Hematoma under the eye is a phenomenon that hardlycan be called pleasant, not only in the physical, but also in the moral sense. Regardless of what kind of origin it is, a person will try to disguise it and get rid of it as soon as possible. How quickly to reduce a black eye? The answer to this question can be found in the article.
How to cure a black eye?First, you need to understand what the causes of hematoma can be. A bruise is a rupture of the blood capillaries, it occurs due to trauma or for other reasons. Hematoma is manifested not only by reddening and blushing of the skin surface, but also by swelling, excessive soreness. Thin, friable, soft - such is the skin in the lower eyelid, and the blood vessels on this site are distinguished by sensitivity and tenderness. To the formation of a bruise can cause even a slight impact. Where can he come from?
Is it possible to reduce the bruise under the eye for a day?This is quite feasible if the first aid is provided correctly. It is necessary to put the cold object to the place of impact as soon as possible. In the absence of ice at hand, you can use ice cream from the freezer. The product must be wrapped in a towel and a pack so as not to cause harm to the skin. Apply cold object to the hematoma should be no less than 15 minutes.
Meat is also not at hand?How in this case to reduce a bruise under an eye for a day? To the injured eye, you can attach a metal spoon. Also, the use of alternative options is possible, among them a wet handkerchief, a cold bottle.
Why does this help? Blood systems contract under the influence of cold, the outflow of blood to the subcutaneous area is reduced. Strongly expressed hematoma is no longer, it can be quickly reduced.
The above is how tofirst aid victim correctly. How to reduce the bruise under the eye? People's means will help in solving this problem. Recipes based on the application of the following products are available to a person:
The most popular ways to combat hematoma should be described in more detail.
How to quickly reduce the bruise under the eye with the help ofcabbage? This vegetable is famous for its pronounced resolving properties. It's not for nothing that cabbage is used in the fight against cones in the mammary glands with mastitis.
How to use this product?Vegetables should be ground in a mortar, blender or meat grinder to make juice. Next, you need to lie on your back and attach the resulting flesh to the hematoma. Keep cabbage should be about 10 minutes, then you need to wash your face with warm water.
Decoction of medicinal trauma - another effectivemeans. In equal shares, it is necessary to mix marigolds, plantain, sage and chamomile. On the basis of this collection you need to prepare a strong and intense broth, slightly cool it.
A cotton disc soaked in this product should beattach to the area of the lower eyelid. Plantain will heal open wounds, chamomile will relieve painful redness and swelling, the marigold will have a stimulating effect on blood circulation, tissue renewal, and sage will suck up internal bruising.
How to reduce the bruise under the eye with the help of salt?For example, the victim can make himself a salt lotion, which is famous for its ability to draw from the tissues of hematoma. In a glass of water, you need to dissolve a small amount of salt. In the obtained composition, small pieces of cloth are wetted. They should be applied as often as possible to the bruise. It is important to ensure that salt does not get into the eyes.
There is another recipe that impliesthe use of salt, vinegar and iodine. In a small amount of vinegar should be dissolved a few drops of iodine and salt. In the resulting mixture, you need to moisten wadded disks or tissue wipes, and then attach them to the area of bruise, keep at least an hour. Already one such procedure will be enough to make the hematoma become much less pronounced, and the skin color begins to level off.
What can be reduced a bruise under the eye?The onion has also a good solution. On the hematoma area, its juice can be applied both as a lotion and in its pure form. Onions will provide blood flow to the tissue, so that much faster dissolve stagnant clots.
There is another recipe.It is necessary to grate or grind in a medium-sized bulb in a blender. Then you need to mix the product with the crushed leaves of plantain, add a spoonful of honey. The hard mass is transferred to a gauze napkin, applied to the place where the bruise was formed.
Starch is another effective remedy, withwhich can quickly reduce the bruise. This product must be mixed with water so that the result is a paste. It is applied to the skin under the eye for two hours. Thanks to such a mask, the hematoma becomes barely noticeable. One procedure is not enough to get rid of a bruise. Have to hold several sessions.
How to quickly reduce the bruise under the eye with the help of aloe?It should be rubbed about 100 grams of horseradish root and black radish on a fine grater, mix it all. Then a little bit of aloe (3-5 leaves) is added to the resulting mixture. Porridge is laid out on a gauze napkin, which is applied to the injured eye. To achieve the desired effect, the compress should be done every three hours.
Aloe vera juice itself has a curative effect. Therefore, you can squeeze juice out of it and make lotions. This will also help to reduce the bruise faster.
Than you can quickly reduce the bruise under the eye?A mixture prepared on the basis of beets and honey will return the lost beauty to the person. Vegetables should be grated on a fine grater, and then squeezed juice from the resulting mass. The remaining pulp should be mixed with honey, applied to the affected area.
There are other recipes that implyapplication of honey. For example, a tablespoon of liquid product can be mixed with any vegetable oil. The resulting composition is added a handful of wheat flour, put the egg yolk. The compress should be kept for at least three hours.
How to reduce bruises under the eyes after a stroke.It is necessary to roughly 100 g of wormwood in a glass container. In the resulting juice, you should moisten a small piece of gauze, and then attach it to the affected area. Such a compress is recommended to be changed every hour.
Heat will come to the rescue if you need to speed uphealing. It is important to remember that warming compresses can be used only a day after getting injured. Otherwise, the area of damage will increase, but not decrease.
In the role of warming lotion may act alcohol.In this product, you need to moisten cotton, apply it to the hematoma. Thanks to such a compress, blood circulation in the tissues is activated, which will help to get rid of bruises much more quickly.
Another effective tool is the iodine grid.In iodine, dip a cotton swab, and then draw a mesh on the affected area. It is necessary to wait until it dries, and then repeat. So you can do it all day long.
It is hardly necessary to count on the fact that the people'srecipes can instantly reduce the bruise. Whichever method is chosen, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. If you apply curative compresses and masks at least 3-5 times a day, the bruise will soon become less pronounced.
Normally, the disappearance of the hematoma requires about7-10 days. The color of the bruise is gradually changing. However, the use of traditional recipes passed down from generation to generation will help speed up this process.
How quickly to reduce a black eye? To cope with this task will help funds that are easy to buy at the pharmacy. The options that are most popular are discussed below.
What else will help reduce the bruise in the shortest time?"Bruise", "Ratovnik", "Rescuer", "Sos", "Lyoton" - there are many drugs that were invented specifically for such cases. They are easy to use, they provide relatively quick results. Thanks to such products, the healing of the bruise will take half the time.