/ / Verbal and non-verbal means of communication as an indicator of the professionalism of the employee.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication as an indicator of the professionalism of the employee.

Currently, communicative competencesspecialists in various fields play a decisive role in determining their professionalism. Ability to communicate effectively with customers, business partners, employees is highly valued by employers.

Communicative as a professional quality includes various parameters of communication, including the ability to use and understand verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication allow to increase the effectiveness of business communication.

Verbal means of communication includehuman speech. Skilful use of linguistic features of a particular language, correct use of words and expressions, language styles express the speaker's education, contribute to the achievement of communication goals, form the social status of the interlocutor.

Non-verbal means of communication include postures, gestures, facial expressions, looks, smells, human position in space, the organization of interpersonal space, etc.

The role of non-verbal means in communication becamestudied in psychology relatively recently, but the popularity of these studies today is high. Many businessmen, politicians, and leading workers have learned from their own experience that they need to use nonverbal communication tools in their business communications. The psychology of man is such that he unconsciously supplements his speech with various gestures and facial expressions, expresses negative or positive moods through views, postures, movements. "Reading" this language is sometimes quite difficult, but necessary.

Specialists studying verbal andnon-verbal means of communication, the crucial role of non-verbal communication in the transmission of information: about 70% of the information perceived by the interlocutor visually (visually); sounds and intonation deliver 38% of the meaning of the transmitted information, and postures and gestures - 55%.

Non-verbal means of communication allow you to see and show the exact meaning of words and expressions, as well as the relationship of the interlocutor to the partner in communication and to the information received (transmitted).

For example, the position and distance between participantscommunication speaks volumes. The face-to-face arrangement of two interlocutors (or the placement of several communication partners in a circle) creates a more trusting atmosphere.

The ability to choose a pose in private conversation, onmeeting, during negotiations is also an important element of communication. Closedness or openness of the person's posture testifies to the attitude towards the interlocutor, the psychological state of the partner, the interest in information. Crossing of hands or feet characterizes closed poses. Smooth change in the position of the body, the ability to emphasize the above with one movement can relieve tension in the process of conversation and achieve the desired.

Huge importance in communication hasuse of facial expressions. First of all, the interlocutors try to understand each other's expressions. The person of the person is the richest source of the information which shows an internal condition, mood, the relation. The same phrase, spoken with different facial expressions, will have in each case a completely different (and even opposite) meaning. A smile, shifted brows, compressed jaws, a slightly open mouth, lowered corners of the lips tell the interlocutor of goodwill or aggressiveness, interest or disregard, acceptance or non-acceptance.

However, human eyes are considered the mostinformative in comparison with other non-verbal means of communication. Even a smile can not hide estrangement, and a handshake does not cover the fear that is manifested in the eyes of the interlocutor. The communicative abilities of a specialist allow one to only put an end to business communication.

Skillfully using verbal and non-verbal means of communication, a professional allows business communication to take place exactly in the channel that is necessary for effective business.

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