/ / Coelho's best books: list

Coelho's best books: list

Paulo Coelho is a prose from Brazil who foundworld fame in the 90s of the twentieth century. His life path was not simple. In order to do what he loved, he had to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital and go to prison. But, despite all the obstacles, Paulo Coelho, whose books adore all over the world, did not give up his dream.

books coelho

His works are the most readable onPortuguese language. They are translated into sixty-seven languages ​​of the world. It says a lot. Books Coelho found his grateful reader. However, not everything is so cloudless. A lot of criticism is addressed to the author, including for the excessive seriousness of his thoughts and literary language, even some dryness and the lack of new ideas. Pro author compose ironic opuses and literary cartoons. For example, Dmitry Bykov, known for his wit, writes: "Words are empty, bird's mind, ideas are primitively simple ..."

Regardless, Coelho’s books, listed in this article, are the best-selling and most readable books in the world. Some are even listed in the Guinness Book of Records ("The Alchemist").

The life of a writer is a series of incredible events andsearching for yourself. As we can see, all our plans came true. And Coelho’s books are the reflection and description of his search for inner harmony and belonging to the world. The writer went along this difficult path with his wife Christina, who was his muse and a support in many matters. Thanks to her many of his works were written.

In this article, we present you the best books Coelho.

paulo coelho books


Although the novel did not become the first in the bibliographywriter, but without a doubt, occupies a leading position among all the works of Paulo Coelho. Books, a list of books more precisely, includes twenty-one position. The Alchemist was the second book written by a prose writer. It was published in 1988. And made a real sensation in the world.

The plot of the book was not original.The plot was taken from European folklore. The main character was the Spanish shepherd Santiago, who lived in Andalusia. One night he had a dream in which he found treasure mountains near the pyramids in Egypt. A gypsy in exchange for a share of future treasures interprets his dream. Then he meets Melchizedek, an old man who helps his parables to hesitant people. He gives the shepherd two extraordinary stones, with the help of which one can comprehend the will of the Lord. In exchange, it takes the share of the shepherd's flock.

Having decided, Santiago sells his sheep andgoes to Egypt. There he loses money and, in order to somehow live, he gets a job as a seller of crystal. From one Englishman he learns about a certain Alchemist, whom he soon finds.

The alchemist confers upon him the knowledge of the "soul of the world", directs His Destiny along the way. After that, the shepherd meets the beautiful Fatima, and finds the treasure not in Egypt, but in his homeland.

Books Coelho, according to the author himself,permeated with special symbolism. When the novel "The Alchemist" was written, the author tried to understand the meaning of existence, to comprehend the unknown. The main idea of ​​the work is that you need to follow your Destiny and never give up.

coelho books

"The Valkyries"

Paulo Coelho, whose books are largelybiographical, wrote the novel "The Valkyries", focusing also on the events of his life. He tells about the time when the writer was in the "Alternative Society". It was a haven for anarchists who denied order and laws, capitalism. In addition, they practiced black magic and were mystical.

The authorities considered their activities subversive, the society was dispersed, and its main ideologists were imprisoned. The author then avoided serious consequences, because he was declared insane.

A novel describes a person's search for him.guardian angel. The hero's long journey through the American Mojave Desert should lead him to a clue. It is there that he meets the mysterious women warriors, whose leader is the Valkyrie. The hero and his wife go along with them to find peace.

In fact, the main Valkyrie is a real character. However, Coelho does not name her, she appears as Jay. It was this woman who helped the writer come to Catholicism.

"I sat down on the bank of the Rio Piedra and wept"

This novel was written in 1994. Paolo Coelho, whose books are imbued with light and faith, conceived of him as the first book in the “Seventh Day” series of three novels.

paulo coelho books

This is a work of love, but not only.The main character of the novel is named Pilar. In just a week, her life is changing dramatically. She meets her love, experiences a fear of loss, and also makes a vital choice.

The novel has the idea that love is the main thing inhuman life, it leads us on the right path. Through this feeling it is easy to come to God and it can be done against all odds. You do not need to be a miracle-working monk to gain his mercy.

Every person, sooner or later in his life's journey, is faced with the problem of choice. And it is inevitable. The books of Coelho teach their readers that fear will be overcome, and choice is inevitable.

