/ Cold Tones. How to identify dark and light cold tones? How to choose your cool tone?

Cold tones. How to identify dark and light cold tones? How to choose your cool tone?

The concepts of "warm" and "cold tones" widelyare used in a wide variety of life spheres, and especially in art. Virtually all books related to painting, fashion or interior design, color shades are mentioned. But the authors mostly stop at the fact that they state the fact that the work of art is being performed in one or another tone. Since the concepts of warm and cold colors are widespread, they require more detailed and careful consideration.

cold colors

Arnheim's Theory

There is one theory, which was created by R.Arnheim, explaining warm and cold tones as a phenomenon. According to this theory, any shade can be either warm or cold. If any color deviates in the direction of the other, then it can become a different heat load than it was at the beginning. For example, yellow or red with an admixture of blue will look cold, and yellow and blue with a shade of red - warm. Hence we can draw a conclusion: initially a warm color with an admixture of cold shade will also become cold. But this theory is not indisputable. After all, you need to consider the entire system, where a particular color is located. Each color shade can become warm or cold, depending on what impurity to add to it. In painting, a shade is considered more important than the color itself. After all, the original pure color always looks strictly and impartially.

Saturation and severity

The color "temperature" depends also on thesaturation. If the color has the optimum saturation, it will always look colder than the less saturated tone. Beauty, in which everything is observed with rigor, is characterized as cold. The architecture, where geometric proportionality and clarity is pronounced, strict symmetry of form is always called cold. Conversely, if in any work of art there are errors, fuzziness, deviations from strictness, then it is considered warmer, spiritualized, close to everything earthly.

dark cold tones

Purity of color

Considering warm and cold tones, it is necessaryconsider the concept of purity of color. In the color spectrum, there are some tones that are traditionally considered mixed, for example, yellow or orange. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to determine the main pure colors that can form other shades by mixing them. The predominance of red or blue is an indication of the temperature of the mixed shade. If the color is close to red, it is considered warm, and if to the blue - it is cold. With certainty, we can say that in painting the concept of warmth and coldness of color does not bear any significance. It is important to divide the shades into "colder" or "warmer".

Lightness and its influence on the color temperature

First you need to determine what colorsare black and white. It is believed that white means all the colors at the same time, that is, it contains all the existing shades. Balancing and temperature neutrality are the main qualities of white. It is interesting that the green color is closest to the white color. The absence of color means black. It does not have its own color wave, which denotes shades from light to dark.

warm and cold tones

Dark cold

Dark cold tones always remind a person ofwinter cold. These include green, blue, purple, lilac. These colors and some of their hues look cold if they are not too saturated. They also have a slightly ashy shade. The main thing in a cold color is the absence of a red shade, which is traditionally considered to be warm.

Light cold

Light cold tones contain pink,blue, light green color. They are not saturated and not too bright. When you look at such a tone, there is a feeling of cold and breath of winter. If the color is more yellow, it will go into a warm range of shades, and if the blue - in the cold.

light cold colors

How to determine what tone suits a person?

To find out what color and its tone will be to a personto the person, the main thing is to determine the shade of his skin. Someone will go cold and contrasting winter colors, to another - bright colors of spring, the glowing warmth of summer. With a yellowish skin with a golden hue, it is better to choose warm tones. The combination with cold flowers can become unsuccessful, as the skin will acquire a painfully yellow appearance. If the complexion has a light grayish palate and a few blue casts, then the person will always look in favor, choosing cold tones. Against the background of warm shades, the skin will look faded and may even lose its healthy appearance. Defining suitable tones, a person should take into account and contrast. Some people do not get saturated and bright colors, because on their background the person can simply get lost. In this case, it is necessary to dwell on gentle and calm colors. They will help emphasize the type of face and skin, make a person more visible and brighter.

cool color tones

Look dignified and confident - easy

Cool color tones will be an excellent choice forpeople who belong to the winter type. That is, for those who have fair skin, pronounced eyes and not faded hair. For example, people with a dark hue of hair will approach cold shades of blue, red and green. They emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings. A person will look memorable and be able to stand out from the crowd.

Owners of light hair should be accentedon such cold tones as violet, blue, light red. They will become indispensable helpers if the person wants to look confident and beautiful. Such colors set off light blond hair and allow a person to be bright and uncommon. People will pay attention not to the clothes of a person, but to his face, which is very important, for example, when you are employed. Determine your tone, which will help and emphasize dignity, is extremely important. To look wonderful and always be on top is everyone's desire. The main thing is to be able to correctly use colors and their shades.

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