The Leygornian breed today is oneof the most popular around the globe. Its name is due to the Italian city of Livorno, where it was first brought out in the XIX century. In English, the word "Livorno" sounds like "Leghorn", which was later used to refer to the breed.
Леггорн куры славятся своей яйценоскостью.Although it must be said that at the time of the appearance of this breed, no outstanding qualities were different. Rather, on the contrary, their indicators on the number of demolished eggs significantly lagged behind the other chicken varieties. An excellent way out of the situation was found by Americans, who crossed leggorns with other species, including fighting. The resulting "mestizos" were sent to Europe, where the selection work continued in different directions in order to bring out the most successful variety.
In our country - then still the Soviet Union - thesebirds were imported at the beginning of the last century, namely in 1925. White Leggorn is a breed of chickens, which became a kind of "ancestor" of the Russian white hen. Currently, both this species and its derivatives are used for large-scale egg preparations. This is understandable, because the egg production rates are really high. On average, one chicken can demolish up to three hundred pieces per year, and a subspecies of rock with a leaf crest - up to three hundred and fifty. Laying off the eggs of the female begins already at the twentieth week of life, and the first year in terms of the number of eggs laid, as a rule, is the most productive. In food, chickens are usually added to all kinds of stimulants to increase egg yields, so after a year they are most often depleted. Individuals who can no longer rush at the level that is required of them fall into "marriage" (including those who start hatching chicks).
Leggorn - a breed of chickens, which is easy to learn bysome distinctive features. These birds do not have the most outstanding body dimensions (the weight of chickens hardly exceeds two kilograms, the weight of the cocks reaches a maximum of three), a small head and a thin long neck. Bill is small, yellow, with a bent tip. Legs also do not differ in length. In chicks, the color of the limbs, as a rule, is yellow, which grows white with the growth and growth of the chicken. Wings and tail are of medium size. The color of the plumage may be, in principle, different, but in our country there is more often a white leggorn. The weight of one egg can reach sixty grams, the color of the shell - white.
Леггорн - порода кур, которая в наше время is bred all over the place. Russia in this regard is also no exception. On the territory of our country, 20 breeding plants were opened, whose tasks include the development and improvement of the breed, as well as the derivation of other, even more productive, derivatives.