/ / Movies about Chernobyl - chronicles of the catastrophe

Movies about Chernobyl - the chronicles of the disaster

26 апреля 1986 года весь мир потрясла чудовищная catastrophe: an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the USSR, which completely destroyed the fourth reactor. This tragedy could not be ignored by filmmakers who had already learned to make films, the plot of which is directly related to the events of the cataclysm that happened. Movies about Chernobyl are very different genres - from acute social drama or tragedy to horror films. Then follows their review.

movies about Chernobyl

The Horror

Movies about Chernobyl, the list of which is presentedbelow, belong to the horror genre. They have no emotional background, expressing sympathy for the victims of the accident, and warning warnings to the whole of humanity. The plot of these paintings consists of the misadventures of the main characters in the exclusion zone, inhabited by monsters, waiting for the unfortunate in the dark.

  1. The Forbidden Zone (2012, USA). Youth horror Bradley Parker talks aboutAmerican tourists who are in search of extreme sports come to Ukraine, hire a guide and go to the Chernobyl nuclear power station for a fresh portion of adrenaline. However, they are disappointed, Pripyat is empty and abandoned. But this is a mistaken opinion: with the onset of twilight, spreading panic and horror, the present inhabitants of the zone creep out from all cracks.
  2. "Monsters" (1993, Russia). Director Sergei Kuchkov presented his visionmonsters. The characters of his paintings - scientists - are sent to the nuclear power plant to conduct research on the background radiation and changes in the environment. Soon one of them comprehends a painful death, and the surviving colleagues, examining the remains, understand that the cause of death is the attack of a giant monster.
    a documentary about Chernobyl

Social drama

The films about Chernobyl presented in this section are unlikely to leave the viewer indifferent.

  1. Ukrainian tape "Author". Rnarrates the history of the pupil of the orphanage inPripyat Aurora. The girl receives a terrible dose of radiation during the disaster. To save her life can be an expensive operation, which is carried out only in the US. Aurora is transported to America, where she meets her idol - the ballet dancer Nick. The meeting of a dancer experiencing a creative crisis and a dying child becomes fateful for the first.
  2. The film of joint production of Germany, Ukraine and Russia - "On Saturday". A deep drama about the firstpost-accident day. The protagonist, having witnessed what happened, understands what consequences the secrecy of the incident can bring. He faces a moral choice: to carry out the order and not to sow panic or to warn, to try to save people.
  3. The Land of Oblivion. Like many other films about Chernobyl, thisa picture of joint production, Ukraine and France. The plot is based on the personal tragedy of Olga Kurylenko, a young girl from Pripyat. Olga had to go through the horror of the disaster: loss of loved ones, fear, panic, loss of health, youth, beauty. Through a description of the fatal catastrophe of the fate of the main character, the viewer can feel the depth of the tragedy.
    movies about the Chernobyl list

About love

Films about Chernobyl affect the theme of love, revealing the feelings of the main characters and simultaneously showing the tragedy or its consequences.

  1. "Year of the Dog" (1994, France, Russia). The story of the ex-prisoner Sergei and his beloved Vera, who found a simple human happiness on land contaminated by radiation, in an abandoned village. A vital love story in the background of the zone.
  2. "Tomorrow" (1991, the USSR). Melodramatic history.Young people, accidentally met on the platform before the accident, agree on a meeting in a week at the same place. Their new meeting took place already in the contaminated uninhabited city. Lovers do not stay in the radiation "paradise" for long, walk around, try on things, get married in a deserted church. They pay their lives for their short happiness.
  3. "Moths" (2013, Ukraine). Against the backdrop of a global technogenic catastropheThe love story of Ali graduate and soldier-conscript Pasha is unfolding. They meet in Pripyat and fly to meet their feelings, ignoring everything around, like moths.

Detectives, action films and fantasy

  1. "Disintegration" (1990, the USSR, the USA). Journalist Alexander Zhuravlev persistently triesTo penetrate behind a veil of gloomy mystery, hiding something terrible. But he is only a helpless witness of what is happening, an unhappy victim of cold-blooded silence and lies.
  2. "Ranger from the Atomic Zone" (1999, Belarus, Russia). The protagonist Badger, captain of rank 2, afterreturning to his home in Belarus is protected by a zone of radioactive alienation, which is constantly attacked by marauders - dealers of abandoned equipment, drugs and infected wood.
  3. "The Third Planet" (1991, USSR). To save his 15-year-old daughter Alena, who has an incurable illness, Anton goes to the zone. According to rumors, there are mutants - superhumans-healers, on whom the unfortunate father has the last hope.
    film zone Chernobyl

List all the films about Chernobyl rathercomplicated. But their distinctive feature is the catchy and pumping atmosphere. Creators provide viewers with the opportunity to experience everything that has happened or is happening in the exclusion zone. In addition to the above, there are a few more pictures, highly appreciated by both the viewer and film critics: "Chernobyl: The Last Warning", "Black Stork", "I Remember" and the very popular modern youth series "Chernobyl. Zone of Alienation ", which among fans is called simply - the film" The Zone of Chernobyl. "


Несмотря на отзывы и рецензии к художественным films devoted to the subject of the accident, none of the above listed tapes will not force the viewer to experience so deeply and experience the events of those days as non-game tapes are able to do it. Documentary film about Chernobyl Rollana Sergienko "The Bell of Chernobyl" regards the tragedy as a warning to all mankind. But goosebumps will cause a film-tour of the exclusion zone called "Chernobyl. 25 years later. " Attempt to bring the truth to the audience called the painting "Chernobyl. The mystery of the death of academician Legasov. " A documentary about Chernobyl from Off the Fence and Animal Planet, entitled "Chernobyl. Life in the deadly zone "will tell how nature gradually licked the wounds inflicted on it by a catastrophe.

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