/ / "Helikon-Opera" (theater): history, troupe, repertoire

"Helikon-Opera" (theater): history, troupe, repertoire

The musical theater "Helikon-Opera" is quite young. His repertoire includes operas and operettas. The founder of the theater is Dmitry Bertman.


В 90-е годы 20 века появление нового творческого the young collective was celebrated by Moscow. The "Helikon-Opera" theater was conceived by its creator as a musical one, which it was all the years of its existence. The troupe was assembled from young talented artists. What does the name "Helicon" mean? There are several versions. Some believe that it came from a mountain in ancient Greece, where musicians and singers sacrificed themselves. Others - that the theater is named after a musical wind instrument.

helikon opera theater

The building along Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, wherethere is a theater - this is the mansion in which Princess Nastasya Dashkova lived. Then his master was Senator Fedor Ivanovich Glebov. In this estate there were always musical evenings, performances were shown. In the late 19th century, the room was transferred to the theater, where French and Italian troupes performed. In the early 20 century. here a chamber scene opened. The building, which was given to Dmitry Bertman's troupe, is historical. Opening of the theater "Helikon-Opera" was held on April 10, 1990. In 2007, the building was closed for large-scale reconstruction. The actors temporarily worked on another site. The performances on Bolshaya Nikitskaya recently resumed. The renovated building meets all modern requirements.

"Helikon-Opera" - theater, whose troupe of 7 artists has grown into a collective of more than five hundred people.


the historical opening of the Helikon Opera Theater

The theater of the opera "Helikon" offers its spectators the following performances:

  • "A guest at an opera tale."
  • "Cartoon-opera".
  • "Love for the Three Oranges".
  • "The means of Makropulos."
  • "Ball-masquerade."
  • "Piram and Fisba."
  • "Doctor Haas."
  • "Peasant cantata."
  • "Tales of Hoffmann."
  • "Bat".
  • «Imaginary gardener».
  • Falstaff.
  • Back in the USSR.
  • "Gershwin-gala."
  • Lulu.
  • Nabucco.
  • "Fallen from the sky."
  • "Coffee cantata".
  • "Beautiful Elena."
  • "Nightingale".
  • www.libeling.ru.
  • "The Mercy of Titus."
  • "Queen".
  • "Dialogues of the Carmelites."
  • The Moor.
  • "The maidservant lady."
  • Apollo and Hyacinth.
  • "Love forever".
  • Rasputin.
  • "The ban on love."
  • "Mozart and Salieri. Requiem".
  • "Vampuka, the African bride."
  • "Siberia".
  • "Koschei the Immortal".
  • "Pygmalion".
  • "Rita" and others.


opera theater helikon

The theater of the opera "Helikon" has collected on its stage wonderful singers, choristers, musicians and conductors.


  • M. Karpechenko.
  • S. Svoboditeva.
  • S. Russian.
  • D. Ponomarev.
  • A. Miminoshvili.
  • A. Pegova.
  • M. Maskhulia.
  • I. Morozov.
  • K. Brzhinsky.
  • M. Perebeynos.
  • M. Barkovskaya.
  • I. Zvenyatskaya.
  • L. Svetozarova.
  • V. Efimov.
  • A. Gitsba.
  • I. Reinard.
  • T. Kuindzhi.
  • V. Gopher.
  • M. Maksakova.
  • M. Pasteur.
  • N. Zagorinskaya.
  • D. Yankovsky.
  • K.Vyaznikova.
  • O. Tolkmith.
  • V. Letunov.
  • M. Kalinina.
  • S. Toptygin.
  • E. Ionova.
  • I. Samoylova.
  • K. Lisanskaya.
  • I. Govzic.
  • M. Guzhov.

Dmitry Bertman

musical theater helikon opera

Under the artistic direction of DmitryAlexandrovich Bertman "lives" "Helikon-Opera". The theater, thanks to him, is distinguished by the originality of the productions. Dmitry Alexandrovich is not only an artistic director, but also a stage director. He was born in Moscow. He graduated from GITIS as a "director of musical theater". Dmitry Alexandrovich staged performances in theaters of Russia and Ukraine, while still a student. D. Bertman is not just an artistic director of "Helikon-Opera", he is its creator. He opened his theater in 1990. And in 1993 his offspring received the status of state. Dmitry Alexandrovich is an active teacher. He conducts master classes in different countries of the world, as well as in his own studio in Switzerland. He is a professor and head of the department of the direction of musical theater in GITIS. D. Bertman - a multiple winner of theater awards, including three times was awarded the "Golden Mask." For his contribution to the development of world culture Dmitry Alexandrovich received a large number of awards. He has the title of People's Artist of Russia. Since 2012, D. Bertman is a member of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art.

Dmitry Alexandrovich performs productionsperformances not only in his theater, he is in demand around the world. D. Bertman collaborated with such celebrities as P. Domingo, A. Netrebko, M. Caballe, M. Rostropovich, D. Hvorostovsky, V. Gergiev.


moscow theater helikon opera

This interesting performance for alreadyseveral seasons offers his viewer "Helikon-Opera". The theater of Dmitry Bertman was the first in Moscow to implement this production. Music for the opera "Siberia" was written by the outstanding Italian composer Umberto Giordano. The play is based on the Russian plot. It is a melodrama with a tragic end. The text of the libretto uses the motifs of N. Nekrasov and F. Dostoyevsky. Viewers can easily distinguish in native speech native words - "troika", "vodka", "hut" and others. Director of the opera "Siberia" - Dmitry Bertman. The main characters are performed by Natalia Zagorinskaya, Dmitry Ponomarev and Andrei Vylegzhanin.

The plot is based on the story of the Italiancourtesan Stephanie, who lives in St. Petersburg. She has many rich fans. But she is in love with the young officer Vasily. They secretly meet. But the young man does not know that his lover is a courtesan, she introduced herself to him as an embroideress. Truth is revealed by chance. Between Basil and one of the fans of Stephanie there is a quarrel. A young officer injures an opponent. Vasily is arrested and exiled to Siberia. Stephanie is following him. Lovers try to escape, but they fail. Stephanie is mortally wounded, and she dies in the arms of her lover.

For future fans of opera

The play "Visiting an opera tale" offersto his young spectators "Helikon-Opera". The theater with the help of this production introduces children to operatic art. The main heroes of this tale are Ole Lukoie, a mad professor, a clockwork Gamma doll, a queen of the night, a trumpet sweeper. Boys and girls get into the magic city of Tam-Tam. Here they get acquainted with its inhabitants. A mad professor shows a musical instrument that he himself invented. A clockwork doll sings couplets. The queen of the night sends darkness to the city. All the heroes sing arias from the famous operas of WA Mozart, JF Lamp, J. Rossini and other composers. This acquaintance with the musical theater will be remembered for life.

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