/ / That the characteristic from the place of work was not harmful

That the characteristic from the place of work was not harmful

Characteristics from the place of work included in the numberofficial documents that are provided at the request of the employee or on external requests. For example, for the judiciary, for the provision of a new place of work, for admission to an educational institution, in the implementation of the call for military service, for a loan, for decision-making by state and municipal authorities and in other cases.

Also, the characteristic can be compiled for use within the organization, with certification, for awarding or advancing an employee through the career ladder.

Если характеристика необходима для предоставления in court, in cases of bringing an employee to criminal or administrative responsibility, its writing should be carried out with special attention. The judiciary may request information describing the suspect to make a decision. The difficulty in this case lies in the fact that in such queries there are no clarifications on what particular data is needed. In order not to harm the employee, the person making the document should consult with the employee or his lawyer.

Usually the characteristic from the place of work is performed.direct supervisor - head of the unit. The main purpose of this document is to assess the business qualities, personality of the employee and his / her professional activities.

There are no clear requirements for writing specifications. However, certain rules that must be followed are still available.

First, the document must be drawn up on a standard sheet of A4 paper. The text is required to present from a third party in the present or past tense. For example, performs or performed duties.

At the beginning, the name of the document is indicated, the word CHARACTERISTIC is printed in capital letters, then the title, last name and first name of the person should be written without abbreviations.

В первом абзаце характеристика с места работы contains the employee's personal data. The following describes the work path. Here, they usually limit themselves to a simple story about a person’s activity directly in an organization, showing his career growth: in which year he began working, during what periods he held this or that position. It also allows the description of the main stages of activity before joining the organization.

Characteristics of the employee with the workplace should contain the most significant, important achievements of the employee. For example, which project he led, in which activity he took part.

Then you need to specify the information when advanced training or obtaining additional education, if any, were made.

The following is an assessment of professional qualities.employee - experience in a particular area, knowledge of legal acts and regulatory documents, ability to conduct analytical work and establish control, perform assigned tasks within a specified period and in full, the ability to take responsibility for themselves, the effectiveness of decisions, behavior in unusual situations . Here you can mention the current business relationships with colleagues and other points.

In the next stage, the characteristic of the place of workshould contain an assessment of the personal qualities of a person, the ability to communicate with others, colleagues, a description of the psychological qualities and level of the general culture and erudition. You should also indicate the presence of incentives or penalties (sometimes on the shortcomings should be silent).

To complete the compilation of characteristics should be an indication of the authority where it should be provided.

The document must be signed by the head.subdivisions to which the person directly submits, and the head of the organization. Signatures indicate the date. The form of the characteristics from the place of work must be certified by a seal.

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