/ / Russian TV journalist Roman Babayan: biography, family, parents

Russian TV journalist Roman Babayan: biography, family, parents

One of the most popular TV presenters in Russia -Roman Babayan, a biography, a family whose parents have long been interested in all the fans on the other side of the screen. In this article we will consider the most important moments in his life and career, as well as details of personal family life.

Childhood and early years

Популярный российский телеведущий Роман Бабаян, biography, family, whose parents have been hidden from the journalists' eyes for a long period of time, was born in the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku, in the distant 1967. He remembers his hometown as the most beautiful and unique in the whole territory of the former Soviet Union, and very much regrets that he happened to leave it. Most of all in his native Baku he was attracted by the internationality and breadth of views of his residents, the origin of the interlocutor for which was not the determining factor. Loyalty to national minorities, he can only compare this city to Odessa. To this day, he maintains warm and friendly relations with his childhood friends and classmates with whom he studied at the 82nd school.

Military service and moving to Moscow

After receiving secondary education, he entered the first year of the Polytechnic Institute in Baku, where he studied for only two years in radio engineering.

Leave school and the sunny seashore to himI had to enlist in the army: since 1986, Roman was in the ranks of the Southern Soviet troops, which were localized in Hungary. Unfortunately, Roman never managed to return to his native Baku, although he always dreams about it: once he almost succeeded, but the flight had to be canceled because of high risks, because no one guaranteed him security on his native lands because of the Armenian- Azerbaijani conflict and a clear position in the media.

romance babayan biography family parents

After two years in the army, Roman moved to Moscow,where he restored his studies, only this time at the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. Three years later he graduated from the institute, from which he graduated with a graduate with perfect command of English and Turkish.

Parents and relatives of Roman Babayan

Many viewers of the show "Right to vote" were interested,all about such a leader as Roman Babayan: biography, family, parents. Roxana Babayan was his distant relative, which was a real discovery for the admirers of the presenter.

romance babayan biography family parents wife photo

Roman was born into an international family - hismother of a native of Baku with Russian roots, and her ancestors come from Karabakh and Getashen. They moved to the capital of Azerbaijan after the revolution. His name was given to Roman in honor of his maternal grandfather, who was the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Then he was sent with concerts over the former territory of the Soviet Union: he spent a long time on travels until he stopped in Baku, setting up an opera and ballet theater in which he was an advanced soloist, and then began to teach vocal at the local conservatory.

romance babayan biography family parents roksana babayan

About the father's line is much less known: only that almost all the relatives in his lineage come from Kirovobod, where Babayan comes to visit to this day to visit friends and family.

Career on TV

Immediately after graduation, Babayan beganHis career in the specialty: he went to work as an engineer for the radio station Radio Russia. His career on television, he calls an accident: in his time he planned to become a radio technician in his hometown. But once he saw a rally in the streets of Baku with the slogans "Death to the Armenians", he decided to move to Moscow, where daily faced with the activities of correspondents and presenters, in whose work he was attracted by impartiality and the ability to cover various points of view. Once, having mustered courage, he decided to address one of the editorial editors of his native institute with a request to give him work. Due to the fact that it was time for vacations and vacations, there were practically no journalists and editors on the spot, so Roman easily got his first job. Diligence and diligence have borne fruit: six months later the beginning journalist had his own telecast "Neighbors", which was published once a week. Further, his career began to develop rapidly: first he became a correspondent of "Vesti", then began working in the news program "Time", which was published on the ORT channel.

romance babayan biography family parents children

After working on various news andpolitical projects on Russian TV channels, he finally came to his own TV show "The Right to Vote", which glorified him not in the territory of the CIS. The high rating and stable views of this program ensured its uniqueness: when Babayan started his activity, there were no similar projects in this field. Every evening, influential politicians and journalists appeared in the talk show audience boldly expressing their opinion. Over time, Roman's authority began to work for him, and high-ranking officials themselves began to ask for him in the studio.

Personal life

Roman Babayan is married to a Russian, we can say thathe repeated the fate of his parents. If at that time the marriage of the Armenian and the Russian caused resentment and conflict, then the presenter had no problems with this. He married in 1994 on Marina Chernova, with whom they worked on radio stations since 1991. Dense work schedule and permanent relocations did not become on the way to family happiness, and now the pair brings up three children: Georgy's twenty-year-old son, fifteen-year-old Herman and four-year-old Robert.

romance babayan biography family parents children
Старший сын в данный момент учится в Академии national economy and is not going to follow in the footsteps of his father. The presenter honestly admitted that he rarely took part in the education of his sons: the reason for this - frequent departures. Previously, he worked on schedule: a few weeks on a business trip and a week at home. Roman Babayan, biography, family, parents, children for whom are the main value in life, recently devotes more time to sons and wife, to whom he is grateful for the patience, understanding and support in all life difficulties and in moving up the career ladder.


Now it is difficult to find someone who does not know,who is Roman Babayan (biography, family, parents, wife, photo - the subject of our today's discussion). The audience appreciates it for not prejudiced opinion, restraint and intelligence, but colleagues in the shop are respected for professional qualities: knowledge of foreign languages, patience, tolerance and respect for the guests of the program, which viewpoints they have.

As far as can be judged from the biography of thisman, he deserves considerable respect and as a man: for many years he has remained faithful to his beloved wife, with whom he raised three children, despite participation in hostilities and long departures to hot spots.

As repeatedly stated by Roman Babayan: biography, family, parents, wife play a key role in his life and occupy a place of honor in the list of priorities.

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