/ / The main idea of ​​the text. How to determine the main idea of ​​the text

The main idea of ​​the text. How to determine the main idea of ​​the text

The main idea of ​​the text
Studying the text, whether it's an artistic novel,a scientific thesis, pamphlet, poem, anecdote, the first thing the reader asks, turning over words and sentences - what does it say here that the author wanted to express with a set of these words? When the writer was able to fully disclose his idea, it is not difficult to understand it, the main idea of ​​the text is already clear in the process of reading, and the leitmotif goes through the whole narration. But when the idea itself is ephemeral, and even expressed not literally, but it is quite difficult to understand the author by metaphors, a figurative description. Each reader will see in the main idea of ​​the text something of his own, close, depending on his outlook, level of intelligence, social position in society. And it is very likely that the reader will know and understand it will be far from such a thing as the main idea of ​​the text that the author himself tried to put into the work.

The importance of defining the main idea

Main thought

In most cases, the overall impressionit is formed even before the last phrase has been read, and the high ideas of the writer, with whom he began to work, remain incomprehensible or completely unknown. In this case, it is very difficult for the average person to understand the enthusiasm of his friends or the positive reviews of respected experts on this work. The bewilderment about the fact that someone has found something special in it, and someone is not, can confuse at best, at worst - to form some kind of inferiority complex. The latter concerns especially impressionable readers, and there are quite a few of them. On the works that caused the polar reviews, you should pay special attention and understand what these impressions are caused by.

It is necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text. how do this?First you need to answer a few questions: “What did the author want to convey and convey to the reader in his work, what made him take up the pen?” You can determine the tasks set by the writer, journalist or publicist, based on the comparison of writing time and the time to which the author transferred the events described in it.

Typical examples of the definition of the main in the text

How to determine the main idea of ​​the text

Довольно характерным примером этого метода knowledge is the immortal and brilliant work of Mikhail Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog". In each sentence, the whole passage - the writer’s allegorical attitude to the events in the country after the 1917 revolution. Here, the topic and the main idea of ​​the text are veiled under the implausible transformation of one living individual into another under the influence of external factors. Bulgakov's attitude towards global transformations in the state and the minds of its citizens are expressed more accurately and frankly. He conveyed to the reader his position through the stylistic presentation of the text, the coverage of the whole range of problems that had arisen in the country at that time, using the private life of the inhabitants of a single apartment and their relationship with others. Comparing the important and minor events described in the story and taking place in the country, it is possible to understand how to find the main idea of ​​the text through the account of these events by the author.

How to find the main idea of ​​the text

Focused on the author

In addition to the above example, by definition, the mainideas in the work, there are several ways of a general nature, without being tied to a specific author and his work. The most common is a careful reading of the text and the selection of several major associations that have arisen in the process of reading. If from the first time I managed to understand the author and what he is writing about, there is no need to hurry with the statement that the main idea of ​​the text was found. It is better to convey your understanding of the topic in one or two sentences, and then re-read the work again. If the conviction that from the first time everything was understood correctly is confirmed, then the main idea of ​​the text is set out intelligibly and with an ideal presentation. But if at each subsequent reading there will be more and more new associations, you should try to penetrate deeper into the above and get acquainted with the reviews on this work of the author. It is likely that apart from himself, no one else understood anything. And in this case, it is impossible to choose a method, how to find the main idea of ​​the text.

Fortunately, works for the general public, notthere are very few analyzable and reasonable perceptions, and such difficulties may arise when familiarizing with topics of a narrow specific nature, but they, as a rule, are of interest to a certain circle of readers whose way of thinking and life are close to the main theme of these works.

If the topic is set by the author himself

So back to the general rule of definitionThe main thought of the text. After reading the work two or three times, if the opportunity, desire and need for it require, it is important to understand exactly what it is about and retell its essence. Sometimes the main thing in the text is hidden by the layering of overly lush and flowery phrases, it all depends on the style of presentation of the topic by the author. But if it was possible to formulate the main thing in one short and concise phrase, it means that the author managed to convey to the reader his attitude towards the events or heroes described.

Subject and main idea of ​​the text

From headline to text

Иногда главная мысль произведения заложена в его table of contents It occurs quite often. Sometimes the name is the key to the whole work, and in this case the method, how to determine the main idea of ​​the text, lies in the expression of the expanded authorpositions. For example, the theme of the novel “What to do?” By Nikolai Chernyshevsky is determined by a direct answer to the question posed in its table of contents or in characteristic chapters describing the dreams of Vera Pavlovna. In the title of the novel, the question mark at the end of the phrase is the key to the search for the main idea. If the title of the text has its own names, the attitude towards them that has developed after reading is also the key to the definition of the main thing in the foregoing.

Read and think

And finally, another characteristic way to determine the main idea of ​​the text. For this you need to understand what conclusions fromwhat the story was about is done by the author himself. This can be arranged as a kind of result, to which the author led the reader, and at the end of the work with several phrases he drew a line under his idea. On the example of morality in fables, it is clear that in such cases the main idea is determined by the author himself, and the reader remains either to agree with it or not.

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