/ / Alexander Kuprin, "Shulamith": a summary of the chapters and description

Alexander Kuprin, "Shulamith": a summary of the chapters and description

Above the story "Shulamith" A. I.Kuprin worked since the autumn of 1907 and published it in 1908 with a dedication to I. A. Bunin. Starting this year, A. I. Kuprin creates three short stories about love, the first of which was “Shulamith”. Exotic, with the aroma of antiquity and spices presents Kuprin "Shulamith", a summary of which you can learn from the article.

Chapter One - Rich and Gorgeous Solomon

Far beyond the borders of Palestine, where it is wise andSolomon peacefully reigned, glory spread about him. In all large and small countries, they spoke of him in surprise, because there were no others like him either in beauty, or in wisdom, or in wealth. And the king built in seven years a great temple of the Lord and in thirteen - a palace in Jerusalem. Countless porters, woodcutters, carpenters, casting and chasing and workers worked on their construction. Maybe only not less people worked for the pharaohs in the construction of the pyramids. The most valuable types of trees, the finest fabrics — linen, silk and wool, all decorated with gold, marble, precious stones, purple and other countless jewels went to the building of the temple and palace of Solomon and the palace for his beloved wife Astiz.

Kuprin Shulamith Summary
And around the palace the king commanded to break the gardens and grovesand plant a vineyard. Trade increased the wealth of Solomon, and his country, and his subjects. His ships sailed around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. From all countries merchants flocked to Jerusalem and carried unheard of and unprecedented treasures. So describes the construction of Kuprin ("Shulamith"). Summary does not give a complete impression of the scope of construction.

Chapter two - life full of contentment

The king did not refuse any fun, and that’s allwhat he wanted was done right away. He had a huge harem, and besides, he also had concubines brought from all the sublunary countries, who knew how to appease the king with music, and dance, and singing, and conversation and other arts. Indescribably handsome was Solomon with his fair skin and black agate eyes and with long thick eyelashes framed by them, and scarlet lips.

summary of sulamifi cuprin
And his hands were beautiful - and white, and strong.But when he imposed them on the head of the sick man, he was healed. The king wore, without removing, an ancient ring with an inscription in Hebrew. They obeyed the king and crawled around him wild beasts. He calmly stroked the lions and tigers, panthers and leopards. Kuprin (“Shulamith”) talks about enjoying every moment of being. Summary of the second chapter - a description of the pleasures.

Chapter Three - Great Wisdom

God rewarded Solomon with great wisdom, but heIt became her. The king studied the knowledge of magicians and soothsayers and realized that this is not divine knowledge. He also learned pagan rituals, but in addition to wild drinking and rampant he did not find anything in them. But Solomon did not forbid anyone's faith in himself - let everyone, as he can, praise their gods. And the king realized that wisdom and knowledge do not give a person peace and happiness. And he became bothersome. And all will die the same, that man, that dumb animal. Kuprin (“Shulamith”) narrates about the frailty of everything that Solomon has known. The summary of his quest confirms this.

Chapter Four - Meeting in the Garden

After a long feast with cunning ambassadors SolomonI could not fall asleep and arrived in a wonderful garden full of aromas of needles and resedy. He sat in a simple raincoat, deep in thought about how to preserve peace between the powers. And the king hears a pure and gentle female singing, which pours from the mouth of a red-haired girl in a simple blue dress. And the king asks her to show him the face and continue her song. She turns around, the wind blows her, and sees her king, in the bloom of her youth, with scarlet flowers in heavy hair. And all of it shines in the dawn rays of the sun. “Yes, you are the most beautiful of those I knew,” says her king, whom she looks at with admiration. He learns that her name is Shulamith, and she guilty in front of the brothers. The king, attracting the girl to himself, asks about her family and asks to tell where she lives. He promises her that he will visit her at night, and says that his name is Solomon. This is the beginning of mutual feeling - this is how the summary shows it. Sulamifi Kuprina will have to wait for his king with joy and impatience.

Chapter Five - Righteous Judgment

On this day, Solomon worked the court.He was surrounded by courtiers in rich robes, and guarded by warriors in gold armor. Wisely, he figured out a lawsuit about the stolen gem and punished the guilty. He understood how to properly divide the inheritance that his father had left to the three brothers, and let them go in peace. And the king decided the second case about the inheritance fairly. Solomon resolved the theft of money from three merchants. He identified the thief, and the crook after and he himself confessed to the theft. He dealt with things and wanted to see everyone happy that day. And only one person, he refused - the priest-visionary.

