the peoples of the crafts from this fruit symbolize protection from evil spirits. Therefore, we will not hesitate and, finally, tell you how to do such a pumpkin vase, the master class of which is presented below.

What do we need?

a pumpkin vase with your own hands

Before you start making this craft, you need to make sure that we have all the necessary elements. They include:

  • Pumpkin fruit.
  • Spoonful.
  • Towels made of paper.
  • Varnish-glue.
  • Spray paint is white.
  • Sandpaper.
  • British salt.
  • Sugar.
  • Strips of fabric of different colors.
  • Flowers.

As practice shows, the time spent for this activity will not only not be boring, but in the end you will get a wonderful pumpkin vase created by your own hands.

Begin to create

how to make a vase from a pumpkin

First of all we get 5-6 pumpkins, thoroughthus we wash the purchased fruits under running water and wipe them well until it dries completely. After this, slowly cut their upper part in such a way that they formed an opening, the diameter of which will allow you to place a glass with flowers. Next, using a spoon, clean out the flesh from it and again wipe with towels from the paper until it dries completely. For the flowers in the fruit can be placed as glass cups, and cut them from a plastic bottle. In addition, the vase from the pumpkin looks original, in which the flower lips are used as a flower stand. After the glass is selected, place it inside the fruit, not forgetting to make sure beforehand that it matches the size. If it is not, then the opening can be slightly increased. Next, we begin to decorate your future product. At the moment there are several options for registration.

Brilliant pumpkin vase with your own hands

a pumpkin vase with flowers

If you want to make sure that your productshone, then in this case we need sugar or the English salt. But, given the fact that the last ingredient is available only to residents of the UK, and residents of our country it is known as sodium sulfate, which is sold in pharmacies, there is nothing left to do but apply sugar. Therefore, we begin with the fact that on the surface of the fruit we apply glue-varnish for decoupage, which differs not only in its strength, but also in high quality. Further in the container with sugar put the pumpkin smeared with glue and evenly dip it on all sides so that the sugar is stuck evenly. This is how we got a brilliant vase of pumpkin.

Vintage Vase

vase of pumpkin master class

The effect of antiquity is currently usedpractically in all styles of needlework. Therefore, it is not surprising that in this product, too, he can be present. So, in order to give your handicraft a bit of old charm, we take 1 more fruit and, using a white spray paint, change its color. Then leave it for a while to dry. After it has dried, we take the sandpaper and grind it a little until the appearance of orange-colored gaps. Agree that this vase will look not only very original, but pretty enough.

How to make a multi-colored vase from a pumpkin?

handmade pumpkin vases

Do you want your product to stand out?Then, using bright patches of fabric, you can make a fun and very juicy vase. For this purpose we cut ribbons from a fabric of different colors, the width of which should not exceed 15 mm. After that, we put on 1/3 part of a fruit glue-varnish and we start to glue tapes on this area. After a while, when they are a little dry, go to the next area and repeat the same procedure on it. After everything is finished, all that remains is to admire the unique beauty of the resulting product. And what is especially important, when you look at it, no one will ever come to mind, which could serve as a basis for a vase.


The easiest way to create an article from a pumpkin- vases - today is considered the way in which you just need to cut off the top of it. Next, using a spoon, you need to clean it, dry it and put a glass with flowers in it. In addition, its main difference from others is that it is completely devoid of decorative elements. But, as practice shows, if we draw a parallel between such a vase and decorated, then we can say that it is not devoid of its charm. What to do, of course, you decide. The only thing that I want to say: when starting to create, you need to listen to both your heart and your imagination. Therefore, it is especially recommended before you start to do something, to present an image of what you want to get as a result. After that, take a pencil and draw it on a piece of paper. And most importantly, do not be afraid that something might not work out. Without trial and error, you will never achieve what you desire. And we hope that the advice presented in this article will help you achieve your goal.

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