/ / How to tie booties - step by step instructions for beginners

How to tie booties - step by step instructions for beginners

Recommendations on how to tie booties for those who prefer knitting needles.

We will need: yarn of two colors (take pink and purple), knitting needles.

To tie booties with knitting needles for beginners is not a difficult task, the main thing is to follow the instructions below.

So, let's start:

We type about 22 loops on the needles (we get about 9 cm wide) and knit 62 rows (about 14-15 cm); garter knitting.

Next, we close the 8 loops, tie the purple thread and knit:

63 row - we knit facial loops

64 row - we knit back loops

65 row - face loops

66 - back loops

Then we tie a pink thread and knit it like this:

67 row - face loops

68 row - face loops

69 row - loops purl.

70 row - face loops

So, alternating in 4 rows of pink and purple flowers, we should have 8 purple stripes and 7 pink stripes.

Then we sew the last row and the first row.

We turn out the bootie on the left side and collect the striped part on the thread on both sides from point 2 to point 2. We have a sock!

We sew in a straight line. From 2 points to 3 points (3-4 cm). And the rest of the collected exactly the same way (from point 3 to point 3) on the thread and tighten! We got a heel.

We knit the second bootie in the same way as the first, and you can now tell all your friends how to tie the booties with your own hands. With the least amount of time and effort.

Now consider the option - how to crochet booties

Let's start:

1. From a yarn we do a ring, further 1 loop for lifting and in a ring of 7 columns without nakida.

2. From each column without nakida we knit 2 columns with 1 nakida.

3. Next, in a circle, we knit the socks of our future booties. This means that at the end of each row we make a connecting bar, and at each beginning of a new row we make one loop for lifting.

4. The length of the booties is ½ leg length (about 4 - 4.5 cm)

5. When this part of the bootie is knitted, we knit a pigtail of air loops, the length of which is equal to the width of our socks.

6. Next, we knit the tops of the usual straight fabric. We will make this part of the bootie a little wider so that it is comfortable for the child’s feet.

7. Pinetochka is ready! We only need to sew and decorate it (bows, ribbons, edging) according to your desire.

A small working advice: leave the working thread longer, because it is more convenient to sew the product. Booties are ready!

And now general helpful tips on how to tie booties:

1. If the instructions contain several sizes, select those that fit you directly.

2. If your future product you knit from threads of different kinds, it is desirable that there be the same length of thread in the skein itself.

3. Read carefully care instructions! At the first wash can be unpleasant surprises.

4. If you knit for the first time, I advise you not to use tight knitting. Choose something simple and easy, because for the model of the adjacent style, you will need training.

5. If you knit for a child, and you know that you will need to extend the sleeve, I advise you to knit from top to bottom. In the future, it will be convenient for you to dissolve the loops and tie the sleeve.

6. When knitting large parts quickly tired hands. I advise you to use circular knitting.

7. A practical and very useful thing - these are colored tips for the spokes. The hinges will not slide off if you suddenly interrupt your work.

8. Not less useful thing - the counter for the rows.It is put on a knitting needle, and the number changes at the end of each row that you already knit. This will save your time! It is especially useful for knitting complex patterns.

9. Even if you are in a great hurry, try to finish linking the started row, otherwise the loops will come down in the middle of the row and can spoil the product.

10. If the product that you knit from dark or black yarn, spread a white scarf under your knees. This is necessary in order not to strain your eyes.

So, it is available and just how to tie the booties, without wasting time and effort. Good luck knitting!

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