Lesson modeling develops fine motor skills andhave a positive effect on the formation of speech. It is important to arouse interest in this activity. To do this, you should sculpt what causes the child's interest. As a rule, children love animals and birds, so a bird from plasticine - the most suitable option for classes at the primary level.
What is necessary for work
It is advisable to take care in advance that the house had everything you need for modeling, namely:
- Plasticine. For babies it is better to choose a set with bright colors and soft material.
- Stacks. The simplest are made of plastic. You can buy wooden, although at the initial level it is not necessary.
- Plastic mat on the table. It facilitates the cleaning process after classes.
- Apron for the child.
When everything is ready, you can sculpt crafts from plasticine. Birds are cartoonish or close in appearance to the present. The first is easier to manufacture, so start better with them.
How to make a simple craft
A cartoon character must be presenta sign by which it will be possible to say exactly who it is: a beast, a person, a robot or something else. In this case, the defining features are the wings and the beak. They must be recognizable. Bird of plasticine is made as follows:
- Plasticine can be crushed slightly to make it softer. After this roll oval - it will be the torso of the bird.
- You can decorate it by rolling an oval smaller and flattening it into a cake. Attach it to the body - it will be breast.
- Make two "drops" and flatten them - it's the wings. Feathers can be drawn in a stack or laid out in strips of contrasting color.
- For the eyes, two small balls of white plasticine should be rolled, and the pupils are fixed on them.
- Beak can be made in the form of a small cone or oval.
- The simplest version of the paws is two round cakes, on which the fingers are marked with a stack.
Complicated variant
Since you can mold a bird from plasticinein different ways, after mastering a simple option it is desirable to try a more complex one. The finished toy will not just be a bird, it must recognize a certain kind.
One of the most recognizable birds is a woodpecker. For its manufacture, only 3 colors are needed. The sequence of actions for the sculpture of a woodpecker:
- Take the black plasticine, make two details: a small oval (this is the future head) and a larger teardrop shape that will become a trunk.
- Make two flat "drops" of black color, decorate them with white cross strips. Bird from plasticine should have wings that are as close as possible to the wings of a real woodpecker.
- Attach the details to the torso.
- Make a strip of white and stick it on the chest. On the head make two marks, on top - round black pupils.
- A thin red cone to fix on the head, it will be a beak.
- On the vertex, you should make a red "cap" - a small oval cake or a longitudinal crest.
- For the tail, many flat "drops" of white and black colors are to be blinded. Alternating them, form a tail.
- The paws are made of red plasticine. Inside, you can insert a wire so that a bird of plasticine can hold on a branch.
Stacking exercises are of great benefit. To keep the child interested in them, you should gradually complicate the tasks, moving from simple products to more complex ones.