/ / Crocheted crocheted motifs, made by hand

Crocheted crocheted motifs, made by hand

Связать покрывало крючком намного проще, чем knitting needles Using multi-colored remnants of yarn, you can create a unique, bright and delightful surrounding plaid. If you want it to be a single color or a calmer color, you can choose the right shades of yarn in the store. Of course, you will need a lot of yarn, but it is worth it, since the blanket, tied with your own hands, will be stronger to warm, and it will surprise you with your individuality. The easiest way to create beautiful stylish things for the home is to crochet blankets. From motives can be a true work of art. Tie such a blanket for yourself or as a gift. In the first case, you will enjoy the work done, and in the second you will probably hear many grateful words addressed to you.

Crochet rug out motifs. General recommendations

Any blanket associated with a technique that implies a combination of motives is performed in compliance with the general rules. Here are some of them.

The simplest option, suitable for crocheting crochets from motifs, is making square-shaped elements.

Crocheted crocheted motifs
Собранное в единое целое полотно обычно is tied around the perimeter. Ways of tying can be different - from openwork, made a wide band, to dense and narrow, for example, using the technique of "pitch". Crocheted blankets from motifs made from yarn remnants delight with their beauty and brightness, although they resemble a “rustic” style. But if you pick up other shades and in small quantities, the knitted blanket will look very stylish.

What else may differ blankets of this kindfrom friend? Way to connect. The first photo shows a blanket, where all the motifs are the same size and are connected in series. There are other options, such as the following photo.

Crochet square motif
В этом варианте все квадратики имеют разный size, and their connection requires special care, accuracy and perseverance. If you possess these qualities, then surely cope with such a task. This option covers more original and stylish than the previous one. Yes, and knit such a blanket is much more interesting, since there is no monotonous work on knitting the same motifs. Almost all the elements of this bedspread are not only different in size, but also differ in pattern and color. All crocheted crochets of motifs are knitted simply enough, the main thing in this business is accuracy.

Size and other nuances

Now about the size of the bedspread.Naturally, the larger the size of the rug, the more time-consuming work process awaits you. But it is not necessary to make it huge. Small rugs that you can hide from the waist up or cover your shoulders are also very relevant. Knit such much faster and easier.

Crochet motifs for crochet schemes
The size of the motifs also vary enoughlarge span. From very small ones, 5x5 cm in size to huge ones having a size of 50x50 cm. Just in the photo you can see how the combination of large motifs is performed. Which option you will use in your work, decide for yourself.

Crochet plaid motifs
In addition to size, there are other differences.For example, a pattern with which crochet motifs are knitted. Their schemes are quite diverse. They can be connected in a circle or ordinary straight viscous, be textured or smooth, openwork or solid. In general, there are lots of options, and each of them is good in its own way.

Another idea to create blankets involves the use of different motifs in one product. For example, solid knit and openwork.

Patchwork blanket option
The above photo shows how beautifullook such plaids. This blanket, made in the technique of patchwork, will decorate any interior. It combines motives of continuous knitting, openwork and decorated with appliqué.

Combination of motives

Плед из квадратных мотивов крючком будет be distinguished by high quality, provided that all the elements are skillfully bonded together. To combine motifs in a single canvas, there are several ways. Consider a few of them. One of the most difficult is the option of joining while knitting motifs. When tying the last row of one motive, you need to mount it to another. For novice needlewomen this is a rather complicated way. In addition, it requires a special calculation and use of the connection scheme. Yes, and does not fit any form of motives. Therefore, we turn to the consideration of simpler ways.

Один из них - соединение при помощи иглы.To do this, the motifs are folded face up to each other and sewn with the same thread that was used for their knitting. Please note that the seam must be very neat and imperceptible if possible. Since, unlike clothes made from motifs, a plaid is a two-sided product.

Crochet hook method

Another way is to use a hook.In the same way as in the previous method, the motives are formed in relation to each other. Further, using a hook and yarn, they are fixed with the help of connecting columns. These columns resemble those of a single crochet, but are distinguished by the fact that, after pulling the thread through the edges of the motifs, it is immediately drawn through the existing one on the hook, without capturing the working thread. This seam will be neat and will not be evident.

And finally, the last way.You will also need a hook to use it. The combination of motifs occurs by tying the mesh between them. It is done this way. The thread joins the edge of one of the motifs, and two air loops are knitted, then they are joined to the other motif with the help of a single crochet. Then again two air loops and joining the first motive. As a result of this fastening, an openwork mesh is obtained. The size of the cells is regulated by the distance between the fixings. Such a connection, made a contrast thread, looks very nice.

Baby blankets. Stylish ideas

Children's crocheted crochet motif
Knitting baby blanket virtually nothingdifferent from those listed above. But what is the difference between a blanket for a baby and an adult? Of course, the way to decorate. Any baby will love the blanket, decorated, for example, with animal muzzles. In the above photo is a bear cub. This children's blanket is made in the same technique as adults. And the application is made of crocheted elements. Make it quite easy, since it is enough to simply connect the circles with double crochets, it will be a muzzle. A nose, eyes and mouth can be simply embroidered with a needle.

Original children's blanket of motives

Crochet knit baby blanket dare notmany, because they believe that it will be more rigid than the knitting. But some options are striking in their beauty. And you can get rid of the stiffness using thinner threads and a hook, the size of which is slightly larger than the one needed for the selected yarn. Here is an example of such a rug, designed for little princesses. Even beginning masters will be able to cope with its performance. The main thing when knitting this blanket - the selection of yarn. With a harmonious combination of colors your blanket will look special, like a real bedspread in the royal chambers.

Option for princesses
Вязание этого шедевра начинается с мотивов, made with single crochets. What form they will be, you decide. You can make them square or rectangular, large or small. The highlight of this model is in the color combination and exquisite lushies around the perimeter of each motive.

Итак, связав необходимое количество мотивов двух shades, you can proceed to the assembly plaid. To do this, use one of the connection methods above. This is either a needle connection or a hook.

After the blanket has acquired the shape you need,go to his decoration. To do this, along the perimeter of each of the elements, we knit the posts without crochet in the same color as the motive. In order to get a kind of shuttlecock, you need to knit several columns in one loop. The more they will be located in one place, the greater will be the shuttlecock.

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