/ / What types of text editing can be divided into?

What types of text editing can be divided into?

There are several ways in whichYou can work on the text. This is a simple revision, proofreading with abbreviations, processing and complete alteration. Having entrusted a professional with such a procedure as text editing, the customer will always be able to define for him a variety of tasks. It is necessary to talk in more detail about all the varieties of proofreading activities, as well as to understand what they are and how they can be used to change the source file.

Editing, which involves a simple correction of a few typos

text editing

Simple reading is necessary when the mainthe text is already fully edited and brought to such a state, which is called semantic perfection. However, the likelihood of typos in the text is quite high. The proofreader should carefully read the text as a whole so that after a while it can be easily published. At its core, such proofreading is the final editing of the text. It is necessary in the case of processing new works, as well as in the situation when it is required to prepare a published book or review for a new edition. In other words, in the case of reprints.

If the text is to be reduced in volume

Editing with abbreviations impliesimmediately two operations. First, the text check for typos. Secondly, reducing the volume of the entire text to a certain number of lines or characters. Editing text of this kind will depend on the purpose for which the article is needed. When sending a text to a publication, the customer must indicate that it should be printed with abbreviations. In some situations, the concepts of “shortening the source code” and “improving the source code” can mean the same thing. Especially in the case when the material is characterized by the presence of a large amount of water - unnecessary ranting, which the author adds to the article in order to increase its volume.

One of the most difficult types of proofreading.

text editing is a

Processing is the most difficult typeproofreading activities. The main focus in this type of editing is stylistic editing, the elimination of alogisms, the ordering of the text, as well as the verification of the information provided for consistency and reliability. Such text editing requires careful verification of proper names, references to dates, indications of words in a foreign language, as well as many other random errors. In the same situation, the use of quotations and phraseological units in the text is monitored. Processing of articles requires that the proofreader possess excellent knowledge in the field of linguistics, as well as broad erudition. And if the work is done perfectly by him, then this will become a real “quality mark” of such a corrector.

Full text correction

Such text editing isfull reprint of the article. Editing of this type is necessary for the "resuscitation" of those sources that are written very badly by a person who disgusts owning a pen. Usually reader letters are subjected to such processing, which should be published, but the idea in them is stated too clumsily. Alterations usually include decoding records - audio and video. An experienced editor who is familiar with writing can easily decipher even someone’s chaotic thoughts, making the text consistent and literate. He is also able to make an original and interesting interview from a conversation between two people.


text editing program

These all types of editorial work arethe main ones. And a good proofreader should deal with them at a high level. The customer can also download a text editing program. Cash costs can be reduced, but the quality of the result will be much lower.

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