/ / Cubism - what is it? Cubism in art. Representatives of the direction and paintings in the style of cubism

Cubism - what is it? Cubism in art. Representatives of the direction and paintings in the style of cubism

The emergence of Cubism belongs to the years 1906-1907.This direction was developed and originated mainly in France (P. Picasso, H. Griss and J. Braque are prominent representatives), as well as in some other countries.

What is cubism?

We will try to answer this question. Cubism is a special artistic direction, the language of which is based on the deformation of objects, their decomposition into geometric planes, and the shift of form.

what is cubism

The main idea on which it was built wasan attempt to express all the complexity and diversity of the surrounding reality with the help of the simplest spatial models and forms of phenomena and things. The emergence of this trend has changed many of the established principles and aesthetic ideas in European painting. Representatives of Cubism broke with "optical realism", abandoning nature as a subject of fine art, from perspective and light and shade as the only means of artistic expression.

Pablo Picasso

For this painter throughout hiscreative way was characterized by work in several styles at the same time. Picasso alternately resorted to completely opposite ways of expressing his attitude.

cubism is

In his work, you can find cubistpainting, bordering on abstract art, and realism. Sometimes in his quest he was so far away from traditional classical visual art that his return to the path of realistic creativity seemed unthinkable. However, the artist created stunning portraits and still lifes in the style of cubism. These were realistic works, written in an inimitable, individual manner. Traditional art tools used by the author served as a solution to modern problems. One of the first paintings written in the style of cubism is the painting "Avignon girls" by P. Picasso. This work of art is distinguished by an unusual grotesque: here are depicted coarse figures without elements of light and shade and prospects, presented as a combination of unfolded volumes on a plane.


French critic L.Vossel first used the term "cubist" in 1908 as the mocking name of artists depicting reality with the help of regular geometric volumetric figures (cylinder, cone, cube, ball). Such creativity contained a challenge to the traditions of realistic art. Cubist paintings were distinguished by the asceticism of color, tangible, simple forms and elementary motifs (for example, utensils, wood or house). This feature is most clearly manifested in his early work in the "Sezann" period (1907-1909). The artist P. Cezanne emphasizes the stability and objectivity of the world; faceted volumes, which he uses as a tool for transferring the image, form a semblance of relief, and the colors emit certain faces of objects, simultaneously strengthening and crushing the volume. The next stage in the development of cubism is “analytical” (1910-1912). The object is divided into small parts, easily separable from each other, and its shape is as if spread on the canvas. The last, "synthetic" stage (1912-1914) is more decorative, the paintings become colorful planar panels, some textural elements appear - three-dimensional structures, stickers (collages), powders ... At the same time, cubist sculpture is born. Picasso and Braque often included certain letters or words in the canvases. These inscriptions, as a rule, did not correspond to the content, however, they helped exhibition visitors to understand the idea of ​​the artist.

Viewers reaction

The public to the creativity of the Cubists treated withirony, sometimes even giving them unflattering epithets and ridicule. Harsh criticism was printed in the press, by its nature sometimes approaching a public scandal. The spectators at the exhibition of paintings by cubists experienced feelings that can be compared with the feelings of a person who was going on a pleasant journey, but instead received an invitation to take part in laying new paths.

cubism paintings

This reaction confirmed that the transition to thisthe direction occurred swiftly, despite the long preparatory period, during which the metropolitan spectator would have to significantly expand his horizons. Nevertheless, cubism itself, pictures painted in this style, were liked by a certain part of the audience and were supported by patrons of art.

The influence of cubism on art

This direction greatly influenced the developmentcreative thought. Cubism in art reflected the new tendencies of life in all its many-sidedness and contradictions: the desire for democratization - the recognition of primitivism, the rejection of individual, private, chamber; faith in science - the desire to create a "grammar of art", the search for objective methods.

representatives of cubism

Today, every open-minded person admiringworks of the Impressionists, clearly distinguishes the conventionality of our usual colors. And at the time of occurrence, it seemed to everyone that cubism is a real revolution in art. It is this direction that analyzes all existing components of painting. The shape of the image, color and linear perspectives, the volumes become conditional.

Cubism in Russia

In the era preceding the formation of cubism,Our country, as in France, has increased interest in folk, traditional creativity. At this time, young Russian artists were characterized not only by the interest in "primitive" art (including African), but also by longing for strict firmness, architectural composition, as well as belief in a certain pattern and mathematics of rhythmic experiences.

cubism in art

В творчестве многих русских художников Cubism occupies a definite place (it is Chagall, Lentulov, Arkhipenko, Altman and others). However, the central figure, of course, is Kazimir Malevich. His pedagogical activity and creativity, as well as theoretical work had a great influence on the formation of a whole direction.

"Black square"

It may seem that nothing is easier thandraw black square on white background. Such a picture can probably anyone. But here is a riddle: this famous painting by the Russian artist Malevich still attracts the attention of researchers and art lovers, although it was created at the beginning of the last century. As something mysterious, as a myth, as a symbol of the Russian avant-garde ...

cubism paintings

It is said that the artist, writing "Blacksquare, "he did not understand what he did, and for a long time he could neither eat nor sleep. In fact, difficult work was done to bring this picture to light. Because when you look at it, the lower layers - green, pink, apparently, was some kind of color composition, but the author considered it to be failed and wrote a black square on top of it. "is over Noah of his creative activity.

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