/ War in the novel "War and Peace" by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Image of war in the novel "War and Peace"

The war in the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. Image of war in the novel "War and Peace"

All over the world, since the days of Homer, there is still no literary creation that would describe life with such comprehensive simplicity as Leo Tolstoy did in the epic War and Peace.

war in the novel war and peace
The novel is deep as life

In the work there are no main characters in the usualunderstanding of the word. The Russian genius let the stream of life into the pages of the book, which is then rattled with war, then calms down with peace. And in this stream live ordinary people who are its organic particles. They sometimes affect him, but more often they rush along with him, solving their daily problems and conflicts. And even the war in the novel “War and Peace” is depicted truthfully and vitally. There is no glorification in the novel, but there is no exacerbation of passions. Ordinary people live in conditions of war and peace, and express themselves exactly as it is in tune with their internal state.

Without artistic simplification

The theme of the war in the novel “War and Peace” is not artificiallybulged by the author. It takes exactly as much space in the work as it occupied in the real life of the Russian people at the beginning of the XIX century. But Russia has been waging constant wars for 12 years, and thousands of people have been involved in them. Europe is in turmoil, the essence of the European soul is looking for new forms of being. Many go down to "two-legged beasts," of which there are millions, but which are "labeled in Napoleons."

For the first time, Prince Kutuzov appears onpages of the novel before the battle of Austerlitz. His conversation, deep and meaningful, with Andrei Bolkonsky, reveals to us the secret of the role played by Kutuzov in the fate of his people. The image of Kutuzov in War and Peace is strange at first glance. This is a commander, but the writer, as it were, does not notice his commanding talents. Yes, they were in it, when compared with Napoleon and Bagration, not too prominent. So why did he surpass the military genius? And those feelings, the love that escaped from his heart under Austerlitz, when the Russian troops ran: "That's what hurts!"

Лев Толстой беспощадно рисует логику войны.In 1805, the unknown Tushin rescues the Russian army from complete destruction, not the leadership talents of Bagration and Kutuzov. There is no doubt that the queen is a mighty figure, but her strength turns into a horse without a rider when the pawns refuse to die for him: kick, bite, that's all.

the image of Kutuzov in war and peace

Separate topic - battles

Для литераторов до Льва Толстого это была a fertile topic that helped reveal to the readers the best spiritual qualities of the heroes of the works. And the count was not a writer and “spoiled” everything. He caught the sound of human souls. His characters act precisely in accordance with the sound of their souls, be it war or peace in the courtyard. The image of Napoleon in War and Peace is shown from the right side, namely, in human tonality. He is no more significant than Natasha Rostova. They are both equally sized for life. And both go from battle to battle.

Только путь Наполеона пролег через кровь, а Natasha - through love. Napoleon and for a moment no doubt that he directs the fate of nations. It sounds like his soul. But Napoleon was only elected by the incredible coincidence of circumstances, when a terrible idea was instilled in the brain of all the peoples of Europe - to kill each other. And who could more correspond to this idea, if not Napoleon - an underdeveloped dwarf with an overdeveloped mind?

Battles big and small

Descriptions of the battles in the novel "War and Peace"are present in full, large and small, during war and during peace. The retreat of the Russian troops from the border was also a battle. “When will we stop?” Young commanders eagerly ask Kutuzov. “And then, when everyone wants to fight,” the wise old Russian man replied. For them, war is a game and service in which they receive awards and advancements along the career ladder. And for the one-eyed veteran and the people - this is the life that is one and only.

the image of Kutuzov in war and peace
Borodino battle is the climax of the struggle betweentwo great nations, but only an episode in the life of everyone who remained in this world after it. Just a day the battle raged on. And something changed in the world after him. Europe came to itself. Not the path of development she chose. And Napoleon stopped being needed. Then only withering. And neither the commander’s genius nor the political mind could save him from this, because an entire people in the Borodino field said that he longed to remain with himself with all his heart.

Knights of war

Describes the war in the novel "War and Peace" with dotsview of different people. Among them there are those for whom war is the native element. Tikhon Shcherbaty, who owned an ax like a wolf's teeth; Dolohov, Breter and the player; Nikolai Rostov, a balanced and infinitely brave man; Denisov, poet of drinking and war; the great Kutuzov; Andrei Bolkonsky is a philosopher and charismatic personality. What do they have in common with each other? And the fact that, apart from war, there is no other life for them. The image of Kutuzov in "War and Peace" in this respect is simply perfectly drawn. He even, like Ilya of Murom, was pulled off the stove to save the Fatherland.

war image in romance war and peace
Это все рыцари войны, в головах которых не worldview or imagination, and bestial instinct of danger. Kutuzov is not much different from Tikhon Shcherbaty. They both do not think, do not represent, but feel in a bestial manner that there is a danger and from where it threatens. It is not hard to imagine drunk Tikhon, who begged near the church. At the end of the novel, Nikolai Rostov talks about something with Bezukhov, but in all conversations he sees only battle scenes.

