/ / Compressor for sandblasting. Sandblasting

Compressor for sandblasting. Sandblasting

The operation of pneumatic devices providesinterface with additional hardware. The function of the power activator is performed by the compressor unit, due to which the jet feed occurs. There is a large range of pneumatic equipment, and for each device it is assumed the choice of special equipment. From this point of view, a sandblaster compressor is a standard solution designed for domestic or semi-professional use. Although the apparatus performs very important tasks, to ensure its function, averaged performance indicators of an auxiliary installation, usually of an air type, are required.

Sandblasting technology

The essence of this operation is to spraymixtures containing air and abrasive elements. Practically all air pistols work on the same principle, but they can have different tasks. For example, a fairly widespread group of inflatable tools that allow pumping tires, mattresses, boats, etc. In turn, sandblasting is a subclass of “blowing” operations whose task is to force dirt and other extraneous elements out of the masses air flow. At the same time, sandblasting has a higher abrasive effect, which is caused by the content of fine particles in the air stream.

sandblasting compressor

Use sandblasting in order toensure the grinding effect. This is not just cleaning the surface and removing dirt, but a complete renewal of the external structure of the material, which allows the pneumatic apparatus to be realized. The compressor provides sufficient power to remove traces of rust, paintwork, mold and other unwanted deposits.

Sandblasting and compressor interaction

On how correctly chosen modelcompressor installation to sandblasting tools, depends on the quality of the operation. In addition, it is important to consider the features of the pairing of two working components already in the process of performing the procedure. In particular, the compressor for sandblasting must be removed from the immediate place of work at least 3 meters. If it comes to applying paint and varnish coatings, then this distance can be observed “by eye”, based on the specific working conditions. However, spraying abrasives poses a serious danger to both the operator and other objects that are within the area of ​​functional sandblasting.


You should also take a responsible approach to connecting the two units. To do this, manufacturers complete the equipment with special hoses, fasteners and couplings.

Types of compressor equipment

There are several types of compressors available.each of which can theoretically provide the function of a pneumatic tool. However, not every bundle will guarantee optimal performance and savings in energy consumption. Most often, air models are used to maintain the operation of pneumatic devices. They rationally consume electricity, while giving out the necessary power reserve. Such installations are usually involved in auto repair shops. An air compressor for sandblasting and household needs will find its application, for example, if you need to clean certain parts of the facade or upgrade garden equipment.

apparatus compressor

Complement pneumatic equipment alsoscrew installations for air supply, but these are options for more complex tasks. In general, belt, screw and piston models are focused on operation in industrial conditions and are rarely used in a complete set with compact pneumatics.

Main characteristics of compressors

Компрессор характеризуется такими показателями, as power, performance and volume of the receiver. The first two parameters are interrelated, so they should be considered together. Small installations with a capacity of 1.5 kW capable of providing performance in the range of 50-100 liters per minute. This is the minimum level of power potential, which has a modern compressor for sandblasting. Characteristics of more solid units suggest a volume in the range of 2-5 thousand liters.

which compressor for sandblasting

As for the receiver, it is rareis present in the configuration of air compressors, and in the equipment of screw and piston models can hold about 200-300 liters. The presence of the receiver in the compressor for sandblasting is considered by many to be superfluous, but such equipment is also found. In such cases, the volume of the damper varies from 40 to 100 liters.

Pressure readings

Все-таки одним из важнейших рабочих показателей The compressor is the pressure level. As such, this value does not affect either the performance or the volume of the jet. Pressure acts as a kind of regulator that converts power into the required flow force. It should be borne in mind that the compressor for sandblasting should have a pressure corresponding to the tool being serviced. That is, if the maximum allowed value of a gun is 7 bar, then it is unacceptable to use a 10 bar compressor. Work in this mode can physically break the sandblaster.

sandblasting compressor

The best option is to purchasecompressor with the ability to adjust the operating parameters. This optionally makes the equipment versatile, as it can be used for tools with different performance indicators.

Compressor maintenance

The main task of the user in the processoperation of the compressor - regularly change lubricants and monitor the reliability of the connection parts. Depending on the intensity of use of the unit, the intervals between preventive measures can be weeks and months. By the way, oil change should be made every 300 hours of direct operation. Some models are sensitive to the state of the filter sponges.

air compressor for sandblasting

Also sandblasting can negativelyto influence fastening of covers and receivers, polluting at the same time cavities of the compressor. Therefore, along with the replacement of oil should be regularly cleaned the internal parts of the equipment, eliminating it from the presence of condensate.

Nuances of operation

Preliminary workflow preparationequipment to use. The first step is to install the unit on a stable and level surface. The compressor must stand in such a way that its rear ventilation grille does not have the nearest obstacles at a distance of 0.5 m. Compliance with this condition is required for the reason that the flow restriction leads to engine overvoltage. You should also provide devices that will physically protect the sandblasting compressor installed for a long service life. Some manufacturers initially complete the equipment with metal housings, but such equipment makes the compressors heavier and makes it difficult to access their working elements.

Compressor Manufacturers

Leading position in the compressor segmentoccupy the producers of Abac, Fubag and Polair. The disadvantage of these brands is the focus on the professional needs of customers. Therefore, a targeted installation choice for a pneumatic unit should be made in the segment of companies such as Zubr, Interskol, Resanta, etc.

compressor for sandblasting features

In the families of these manufacturers can be foundcompressor for sandblasting for little money and with optimal performance. Another thing is that in the process of long-term operation it is necessary to prepare for the maintenance of the working life of the elements of technology, otherwise it will not last for long.


Compressor equipment often costs morethan the tool that it serves. When deciding on which compressor for sandblasting to prefer, you should not ignore the possibility of expanding the scope of operation of the unit. The household low-power device will not be able to provide assistance in large-scale construction work, but a semi-professional model, which has an average power, will perform not only the maintenance of a pneumatic gun, but also other, more complex tasks. Sets of universal fittings for connection make it possible to connect compressor equipment to hand tools in the form of the same sandblasting, and to stationary productive equipment.

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