/ Actors "Kuprin. Pit". Russian TV series

Actors "Kuprin. Pit". Russian TV series

The adaptation of literary works is a complicated matter. The actors “Kuprin. Pit". The story of the fallen girls, based on the classic work, was shown in the series.

The plot of the movie

When creating the series was made a bold decisioncombine at once three works by Kuprin, among which are “The Pit”, “The Garnet Bracelet” and “The Duel”. Although only these stories are represented in the titles of the parts, viewers can see the heroes of other compositions, smaller in size. For example, some of the characters in “The Pit” are familiar with the characters from the “Garnet Bracelet”. The connecting thread between the parts is Kuprin himself, who observes from the side and writes down stories.

actors Kuprin Pit

In the “Pit” part, the main characters aregirls working in a cheap and notorious brothel. Each of the heroines has its own personality and history. A real little world with its own laws was created in the walls of the house. And at the head of all this there was a cruel and stern warder, but a loving mother, Anna Markovna.

Kuprin highlighted the last days of the inhabitants of the Pit.Their ups and downs, the usual way of life. In the plot of the series, the writer himself often looked into the brothel, always sat at the same table in the corner of the hall and watched the flow of life, sometimes playing the role of confessor for girls working there.


Zhenechka’s character is one of the most controversial andinteresting as the actors said “Kuprin. Pit". Serial Eugene is like a book, she is just as bold, bold and tough. Play this role offered Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Katerina Spitz

Zhenya is one of the idols for the inhabitantsPit, but at the same time scares them with his courage to say what he thinks. She rarely communicates heart to heart and prefers to keep her feelings deep in herself. Only once did she show herself to be real, with a premonition of a close end. Of all the people around her, Zhenya showed sympathy except for Kuprin, who treated her as a person, and not as a commodity. Having met the second person who looked at her like this, Zhenya changed some of her views. However, it remained all the same bold and broken woman.

In the last months of the brothel, Zhenya has gone from being an ordinary worker to Anna Markovna's assistant. But the benefits of life it was impossible to buy.

Svetlana Khodchenkova often appears inscreenings of literary works, while playing strong and decisive heroines. Her talent and noted in the West, which was the cause of the increasing glory of Svetlana in Hollywood.

Her first role Khodchenkova received in the series"Bless the woman." For the same film, she was awarded the first ever cinema award. Since then, the successful actress has hardly left the television viewers screen. In addition, Svetlana managed to try herself in a modeling career.


If in the story "The Pit" behind the heroines fromobserved the quiet and mysterious Platonov, then Kuprin himself replaces him in the series. And this role was offered to play Mikhail Porechenkov. Kuprin became the link between such different characters. He managed to visit Yama and talk to young women working there, visit Vera Nikolayevna Sheinu and learn the story of Zheltkov in love with her, meet many other people whose stories gave rise to his works.

Mikhail Porechenkov

In order to play a hero who lived in anotherera, the actor had to work hard. In the story he often had to ride. Especially for this, he took riding lessons. Prior to that, Porechenkov had been engaged in horse riding only during his studies at the theater institute.

Mikhail Porechenkov became famous for playing the rolesstrong and courageous men, protecting family and country. He began his career on the theater stage, but soon after that appeared on the screen. Real fame brought him a role in the TV series "National Security Agent." This series caused a real sensation on Russian television. He was watched by men and women, admiring the main character. Mikhail Porechenkov himself knew very well about the life of the military. Once he studied at the military-political construction school. But he could not finish it, because he repeatedly violated discipline. However, the knowledge gained was useful.

Since the days of participation in the TV series "Agent Nationalsecurity "the actor's filmography was greatly replenished. As a rule, Mikhail Porechenkov continued to play heroes. Sometimes he saved his dear people with weapons in his hands, and sometimes, as in the TV series Doctor Tyrsa, with the help of knowledge and skills. Because it was so unexpected to see him as a writer.

