/ / Socio-economic development of Russian regions

Socio-economic development of Russian regions

In the modern economy ofa comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of development of economic entities allows us to formulate a conclusion about a certain stabilization of the social and economic situation in the country. Today, stable and stable growth of the relevant internal state indicators is planned, and the social instability of the society as a whole is overcoming. National priorities in agriculture, education, housing construction and public health are also being implemented. With the help of effective state management, it was possible to halt a significant decline in production.

With all the above positive factorsyou can still note that the socio-economic development of some regions of Russia is still lagging behind when compared with more progressive "brethren." An objective explanation of this state is in the geographic location of the regions, their economic and historical peculiarities. It is precisely the "tightening" of depressed and backward regions to the national average and the state policy of the regions should be directed, which should take into account the territorial peculiarities and individual potential of local economic entities.

Socio-economic development is one of thethe main tasks of the policy of Russian regions, in the process of implementation of which experts can study reliable and complete information both in the context of individual regions and the state as a whole. Due to the effective implementation of these measures, the government will be able to react quickly to the identified inconsistencies.

When analyzing a variety of approaches,which allow you to assess the socio-economic development of the territorial unit, one can understand the lack of a unified methodology today, which can be recognized as universal. This is due, above all, to the presence of a large number of parameters that impede the corresponding analysis. In addition, some studies can not be classified as complex, and therefore they do not reflect the current economic state.

Socio-economic development of territorialunits it is advisable to analyze, starting with the identification of the factors that have the greatest impact on this indicator. Specialists of this branch of knowledge argue that such factors should include financial, production, demographic, innovative and human potentials.

Based on these potentials, it becomes possible to formulate the main indicators of socio-economic development.

Thus, the financial potential is estimated throughcalculation of such indicators as budget deficit or surplus, the amount of budgetary funds for each resident, deposits or deposits of both legal entities and individuals, and per capita investment in fixed assets.

Innovative potential is characterized byinternal costs of research, the number of small businesses per thousand people, the share of farming in grain production, the degree of activity of the innovative orientation of the business sector, etc.

Other potentials also have characteristics that are unique to them.

Socio-economic development has its ownorientation, which is determined by a specific goal. With a positive focus, one can say about progress, otherwise - about degradation or regression.

Socio-economic development may include the following aspects:

- production growth and income growth;

- changes in different layers of society;

- changes in habits, traditions and public consciousness.

Due to the availability of these aspects, the development of the region should be viewed as a set of diverse economic and social goals.

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