/ / Characteristics per child in the DOW from the group educator

Characteristics per child in the DOW from the group educator

If the child is a pupil of a kindergarten, frominstitutions can always require the composition of a characteristic. The parents (one of them) or other legal representatives (guardians, the director of the orphanage) have the right to request it. This is a requirement of the federal law "On Personal Data". A request can also be made from the prosecutor's office or the court in the criminal case. Other persons are not given a characterization for the child in the DOW from the caregiver.

characteristics of the child in the DOW from the caregiver

Requirements for registration of the document

To drawing up a character, allspecialists working with the child: teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, nurse. When writing it, all the documents available to the child's institution can be used:

• a medical record, where there is data on the health of the child;

• materials of diagnostic studies, their compliance with objective program indicators of the norm, the dynamics of development;

• family information.

Характеристика на ребёнка в ДОУ от воспитателя signed by the head of the kindergarten and certified by the stamp of the institution. Despite the absence of approved forms of its compilation, it is subject to the basic requirements of record keeping. It should be a printed text with the name of the document, a clear indication of who was drafted and to what organization it is provided. At the bottom of the date. After a while they can ask for a second characteristic, so it is advisable for the educator to keep a diary of monitoring the child to mark the changes that have occurred.

Content requirements

In determining the level of child development forworking out the right approach to his further education, it is necessary to reveal how he masters the preschool institution's program. It may be necessary to provide data to the territorial psychological-pedagogical commission, if there are concerns about the development of the child in the backlog or if he needs to be transferred to a speech therapy group. Also, the paper may be needed for secondary school when it is released from kindergarten and in case of registration of disability.

the characteristic on the child in preschool from the tutor example

Then the characteristic is written on the child in the preschool from the tutor, an example of which is given below. It should reflect the following facts:

  • Baby during class:having an interest, what difficulties he faces and how he is able to overcome them independently, how he perceives the help of adults, whether it is difficult for him to switch to different types of activities, how he himself evaluates the results of activities.
  • Child in the game:the use of objects, speech, the ability to independently organize play activities, interaction with other participants in the game, understanding of their role, behavior in conflict situations.

description of the child in preschool from the teacher sample

  • Compliance with the child of high-profile moments: the development of self-service skills, compliance with hygiene standards, especially eating, sleeping, activity when walking.

Characteristics of the child in preschool from the teacher with a description of the intra-family situation

To decide on a possible living arrangementchild from kindergarten requires a detailed document describing the intra-family situation. It may be necessary to characterize a child in preschool from a caregiver in a court or commission on juvenile affairs, if there are violations in the performance of parental duties in relation to a pupil of a preschool institution.

Дело будет рассматриваться в судебной инстанции in case of disagreement of spouses regarding the child’s place of residence or the procedure for communicating with relatives; in the case of a claim for deprivation or restriction of their parental rights; after the institution of a criminal case in which a kindergarten student became a victim of a crime.

Characteristics of the child in the kindergarten from the teacher to the court

In the characteristic are important:

  • The composition and category of the family (having many children, incomplete,foster child with disabilities, replacing), the degree of material security, which of the adult family members are more involved in raising a child: leads to kindergarten, participates in the educational process of a preschool institution, attends parent meetings. How parents interact with the teaching staff, whether they listen to its recommendations.
  • Are the needs fully met?child: whether the clothes fit the season, whether timely treatment is ensured, whether the recommendations of the medical profession are followed. It is important to note the presence of neatness, possible fears in relation to adults, complaints of cruel treatment by parents, signs of beatings or bruises of unknown origin.

The opinion of preschool teachers influences the fate of the child, therefore, the writing of the characteristics should be approached with great responsibility.

Characteristics of the child in the kindergarten from the teacher, sample

Characteristic (name of the minor)

pupil of kindergarten № _ cities _____ gr. (title)

for submission to the district court _____ rayon .______

First Name Last Name; age, address of residence andregistration (in case of discrepancy). Mother: first name, last name, middle name; age, employment (work, study), joint or separate living with a child. Father: first name, surname, patronymic; age, employment (work, study), joint or separate living with a child, the presence of marriage registration with the mother. Other children: names, dates of birth, status (indication of legal parents), place of study or work. Other relatives living together.

From what period the child attends doe.Where he came from, where he was brought up earlier. Regular attendance. Brief description of adaptation. Health status. Household skills. Their age appropriate. Cognitive processes, compliance with the norm. Communication skills, nature of difficulties (if any). Character traits.

Brief description of the family, parenting style.The degree of participation of each parent, other family members. Interaction with the teaching staff, the implementation of recommendations. Examples, arguing the position of DOW on the merits of the claim. The opinion of the child (indicated by the words or by the results of surveys).

Conclusions on the merits of the statement of claim to the court (dispute between parents, inadequate education).

Signature manager DOW.

Date of writing.

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