In the novel "War and Peace" there is no ordinary lie,nor the one that is said for the sake of a word of wit. Leo Tolstoy is mercilessly fair in the image of his heroes. He never condemns them, but does not praise them either. Even Andrei Bolkonsky, seemingly his favorite hero, he does not make a role model. Living next to him is a torment, because he is also a knight of war, even in peacetime. Natasha's death and deathbed love was his reward because he is essentially Napoleon, who is worse than the real Napoleon. Everyone loved him, and he loved no one. The spiritual strength of this knight of war was felt even when peace appeared to him before his death. Even the kindest man, Pierre Bezukhov, with an endless heart, fell under his influence, and this is such a danger to the world that is worse than the bloodiest war.

Split in heaven

Andrei Bolkonsky was lying on the field near Austerlitz andsaw heaven Infinity has opened above it. And suddenly Napoleon with his retinue arrives. “Here is a beautiful death!” Said the one who understood nothing either in death or, especially, in life. And what can be understood in this question by one who does not feel life in another person? The question is rhetorical. And the scenes of war in the novel “War and Peace” are all rhetorical.

image of napoleon in war and peace
People scamper on the ground, shoot at each other,snatch pieces of bread from other people's mouths, humiliate and deceive their loved ones. Why all this when the heavens are bottomlessly calm? Heaven is split, because in the souls of men too is split. Everyone wants to live next to a good neighbor, but at the same time inflicts mental wounds on a kind person.

Why is war and peace in life close by?

Tolstovskoe image of the war in the novel "War andworld "is inseparable from the image of the world, because in real life they are coessential. A Russian genius draws exactly real life, and not what he would like to see around him. His philosophical reasoning in the work is rather primitive, but there is more truth in them than in the thoughts of highbrow scientists. After all, man is not a formula on paper.

Страсти говорят чаще сильнее разума.Karataev is not wise because he is intelligent, but because life has absorbed every part of his body: from the brain to the tips of the nails. The novel reflects the oneness of the infinite process of life, in which - the immortality of the human race, and hence each person individually.

And the world cracked in half - smoke breaks

Bolkonsky on the operating table, and next to himsawing foot Anatoly Kuragin. And the first thought in Andrei’s head: “Why is he here?” With such thoughts, any scene in human life is ready to turn into a battle scene in a single moment. The war in the novel “War and Peace” is not only depicted there, where guns are fired and people are running into a bayonet attack. When a mother shouts about her younger son being killed, isn't that a battle scene? And what could be more of a battle than when two people talk about the lives and deaths of millions of people whom both of them had never seen before? The light of heaven has been split into war and peace, split.

war theme in the novel war and peace

The beauty of life in the novel "War and Peace"

Leo Tolstoy is ruthless in the imagehuman images, ruthless and in the image of human life itself. But her beauty is seen in every word of the great novel. Bezuhov pulls the child out of the fire, looking for a mother. Someone sleepily answers questions, petrified of troubles. But Bezukhov himself and his thoughtless actions are perceived by readers as the extraordinary beauty of the human soul.

war scenes in the novel war and peace
And Natasha's delights overheard by BolkonskyGrowth in the silence of the night! And even the unhappy Sonya with her childlessly-barren soul also has its dreary, nagging beauty. She fought for her happiness and lost the war to an inexorable fate. The war in the novel "War and Peace" has thousands of shades, like beauty.

Homely Tushin, who throws the nuclei in his handsthe enemy grows into a mythical beautiful giant not only in his imagination. He becomes akin to the oak with which Andrei Bolkonsky spoke. The scene of the meeting of generals after the Borodino battle is filed in the novel through the perception of the child. And how beautiful it is when the child saw and remembered the meeting: “Grandpa woke up, and everyone obeyed him”!

Reach for heaven

After writing the novel "War and Peace", according tomany critics, Leo Tolstoy managed only twice to climb to the top of the super-truthful literary art - in the "Devil" and in the "Confession", but not for long.

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