/ / Valery Garkalin: biography, personal life, actor's family

Valery Garkalin: biography, personal life, actor's family

During the existence of the Russian cinemathere were a lot of really bright actors who have long become national favorites. Some of them continue to delight us with great roles in films. One of these actors is Valery Garkalin. But few people know how much trouble he had to go on the road to success. The biography of the actor Valery Garkalin, the details of his personal life and career, you will learn through this article.


Valery Garkalin's biography began on April 111954. It so happened that his parents were not wealthy people and could not give his son everything he wanted. In those years, the family regularly had to save. The mother of the future actor worked as a cashier, and his father worked in the studio. With age, Valery began to show interest in creative professions. In particular, he was interested in playing on the theater stage. But parents were categorically against all that is somehow connected with acting. They dreamed that their son would become an engineer. But Valery was poorly given exact sciences.

Valery Garkalin biography


After graduation, Valery is a few yearsWorked at a local factory. He served as a locksmith. This was followed by service in the army, which took away from the young man another two years of life. During this time, he finally decided that he did not want his whole life to make ends meet, being a simple laborer. And having gone against his parents, Valery makes a decision to enter the acting department.

But then failure awaited him.At that time, the teachers came to the conclusion that such a specific appearance would not allow the young man to succeed on the big screen. But Garkalin did not despair. He filed documents in another educational institution - the Music School. Gnesin, in which he got a chance to learn pop art. A few years later, in 1978, he completed his studies. Valery Garkalin's biography, family, career, the best roles - all this is under the scrutiny of his many admirers. All this will be discussed further.

Valery Harkalin biography personal life

Carier start

After studying Valery Garkalin got into the troupelocal theater. No one could imagine that in the end he would gain incredible popularity and go on tour throughout the country. Six years later, thanks to unexpected fame, Valery finally gained a chance to get a professional acting education. In 1988, with a GITIS diploma, he was taken to the prestigious Moscow theater. Quickly enough, the potential of the novice actor was uncovered. Performances with his participation gathered full halls, and the actor himself easily worked in a variety of genres.

Career in cinema

Thanks to theatrical successes, the actor soon becameinvite to the movies. Valeria's dream finally came true. In 1989 (at the age of 35) he played his first major role in his career. The debut film was "Catal", which was a success with the audience. Then the sentences fell on the actor one by one. He played several roles a year, gradually gaining the status of a star. And even the notorious events of 1991 did not undermine his rapid career soar. The peak of Valery Garkalin’s popularity came in the second half of the 90s. Next we talk about his most exciting actor's work.

wife Valeria Garkalina biography

"Shirley Myrly" (1995)

Perhaps one of the most vibrant and qualitycomedies of the 90s. In those years, Russian cinema was experiencing hard times, so that such films were worth their weight in gold. In this amazing motion picture we are talking about three twin brothers who, until recently, did not even know about the existence of each other. Their fate took shape in different ways: one became a musician, the second became a gypsy baron, and the third followed the criminal path altogether. But once their destinies crossed. This led to a series of funny situations.

"Poor Sasha" (1997)

Tigran Keosayan was able to create one of the bestdomestic family comedies. The film tells the story of a girl who wants her beloved mother to devote less time to work and more often to be at home. She sorely lacks parental love. Will she be able to find a way to fix the situation?

valery garkalin biography private life wife

Silver Lily of the Valley (2000)

Popular Russian musical, in which in addition toGarkalina starred such large stars as Alexander Tsekalo and Yuri Stoyanov. The film tells the story of a young provincial girl who dreams of singing on stage from childhood. And one day, fate gives her a great opportunity to fulfill his cherished dream. The heroine meets two producers, after which her usual life is turned upside down. Can she adequately go through all the difficulties and become a celebrity?

Pops (2005)

Ещё один мюзикл, который пользовался невероятной popular at the time of release. In the center of the plot is a young girl who decided to move to the Russian capital. She aims to become a pop singer and perform on the big stage. Soon she manages to establish the necessary connections and achieve the desired. But rather quickly the heroine realizes that such a life does not suit her ...

Valery Garkalin family biography

"Happiness is ..." (2015)

Quite an unusual film, which collectedseven different stories at once. All of them are united by a common theme. Each story tells a story about a particular person who has not experienced happiness from life for a long time. But soon the life of each of the characters is changing for the better. The film gives hope.

biography of the actor Valery Garkalina

Valery Garkalin: biography, personal life, wife

Many fans are interested in how to combinepersonal life of the actor. With his wife, Valery Garkalin, whose biography you already know, he met during his studies. By that time, the girl graduated from the pedagogical faculty and worked as a teacher in one of the theaters to which Valery was sent for an internship. It was there that he met Catherine. Strong feelings flashed between them almost immediately. They began to see more and more often, they spent a lot of time together. In the end, this led to a serious relationship. The wedding was played by a young couple in 1978 in a local restaurant. There were invited classmates and members of the theater.

But their relationship is hardly ideal.Spouses had to go through many tests on their way. In particular, at a certain period of his life, Garkalin experienced a creative crisis, which led to temporary alcohol dependence. He managed to get out of it only thanks to the support of his beloved wife. While the actor continued to conquer the big screen, Catherine worked in the theater. She gave the work all the energy and strength. Maybe that's why the couple had no children for a long time. Only after many years of marriage did they have a daughter, Nick. And in 2012, the actor appeared and grandson Timothy.

Family happiness Valery and Catherine lastednot that long. In 2009, his wife died. This tragic event was a serious blow to the people's artist of Russia. Shortly before the death of his wife, he had already managed to immediately suffer two heart attacks, one after another. So Garkalin's health was undermined. For this reason, he began to appear less and less on the screen. All his free time, Valery Barisovich devotes his beloved grandson.

Currently a popular actorholds the position of teacher in the same school, which he graduated many years ago. One can only hope that someday the vivid and extraordinary playboy Valery Garkalin will still delight us with his appearance in a major movie.

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