/ / Personnel Training - How to Quickly Get Specialists With the Necessary Professional Skills

Personnel Training - How to Quickly Get Specialists With the Necessary Professional Skills

In the conditions of developing business continuouslygrowing and competition. And today, before any company, there are two most important strategic tasks: the first is to survive, and the second is to maintain a high level of competitiveness for as long as possible. It is the preservation of competitive advantages that allows the modern commercial structure to develop and make a profit, which is the main meaning of any business. The successful operation of the enterprise is directly dependent not only on the product or service being sold, but, and to a much greater extent, on the efficiency of the performance of its own employees. Therefore, timely training is almost an integral part of the successful operation of the company.

At the present stage training implies the achievement of both short-term andlong-term, relevant to the development strategy of the company as a whole, goals. Properly organized training of personnel is not limited to simple methods of transferring any information needed to improve the level of qualification. In the conditions of severe competition, the employer is interested in ensuring that as soon as possible the employee receives as much knowledge about the current state of affairs in the company, clearly imagined what is required from him and how to achieve it. In addition to all this, training is designed to increase the motivational level of employees and the degree of their commitment to the corporation.

In connection with the growing demands on the level of training of workers and their diversity, the traditional methods of staff training in the form of lectures, seminars, demonstrations of films, no longer meet the goals set in full. In modern conditions training is based on highly effective methodsactive participation, when each individual employee participating in the training process is periodically put in certain stressful circumstances in order to develop a clear and competent mechanism of action in such situations. This requires modern market relations. Such active methods of staff training pass usually in the form of corporate trainings, group discussions using business and role games. Thanks to such methods, training and development of personnel is not only a purely theoretical process of obtaining new knowledge, but also a method of rapid development of necessary skills and abilities. An important advantage of methods involving active training, is that in the training process, alwaysthere is a clear feedback. Usually, after a theoretical block of information, a role-playing game is played, watching from the side, the leading process, the specialist (or their group) immediately see the result of the practical application of the knowledge gained and, if necessary, make adjustments. Recently, the so-called business training, especially topical for managers of the primary link in the sphere of trade, is gaining popularity. This method involves training and development of staff directly at the workplace when working with real clients, when the instructor is present as an observer and makes corrections if necessary. And in the role of instructor can act not only a specially trained employee of the training agency from the outside, but also simply a more experienced employee of the same company. Practice shows that it is active methods of personnel training that allow companies to maintain the necessary level of knowledge and skills of their employees, which, undoubtedly, is the key to their financial prosperity.

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