/ / Working with Excel tables: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations

Working with Excel tables: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations

Большинство пользователей компьютерных систем на based on Windows with the installed Microsoft Office package certainly faced with the application MS Excel. At beginners, the program causes some difficulties in mastering, nevertheless work in Excel with formulas and tables is not so complicated, as it may seem at first glance, if you know the basic principles contained in the application.

What is Excel?

Essentially, Excel is aa full-fledged mathematical machine for performing a multitude of arithmetic, algebraic, trigonometric and other more complex operations, using several basic data types that are not always relevant to mathematics.

work with Excel spreadsheets

Работа с таблицами «Эксель» подразумевает Use more opportunities with combining and computation, and plain text, and multimedia. But in its original form, the program was created precisely as a powerful mathematical editor. Some, however, initially accept the application for some calculator with advanced features. The deepest delusion!

Work in Excel with tables for beginners: first introduction to the interface

The first thing after the opening of the programThe user sees the main window, which contains the basic controls and tools for work. In later versions, when the application starts, a window appears prompting you to create a new file, called "Book 1" by default, or to select a template for further actions.

Working with Excel spreadsheets for beginners in the first stage of acquaintance with the program should be reduced to the creation of an empty table. For now, consider the main elements.

work in Excel with tables

Основное поле занимает сама таблица, которая broken into cells. Each has a numbering, thanks to two-dimensional coordinates - the line number and the letter designation of the column (for example, take Excel 2016). Such a numbering is needed in order to clearly define the cell with the data in the dependency formula, the operation on which will be performed.

From above, as in other office applications,the main menu bar is located, and just below - the toolbox. Below it there is a special line in which formulas are entered, and a window with the coordinates of the currently active cell (on which the rectangle is located) can be seen slightly to the left. Below is a panel of sheets and a slider of horizontal displacement, and under it there are buttons of switching of a kind and scaling. On the right is a vertical strip to move the sheet up / down.

Basic types of data entry and simple operations

At first it is assumed that the work in Excel with tables starting user will be mastered by familiar operations, for example, in the same text editor Word.

As usual, the table can perform the operations of copying, cutting or pasting data, enter text or numerical data.

work with Excel tables for beginners

But the input is slightly different than the oneproduced in text editors. The fact is that the program is initially configured to automatically recognize what the user is writing in the active cell. For example, if you enter the line 1/2/2016, the data will be recognized as a date, and in the cell instead of the entered numbers the date will appear in a simplified form - 01/02/2016. Changing the display format can be quite simple (let's stop here a bit later).

Work in Excel with tables for beginners

Точно так же дело обстоит с числами.You can enter any numeric data even with an arbitrary number of decimal places, and they will be displayed in the form in which everyone is used to seeing them. But, if an integer is entered, it will be represented without a mantissa (decimal places in the form of zeros). You can change it too.

But at the end of data entry, many beginnersusers are trying to move to the next cell using keyboard arrows (like how you can do it in Word tables). And it does not work. Why? Yes, just because working with Excel tables differs significantly from Word text editor. The transition can be made by pressing the Enter key or setting the active rectangle to another cell using the left mouse click. If after writing something in the active cell, press the Esc key, the input will be canceled.

Sheet Actions

Work with sheets at the beginning of difficultiesshould not cause. On the panel below there is a special button for adding sheets, after clicking on which a new table will appear with automatic transition to it and assigning a name (“Sheet 1”, “Sheet 2”, etc.).

Excel work with formulas and tables

Double click to activate the renaming of any of them. You can also use the right-click menu to call an additional menu, which has several basic commands.

Cell Formats

Now the most important thing is that the cell format is one ofbasic concepts, which defines the type of data that will be used to recognize its contents. You can invoke format editing through the right-click menu, where the corresponding line is selected, or by pressing the F2 key.

Excel work with formulas tables example

In the window on the left are all available formats.and on the right are options for displaying data. If you look at the example with the date shown above, “Date” is selected as the format, and the desired view is set to the right (for example, February 1, 2016).

work with Excel spreadsheets

For performing mathematical operations you canuse multiple formats, but in the simplest case, choose numeric. On the right there are several types of input, a pointer to the number of digits in the mantissa after the comma and the field for setting the separator for the groups of digits. Using other numeric formats (exponential, fractional, monetary, etc.), you can also set the desired parameters.

Default for automatic recognitiondata set to a common format. But when entering text or several letters, the program can convert it spontaneously into something else. Therefore, to enter text for the active cell, you need to set the corresponding parameter.

Work in Excel with formulas (tables): an example

Finally, a few words about the formulas.And first, consider an example of the sum of two numbers in cells A1 and A2. The application has an automatic summing button with some additional functions (calculation of arithmetic average, maximum, minimum, etc.). It is enough to set the active cell in the same column below, and when you select the amount, it will be calculated automatically. The same works for horizontally located values, but the active cell for the sum needs to be set to the right.

work in Excel with tables

But you can enter the formula and manually (working withExcel tables also presuppose such a possibility when automatic action is not provided). For the same amount, you should put an equal sign in the formula bar and prescribe the operation as A1 + A2 or SUM (A1; A2), and if you need to specify a range of cells, use this form after the equal sign: (A1: A20), after which the sum of all numbers in the cells from the first to the twentieth inclusive is calculated.

Construction of graphs and charts

Working with Excel tables is also interesting for thosewhich involves the use of a special automated tool for plotting dependencies and diagrams based on selected ranges.

work with Excel tables for beginners

For this, a special button on the panel is provided, after clicking on which you can select any parameters or the desired view. After that, the diagram or graph will be displayed on the sheet as an image.

Crosslinking, importing and exporting data

В программе также можно устанавливать связи data located on different sheets, use cross-references to files of other formats or objects located on servers on the Internet, and many other add-ons.

Work in Excel with tables for beginners

Кроме того, файлы Excel можно экспортировать в other formats (for example, PDF), copy data from them, etc. But the program itself can open files created in other applications (text formats, databases, web pages, XML documents, etc.).

As you can see, the possibilities of the editor are practicallyunlimited And, of course, to describe them all is simply not enough time. Here are only the basics of the initial, but the interested user will have to read the background information to master the program at the highest level.

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