What can be professional interests?Their study is an interesting activity: it allows you to look inside the mind of a person and understand what motivates him when choosing a profession, to understand his motives, to determine what he wants to achieve in life and what he is ready to sacrifice in order to achieve the chosen goal.
Any employee, no matter whatorganization he works and in what position, always pursues certain goals, but often they are difficult to understand at first sight. The colleague working next to you, with all the mercantile spirit, is quite possibly chasing not only big fees, but wants to develop precisely in this activity, choosing a profession, as they say, "at the call of the soul."
What is included in the concept of "professional interests of the kindergarten teacher"?
Conditionally, all professional interests can be divided into 10 points:
Any teacher, no matter what activity, hehas, has the basic professional interests of the educator. An employee in a camp for children or a tutor of difficult adolescents in special institutions, a teacher of any school or a teacher of any university - all of them are united by such professional interests as:
- the desire for moral education;
- the desire to implement intellectual activities related to communication;
- the desire to implement creative work.
After learning about what interests are, you canto allocate a separate group that is associated with such important activities as an employee of a pre-school educational institution, highlight the professional interests of the kindergarten teacher.
Not every teacher is a psychologist and vice versa.Sometimes, if a person chooses to work as a teacher, even if familiar with the basic pedagogical rules, but completely devoid of the foundations of psychological education, the result is deplorable. The professional interests of the kindergarten teacher do not develop at all. Understanding that every your action and any of your words can become the basic for the development of the individual personality, which will determine the child's life in the future, is the most important, since it is a huge responsibility.
From this point of view, every kindergarten teacher should have the following professional interests of a kindergarten teacher:
Thus, the professional interests of the educator lie in the field of self-development. It is very important that there is a desire to apply the acquired skills in life when raising children.
Noting what are the professional interests,it is worthwhile to dwell on the first of them. The learning process in the life of any person is permanent. Throughout life, we learn new information, learn how to apply it, both in the everyday sense, which relates to personal life, and in the workplace. The professional interests of the kindergarten teacher can not exist without the desire to develop and disassemble the subtleties of the chosen specialization.
The study of new information is conducted throughself-development, when the educator reads publications, books or watches special films in order to improve their professional skills. Also, he can attend special refresher courses, where information will be learned in the process of communicating with the trainers.
Why get knowledge without the possibility of theirapplication? This occupation can be considered a waste of time. It's like buying books in a library that no one will ever read - like there is literature, and there's no point in it being on the shelf. She will not tell you anything new, if you do not take it in hand and do not read it.
So in the work of the teacher.Professional interests of the educator will be empty and aimless, if he does not apply the received knowledge in practice. He should desire this, want to deal with children, transfer their knowledge to them. Without a sincere desire to teach someone something really difficult.
What are the interests? Professional examples are familiar to every person, are in the life experience of any teacher of the DOW.
A graduate of a university who received a degree of specialist andwho went to work in a pre-school educational institution, has already decided on his choice. At the university, passing training courses, he learned a lot of information about pedagogical science, about the difficulties in it, and the benefits that such work brings. He has already made his choice, set a goal.
A young specialist begins his work withbuilding trust relationships with the children of their group, learns a lot of information about them, about their families, learns to understand and respect small personalities. And in the process, he carries out educational activities, showing and telling a lot of useful information to the child in an accessible to him game and semi-game form. This is precisely the desire to apply their own pedagogical experience in the education of children. In the work with toddlers and older children, the teacher can apply various techniques. Only an experienced way you can find an approach to each individual child.
But the teacher who will loseinterest in developing their own skills. On the basis of any pre-school educational institution, work is being carried out to raise the level of knowledge of educators. Their additional self-education in the chosen sphere helps in the future to move away from the original methods in teaching children, having built their work on new ways of communicating and transmitting information.
Any beginning teacher can receivedeserved vocation and raise your level to a senior educator. His role is difficult to describe in a couple of words: he is not only engaged in the upbringing of children, but also controls his colleagues, sets an example and has a great responsibility in relation to his work and responsibilities.
The professional interests of the senior educator of the DOW include one more: the desire to take care of their own prestige. Why is it so important for this position?
The title of a senior educator indicates thatthe teacher received recognition, his work is evaluated on merit. He has increased the range of responsibilities, which now includes the ability to carry out supervisory activities over kindergarten employees. He not only continues to educate children, but also is an example for his colleagues, whose work is controlled. It also helps employees find their professional path, develops their skills and abilities.
Like professional interests, the preferences of the preceptor of the DOW are built on the same principle: they correspond to the personal abilities of the individual, based on the goals of his work and personal qualities.
These may include characteristics such aslove for children, for their profession as a teacher, for working with people, for participating in the socialization of the child, for teaching children, and so on. Without these important aspects, it is very difficult to find a key to children, to earn their respect and become their authority.
The main word describing all preferences islove, because each person in the choice of this or that action is based primarily on those activities that are close to him, like and bring pleasure and satisfaction. Without love for certain actions and creativity it is difficult to build a correct understanding of who such a teacher is.
Thus, professional interestseducator of the DOU help him in carrying out work on the chosen profession. They contribute to the fact that he does not lose interest in the work, gives an opportunity to develop in the chosen area and gives the result in the form of small personalities who leave the kindergarten and are sent to schools prepared for the main aspects.