/ / Detailed instructions on how to build a Gantt chart in Excel

Detailed instructions on how to build a Gantt chart in Excel

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Editor isexcellent program, suitable for creating all sorts of diagrams. However, it is worth highlighting one that is perfect for displaying time periods, and it is called the Gantt chart. Its construction is somewhat different from others, so this article will explain in detail how the Gantt chart is built in Excel.

excel gantt chart

Preparatory stage

Initially before building a gantt chart inExcel, you need to prepare the table itself, because it must have a proper appearance, otherwise it will not work. It must be made temporary variables, which is why the article will be built on the example of the schedule of employees on vacation. It is also important that the column with the names of the employees is not entitled, that is, the cap of it was empty. If you made a name there, then delete it.

excel gantt chart

If your table is created by analogy with the above presented, then you will succeed, and we can continue to tell how to build a Gantt chart in Excel.

Stage # 1: stacking a bar chart

However, before you build a Gantt chart in Excel, you need to create another one - a ruled one. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight your spreadsheet. To do this, move the cursor in one corner of it and, holding the left mouse button (LMB), drag it to another corner diagonally.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  3. Click on the "Ruled" button, which is located in the "Diagrams" tool group.
  4. In the drop-down menu, click on any stacked chart. In this case, it is "Bulk line with accumulation."

excel gantt chart example

Once you have done this, the corresponding chart appears on the program sheet. This means that the first stage is completed.

Stage 2: Formatting a Chart

At this stage of building a Gantt chart,Excel needs to make invisible the first row, which in our case is indicated in blue, that is, it is necessary that the chart only has a vacation period highlighted in red. To do this, you need:

  1. Click on any blue area.
  2. Call the context menu by pressing RMB.
  3. In it, select the item "Data Formatting".
  4. Go to the category "Fill".
  5. Select "No Fill".
  6. Click the "Close" button.

plotting a gantt chart in excel

Now, as you can see, the blue bars have disappeared from the diagram, of course, it will be more accurate to say that they have become invisible. At the second stage is completed.

Stage 3: change the format of the axis

The display of the axes at the moment does not match the correct sample, so it needs to be changed. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the employee names to highlight them.
  2. Right click.
  3. In the menu that appears, click on "Format Axis".
  4. A window will appear. In it, you need to go to the category "Axis parameters" (it usually opens by default).
  5. In the category you need to put a tick next to the "Reverse order categories."
  6. Click "Close."

plotting a gantt chart in excel

Now the chart has changed its appearance - the dates are on top, and the names have turned over. So, firstly, it will be easier to perceive information, and secondly, it will be correct, so to speak, as required by GOST.

By the way, at this stage it would be nice to deletethe legend in the diagram, since it is not needed in this case. To do this, you need to initially select it by pressing the LMB and then pressing the DELETE key. Or you can delete it through the context menu, called PCM.

The third step of the instruction on how to build a Gantt chart is complete, but this is far from the end, so go directly to the next step.

Stage # 4: Period Change

If you turn your attention to the time period indiagram, you can see that its values ​​go beyond their boundaries, which, at a minimum, looks ugly. Now we will deal with correcting this nuance.

Для начала вам необходимо выделить сам временной period. Then click the right mouse button on it and select the already familiar "Format Axis" item from the menu. In the window that appears, you need to be in the category "Axis parameters". There are two values ​​"minimum" and "maximum", it is them that you will need to change, but before you start, move the switch to the "Fixed" position. After that enter the length of time that you need. By the way, in this window you can set the price of intermediate divisions if necessary.

plotting a gantt chart in excel

After the completion of all actions, click the "Close" button.

Stage 5: Entering the name

The last, fifth stage remains, which will complete the final formatting of our Gant chart in Excel. In it we will set the name of the chart. Immediately proceed to the process itself:

  1. Go to the "Layout" tab that is located in the "Working with Charts" tab group. Note that this group appears only in cases when the chart is selected.
  2. In the "Layout" tab, you need to click on the "Chart Name" button, and in the drop-down list, select the "Above Chart" item.
  3. In the field that appears in the chart, you need to enter the name itself. It is advisable to choose such that fit the meaning.

plotting a gantt chart in excel

Надеемся, что наш пример диаграммы Ганта в Excel helped you, since creation is complete. Of course, you can continue further formatting, but this will already affect, so to speak, the cosmetic part. By the way, if you do not want to bother and create it yourself, then on the Internet you can find a bunch of Gantt chart templates in Excel.

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