/ / Litota is an understated trail.

Lithota is an understated trail.

trail lithota

The richest Russian language contains manyspeech turns, expressions that allow you to give any saying the desired emotional color, make it more or less bright. Among such terms, the last place is not the least. This is a deliberate artistic understatement that can be applied to the qualities of a person or object, a particular phenomenon or event. As a rule, such a turn of speech is used in the event that the narrator doubts that the action has been fully executed, or that the person has these or other qualities perfectly.

Features artistic reception

Litota in Russian is completethe opposite of hyperbole, which, in turn, lies in exaggerating the qualities and properties of the object or some kind of human abilities. The paths we are considering are formed by applying a double negation in speech, if it is necessary to point out the negative side of an aspect, for example: not without reasons. If, on the contrary, it is required to emphasize dignity, but not to praise too much, then a path is formed with the help of negatively colored words, for example: not bad, not deprived of heat, and so on.

Where to find the littote

Чаще всего подобные обороты в литературе и в everyday speech is used to turn the denial of something into morality. As an example, the phrase: "I'm not sure that you can cope with the task." Its meaning lies in the fact that the speaker is sure: his interlocutor will not cope with the task. However, with the help of denials, he stated this in exactly the opposite way. In this case, the lithoz is a mitigation, which is used in a speech in order not to openly declare its disagreement, but to do it in a more polite manner.

lithots in Russian

This downplaying and denying trail is veryoften found in fiction and cognitive articles. They make the text more colorful, interesting, often forcing the reader to return to the read lines, in order to better understand their meaning. Littotes are also used during communication at work. Often, in order to politely hint to the boss or superior employee about his possible mistakes, it is precisely intentional understatement in speech that is used. Having heard it, any person involuntarily thinks about the correctness of their actions. If you declare an error to him openly, the dispute will begin

Artistic image of the trail

lit is it
Also a litote is a technique that is very oftenfound in fairy tales and folk art. The understatement here is not achieved as a result of the negation of an object or phenomenon, but by identifying one with something small, tiny. An example would be the name of the saying “a boy with a finger” or a fairy tale “A peasant with a claw”. Examples include the expressions “a few steps away,” “three tips from the pot,” “I'll be back in a second,” and the like.

It is commonly believed that lithots are all comparisons,which are used to emphasize insignificance, small size, refinement of something. For example, it can be applied to a female figure: “waist is thin, like a birch tree”.

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