Having played a large number of roles in cinema and theater,Mikhail Porechenkov decided to try himself as a director. He made the film "D-Day", in which he played with his daughter Barbara. Mikhail played the former major of the Airborne Forces, who left the service for a quiet life in the wilderness and raising his daughter. But the way of life is disturbed when Zhenya is kidnapped. The father has nothing left but to save the only close person.

In addition to film and theater, Mikhail spent some time watching television, dubbing foreign films, participated in filming documentary films, and even voiced the hero of a computer game.


The girls got into the Pit in different ways.Including against their will. One of the most tragic stories is the fate of the Jewish beauty Lyuba, who was sold by her own husband to a brothel. Lyuba married a man who regularly found new women workers for Anna Markovna's institution. Most of them he found on the streets and in institutions simpler, but there were innocent beauties, for which they paid the most. Lyuba did not even know where she was being taken. But, having got into a brothel, I realized that she could not get out to freedom anymore. However, a student comes to help the girl, confident that you need to do good deeds. Wanting to save at least one soul, he first chooses Zhenya, but she does not want to leave. Then his choice falls on the emaciated and unhappy Luba.

Anatoly Bely

Brutally deceived by a loved one girlplayed Katerina Shpitsa. The actress was educated and began playing on the stage in her native Perm. But in 2005 she decided to try her hand at Moscow. She played many roles in films, among which there were already film versions.

Katerina Shpitsa not only actively acts and acts, but also tries her hand at various television projects. For example, performed in the show "Ice Age".

Husband of faith

In the series “Kuprin.Yama ”entwined several stories at once, among which was the“ Garnet Bracelet ”. For the adaptation of this story the actor Anatoly Bely was involved. He played the husband of Vera Sheinoy, with whom he was unrequitedly in love with Yolks.

Maxim Averin
Anatoly Bely was born and raised in the territoryUkraine, but then went to Kuibyshev (then renamed Samara) to enter the Aviation Institute. However, much more lectures on the exact sciences attracted him to perform with the youth theater and play the guitar. Anatoly Bely decided to leave the institute and enter the theater. He moved to Moscow.

Anatoly actively acts in theater and acts in film. In addition, he often deals with dubbing of foreign films.


Another tragic story in the television seriestelegrapher Zheltkova, who fell in love with a young lady from a rich and noble family. For years he observed the life of Vera and occasionally wrote letters to her. Vera married and forgot to think about her admirer, when he gave the most precious thing to him for his beautiful woman - a garnet bracelet.

Nelya Popova
Zheltkova in the series played by actor Maxim Averin. He played his first role back when he was a little boy. He appeared in the episode of the film "The Adventures of Count Nevzorov."

True national glory and love to Maximbrought a role in the series "Capercaillie". Since then, he has played many dissimilar characters by character and occupation. In addition, Maxim Averin actively performs in the theater and tours the country.

Emma Eduardovna

The power in the Pit belonged to Anna Markovna. But the cruel and embittered housekeeper Emma Eduardovna helped her clean up the brothel. She played Popova.

Honored Artist of Russia Nelia Popova for the first timewent on stage in 1998. Since then, she managed to be remembered and loved by fans of the theater and cinema. Recently, she appears more often in serials than in full-length movies.

Vera Sheina

Attracted the attention of viewers and Vera Sheina, the object of painful love Zheltkova. Romantic and educated woman was played by actress Irina Leonova.

In life, the actress is much happier than her heroine, tormented by conscience. Irina Leonova successfully filmed a movie and at the same time loving and caring mother of seven children.


Some of the inhabitants of the Pit did not see for themselvesa life other than working in a brothel, and did not represent. As the actors told “Kuprin. Yama ”, among them is Tamara, played by Polina Agureeva.

Irina Leonova

The actress fell in love with many viewers for their many talents. Polina not only acts in film, but also sings romances, takes a great interest in philosophy, and is also a loving mother.

Many actors were involved in the shooting. "Kuprin. Pit" will be interesting not only to fans of the writer, but also to those who want to enjoy a good dramatic picture.

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