/ / How to make a topiary from a seashell

How to make a topiary from a seashell

The popularity of souvenirs and interior decorations,made by ones own hands, is growing steadily. Some things made in the style of hand-made are so unique and fabulously beautiful that they look not only worse than the purchased ones, but even more spectacular. One of such objects is the topiary from the shell. In it are merged the beauty of the precise geometry of the ball and the infinite variety of natural forms - the harmony of the seas and oceans.

topiary from the shell

Topiary of the seashell: what is it?

If you are a novice needlewoman, and how lookssuch a souvenir, you do not know yet, and the technology of execution to you is all the more unknown, all the advice given here is very useful. Following the recommendations, you can already in the near future create an amazing decor for the house.

So, the topiary is a miniature tree, the crownwhich is trimmed in the form of a ball. A natural living decoration requires care and attention, so he found an equally beautiful replacement - a product made of decorative materials, repeating the shape and appearance of his natural brother. Interesting and conical configuration, reminiscent of a Christmas tree. Such options are suitable as a New Year's gift.

They make topiarias from coffee beans, sweets, cones, beads, flowers from fabric, paper. No less beautiful options allow you to make seashells. It is about the topiary of them that will be discussed.

Topiary of the shell that it

Tools and materials

To make a beautiful topiary from a shell, you will need the following:

  • foam or any other light ball or hollow sphere of suitable size;
  • rod for barrel manufacturing;
  • pot, vase;
  • gypsum and water in the right proportions;
  • containers for mixing gypsum and stirring stick;
  • shells of suitable sizes, shapes and shades;
  • adhesive or thermal gun;
  • additional decor (satin ribbons, beads, organza, floral mesh and ribbon, corrugated paper).

If you are engaged in needlework, then, most likely, the listed already exists. Buy the missing objects will not be difficult.

Shells on the ball

Topiary of the shell can look different.Interesting effects are easy to obtain by combining elements of different shapes and combining them in all directions. Some use flat shells and cover the surface of the ball completely. The original version is shown in the following photo. If you use thin shells, topiary becomes like a hedgehog.

topiary with seashells photo

Flat shells are easy to lay in the form of flowers and they already cover the surface of the ball. It all depends on your imagination and the material available.

Manufacturing technology

To make a round topiary with seashells (photo below), you need to work like this:

  1. Take a foam ball and fix it inside or on the surface of the rod, which will act as a trunk.
  2. In a prepared pot, pour gypsum, mixed with water until the density of sour cream.
  3. Before the gypsum solidifies, hold the rod so that it does not move.
  4. Cover the surface of the ball with shells using a thermo gun.
  5. Wrap the barrel with a satin ribbon or paint it (if desired).
  6. Decorate the pot (the side surface and the top plane).
  7. Supplement the shells with beads, ribbons, floral sisal.

If it seems more convenient for you to initially decorate and then fix the stem in a cast, you can follow the steps in this sequence.

topiary from shells and organza

Topiary from shells and organza

In addition to the above decorative materials,Masters often use organza. This is a translucent material that is used to decorate floral compositions, as well as decorating the interior. If you buy organza blue shade, then in combination with seashells, you will get an excellent topiarius on the sea theme. The surface of the pot would be nice to decorate with river (sea) sand and small seashells. The second option is already a beach idea.

topiary from shells and organza

How to create such a souvenir, as in the photo above? The algorithm of actions will be similar to the previous variant (on the stages of frame making). The decoration of the base is as follows:

  1. Cut the blue organza into squares with a side of about 5 cm (depending on the diameter of the ball). Blanks will take a lot.
  2. Take two squares and overlap one another diagonally.
  3. Fold the element twice in two and fasten in the corner with a stapler. Such a detail is called a pound.
  4. If you have prepared a ball of foam plastic, attach all the balls to the toothpicks.
  5. Evenly distribute the blanks from the organza tosurface of the ball, sticking the toothpick inside. If the ball is not made from foam, it's enough to glue the surface with lintels using a thermo-gun, without using toothpicks.
  6. Glue to the surface of the ball between the pound shells.
  7. Decorate the top of the pot.
  8. Supplement the topiary with beads resembling pearls.

As you can see, making a topiary from a seashell with your own hands is easy. Choose a favorite sample and on its basis create your own unique masterpiece. Good luck!

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