Very often during the search for a prestigious jobbefore a personal meeting, employers are asked to send a resume. As a rule, reputable companies with a large staff simply do not have enough time to conduct interviews with each applicant. Therefore, the compilation of a resume should be approached with all seriousness, since it will be the calling card of the applicant for an open vacancy.
Resume - a document in which the applicant mustshow your work experience and professional skills, present your personal testimonial. Its competent preparation is the first step, which can bring you closer to your cherished goal.
When drafting a resume, you must adhere to the following plan:
Если со всеми пунктами резюме все предельно ясно, then there is a problem with additional information. Very often, many ask the question: "What kind of information should it be displayed in?"
Additional information may includeinformation about personal qualities, interests, hobbies, hobbies of the applicant. Proper preparation of this item gives almost 100% guarantee of an invitation to an interview. Hobbies and interests in the resume will allow him to stand out from the rest, characterizing a person not only as a good specialist, but also as a diversified personality.
Leaders of promising companies are alwaysThey are interested in how employees spend their free time. And this is not idle curiosity. For them, the main thing is that the enterprise not only works stably, but also develops rapidly. However, if an employee prefers to spend time with friends drinking alcoholic beverages, then the next morning there is nothing to expect from him fruitful work.
When selecting potential employees for managers, it is very important that interests and hobbies in the resume are correctly presented.
Example for a history teacher post:in the point “additional information” the candidate indicated a fascination with museums and excavations. Such information characterizes him from the good side, showing how strongly and selflessly he loves his subject.
Choosing interests and hobbies for resume,it is necessary to be extremely careful, as some information may cause a negative reaction of the employer. In no case do not need to embellish yourself and invent a nonexistent hobby. Experienced employees will be able to see through the fraud in an instant, and the applicant will be in a rather awkward position.
При заполнении данного пункта многие делают одну the same mistake while listing the standard hobbies. However, they do not even think about how they correspond to the desired position. Sometimes even contradict vacancies described interests and hobbies in a resume. Example: a candidate for the position of sales manager in the resume indicated that he is an active football fan. Will the future employer be interested in such information and will the prospect be pleased to see its employee in an unpresentable form with bruises and abrasions?
It is especially necessary to be careful in case of hobbies for extreme sports. Such information needs to be specified only if it is directly necessary for work.
As a rule, the head is interestedfuture employee’s hobbies only to know how this may affect his work. Therefore, it is better to voice options that complement and reveal professionalism, which is directly related to a particular position.
Interests and hobbies in the resume - an example of standard options:
Узнав, чем человек любит заниматься в свободное time, you can almost accurately guess his character and ability. Experienced psychologists, looking through the resume, pay special attention to the candidate’s hobbies, since this item can tell more about a person than all previous ones, and even predict his career.
How exactly the described interests reveal the essenceand hobbies in the resume? An example is the selection of candidates for the position of advertising manager. If the applicant is fond of cycling, then his character is based on overcoming difficulties, striving forward, endurance and teamwork. These character traits will best impact on the duties performed, and the career growth of such an employee is ensured.
Using psychological associations, it is possible to accurately determine the personal qualities of a person applying for a certain position:
If a hobby has nothing to do with work, thenworth despair, it is still necessary to specify in the summary. Such information will testify to the diversified development and will be very useful. Office employees will enjoy sports, thanks to him, life balance will be restored, which will help relieve fatigue and mental stress.
So, filling out a resume, you should not ignorea clause about interests and hobbies, since it is he who is able to give the documents of the applicant originality, arousing interest in his person and singling out from the general list of candidates.