Kuprin Shulamith Chapters
What it will turn out, everyone will know when he read the summary of “Sulamifi” Kuprin.

Chapter Six - Waiting and First Meeting

Shulamith was preparing for a meeting with Solomon,whom she took not for a man, but for a pagan god — he was so beautiful. The girl sold her earrings and bought perfumed oils and anointed her body. But when Solomon came to her window, she did not have the strength and courage to use it. Shulamith heard the beloved go and rushed to look for him. She searched for him almost until dawn and found her in a fragrant vineyard. There was no end to their mutual happiness from the meeting. The walls for them were cedars and cypresses, the bed - the grass, the tent and the banner - love. This is how the sudden feeling of Kuprin (“Shulamith”) glorifies. Summary of the chapters do not transmit the beauty of his description.

Chapter Seven - in the palace of Solomon

Solomon did not hide from Sulamith that he is a king, andbrought her to his palace. There, in her luxurious marble basin, slaves were washed in fragrant waters. Then she was dressed in such outfits in which her beauty shone even brighter. The king wanted to make her a queen, but Shulamith wanted to be his slave.

a summary of the story Kuprina Shalamif
And the king decorated her with precious earrings and led her to a friend's feast.

Chapter Eight - Short Happiness

The beloveds enjoyed the whole week.The king gave Shulamith jewels, told her about the properties of stones, which she had never seen before. But none of the necklaces made Shulamith more beautiful than she was. Not a single stone could compare with Solomon, nor with Sulamith, illuminated by his love. Their love was so great that it could not be forgotten in the depths of time. There were great wars and commanders who conquered the kingdoms and lands, but they can be forgotten, but the simple girl from the vineyard and the wise king will be remembered forever. This is the brief meaning and summary of the story Kuprin "Shulamith."

Chapter Nine - Happiness Continues

All week long they were not tired of being amazedhow instantly conquered their love. And why this happened - there is no explanation. This is a miracle that happens rarely. And every day they got better and better. And more and more learned the life of King Sulamith. He did not hide anything from her. Solomon also spoke about Queen Balkis, who loved to ask riddles and test Solomon's wisdom.

summary of the story
But she hid her legs from everyone.And the king decided to play a joke with her - with all the royal court he found a way for her to raise her dresses, and everyone saw that her legs were hairy and crooked. And the king told much more, for he knew a lot and was wise, and Sulamith took it all with him when she died.

Chapter Ten - a Cunning Plan

In the ancient temple of Isis was a service dedicatedthe great goddess, who killed and cut her husband into pieces and whose remains she collected. Passed the first part of the service, and the second left only the initiated. The temple was magnificent, since Solomon did not forbid the worship of foreign gods. His formerly beloved wife, Astiz, was in one of the secret rooms of the temple. From there she could observe everything that was happening. Since Solomon had neglected her, she wanted revenge on him. To do this, Astiz decided to seduce one of the chiefs of the royal guard, Eliava. So dramatically develops a summary of the story "Shulamith."

Chapter Eleven - a terrible contract

And in the temple itself they were preparing for the sacrifice.A fragrant incense was smoked, and the smoke was forgotten, and chants began, mourning the wretched Isis. Astiz called Eliava intoxicated and began to question him about Solomon and about the girl. She promised the fooled young man that she would always belong to him if Eliav killed Solomon and Shulamith. He dutifully agreed.

Chapter Twelve - The Inevitable End

On the last, the seventh night, Solomon and Shulamith talked about the great mystery of death. And Shulamith heard a rustle outside the doors. She rushed to the opened door and fell, slain by Eliab.

Kuprin Shulamith very brief chapter contents
He was woozy and obediently replied to Solomon thatAstiz ordered him to do this. Shulamith was still alive and thanked Solomon for recognizing him. In the morning she died. It was Saturday - the holy day, when you can not bury. The corpse can eat dogs. The high priest asked the king what to do with the body. The king was silent. He retired to the judgment seat, sat down on the throne and spoke a few words to the scribes. Then he sent everyone and left alone.

Such a beautiful and sad tale wrote Kuprin - “Shulamith”. A very brief content of the chapters does not reveal the full charm of this touching poetic work.

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