"Veronica decides to die"

Written in 1998. In Russia, is the second most popular book by Coelho. She also enters the trilogy "And on the seventh day."

This is a fictional story about a girl Veronica fromLjubljana She is only twenty-four years old. But boring life and constant despondency makes her think about death. She drinks a large number of pills and writes a letter to the journal in anticipation of their actions.

Suicide failed, the doctors were able to save the girl. But now she is in a psychiatric hospital, where she finds out that she did not have long to live. Her heart is very weakened after an unsuccessful suicide.

From this point on Veronica is filled with a thirst for life.She finds new friends in the hospital and finds love in the face of the schizophrenic Edward. to live the last days to the fullest, lovers escape from the hospital.

Paulo Coelho, whose books had not been screened before, was pleasantly surprised that in 2005 the Japanese made a film based on this novel. And in 2009, Hollywood did the same.

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"The Devil and Senorita Prim"

Роман 2000 года является последним в серии "И в Seventh Day by Paulo Coelho. The books are united by the fact that the whole plot unfolds in one time frame. During the week, the heroes radically change their lives.

The plot of the work is very entertaining. In a quiet town there lives a decrepit old woman Berta, who every day grieves for the death of her husband and awaits the devil, who will take her.

A Stranger appears in the city whoburies gold bars in the woods. He meets a young girl, Chantal Prim, who works at a local bar and is waiting for an opportunity to leave. From time to time she gets into romance with visitors, but they don’t end with anything.

A stranger tells the girl about the treasure and promisesgive it to the inhabitants of the town. But for this they need to kill someone. He offers Prim an ingot of gold for telling this proposal to the townspeople. And in order not to be unfounded he tells her where the ingot is buried. In the soul of the girl begins a real struggle ...

The book raises the eternal questions of good and evil, and also represents the topic of fear. Fear of choice, fear of loneliness, poverty and most importantly, fear of death.

The author does not give an exact answer to the question of whether there are good and evil people, but it suggests that every minute there is a struggle between Evil and Good, and that the balance leans here and there.

"Eleven Minutes"

Coelho's book "11 Minutes" was published in 2003.This novel belongs to the category of works in which the “feminine” theme dominates. Here we are talking about the prostitute Maria, who, in her life example, talks about the world around us, about problems in sex that she considers paramount in her life.

Maria works in this area completely consciously.and even gets pleasure. She believes that the only way to know yourself and your nature. She goes through suffering, pain, pleasure and claims that it is normal. However, her opinion changes dramatically when, in the final part of the novel, she understands the meaning of true love.

best books coelho

"The Witch of Portobello"

The novel of 2007.A book about the mysterious girl Athena. She was born in Romania, raised in Beirut, lived in London. Who was she? The daughter of a gypsy and an Englishman, had an aristocratic education. She lived on Portobello Street until she was killed.

The book is a collection of stories and memories ofher. Friends, neighbors, detractors, beloved - she left a mark on everyone's soul. But even those who were close to Athena during her life did not really know her.

This book is for women who are trying to find themselves in this world, to know their inner world and their "I". But the fascinating story and eternal riddles will attract the attention of any reader.

"The winner is left alone"

Coelho, whose books are recognizable worldwide, in2008 decided to move away from the usual novel genre. His new work is a detective thriller. And all the action takes place in the glamorous world of show business, or rather, at the Cannes Film Festival.

book coelho 11 minutes

In the center of the plot - businessman Igor, who literally lost his mind from the love of his ex-wife. To get her back, he begins to brutally kill everyone in his path. This has terrifying consequences.


The novel of 2011 is a new chapter in the life of Paulo Coelho. Books (the list of books includes five novels) with autobiographical data are frequent in the works of the prose writer.

"Aleph" tells that the hero is increative crisis. To go the right way in the future, he decides to make a real journey in the present. His path lies through Africa and Europe. In Moscow, he met a talented violinist and went with her to the East along the Trans-Siberian Railway.

"Like a river"

Coelho, whose books invariably attractreader, in each work raises profound philosophical questions. The 2006 book is a collection of parables. In it, the writer gives the opportunity to look at everyday life from the other side, to realize that even small things are important. The most important thing in life is to listen to your heart.

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