/ / Wedding makeup for guests: interesting ideas, step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Wedding makeup for guests: interesting ideas, step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Свадьба – это самое прекрасное и торжественное event in the life of any girl. And in order to remember it for a long time, girlfriends also try to prepare for it properly. And one of the last places is occupied by what makeup for the wedding for the guests each of them chose.

Why do your own makeup better?

Many brides and wedding guests are tryinguse the services of makeup artists and professionals in their field. This is a great option, but only in case of full confidence in the master. Otherwise, it is best to do your own makeup for the wedding. It is also important for guests to look beautiful! What are the advantages of making this decision?

  1. It is the witness, the bride or the mother of the newlyweds who know very well all the flaws of their faces, as well as ways to hide them more effectively.
  2. No professional skills are required in order to perform a make-up in a classic style.
  3. For the most confident application of makeup or the selection of the most successful, you can endlessly train at home.
  4. No need to pay for a makeup artist.

wedding makeup for guests

Thus, deciding to do your own makeup, you make a deliberately right decision.

General rules for making makeup for the wedding

Before you make your wedding makeupdo-it-yourself wedding at home, the bride or any guest is recommended to pre-clean the face. This requires the following steps:

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin with moisturizing and drying wipes.
  2. Moisturize with lotion or cream.
  3. After complete absorption, remove residues with napkins.

After that, the process of applying make-up is carried out. Wedding makeup (as a guest if you are invited) consists of the following items:

  1. The basis is put.It should be lighter than the rest of the makeup, to give the skin a dullness, conceal the flaws and stability of the location of cosmetics on the face. Special attention should be paid to the area around the eyes.
  2. Applied foundation. It should match the color of the skin, not only on the face, but also on open areas of the body.
  3. Imposed blush. They should give a delicate shade to the whole body, and therefore it is recommended to use the color of peach or chocolate. Blush is applied on the cheeks, cheekbones and chest.
  4. With the help of a highlighter, the forehead, nose and cheekbones area is highlighted. You should use a very small amount of this tool.
  5. With the help of powder light shades should get rid of fat content in the forehead, nose and chin.
  6. With the help of a masking pencil eyebrow line is highlighted. The result is fixed with a gel or cream base.
  7. After that you should go to the eyes. First, the base is laid under the line of the eyebrows and along both eyelids, then the shadows of light shades are applied.
  8. Improved expressive eyes.This can be done by applying arrows or banana technique. The latter is a drawing line from the upper edge of the eyelid to the lower and gradual feathering.
  9. В предпоследнюю очередь рекомендуется выполнить lip makeup. If you want a visual increase, it is recommended to use light colors of lipstick. Otherwise - dark. The pencil color must fully match the shade of lipstick.

hairstyle makeup for wedding guests

In the end, re-apply blush and disguise imperfections with powder.

What are the nuances of applying makeup to the eye color?

To hairstyle, makeup for wedding gueststurned out to be the most successful, it is necessary to select them not only in accordance with the outfit and time of year, but also the color of the eyes. Thus, we can distinguish the following nuances:

  1. Brown color.Wedding makeup for guests, brown eyes which must meet the following requirements: apply eyeliner and shadows only dark shades - regardless of age. You can also use gray, lilac, pink or baked milk colors as additional shades.
  2. Green eyes.Representatives of the fair sex with this eye color are recommended to adhere to the following rules: eyeliner and mascara are selected in dark shades of black, hazel or eye color, and shades of pink or green will look most effective.
  3. Голубые глаза.The owners of this color are gentle creatures, and therefore their light skin and eyes will follow the following rules: shadows and eyeliner should contain shades of hazel, gray or peach shades and it is not recommended to use a black pencil to highlight eyebrows.

wedding guest make-up [

What are the features of makeup for the bride?

Since the main character at the wedding -bride, she should look much better than anyone else. And therefore, with the ability to do their own makeup, every girl should know the main features of its creation:

  1. To make the wedding a success, the make-up must be perfect.
  2. It is not recommended to perform cosmetic procedures only in the morning or evening. You should choose the average option.
  3. It is necessary to use superstrong paints and shadows that can resist the tears of a happy bride.
  4. In the case of a winter holiday, it is recommended to use a makeup base and only then - the very shadows, lipstick and other attributes of cosmetics.
  5. During the summer celebration, powder, thermal water, cream and napkins are required, as well as eyeliner and mascara that are resistant to the release of moisture.
  6. For the most vivid preservation of the shade on the lips, it is recommended to use markers and lipsticks. To prevent weathering in the winter, a balm is required.
  7. It is allowed to use false eyelashes, but only if necessary to emphasize the expressiveness of the look.
  8. For the freshness and integrity of the skin is not recommended to carry out cleaning masks the day before.
  9. Requires careful selection of cosmetics. It should be a matte shade.
  10. The color of cosmetics should almost completely match the colors of the holiday and attire.
  11. Before applying makeup, it is recommended to carry out eyebrow correction.

wedding makeup for guests brown eyes

What should the mother of the bride or groom look like at the wedding?

Second important after the bride people at the weddingare the mothers of the bride and groom. It is they who most of all cry and rejoice for their children. Consequently, their make-up should be no less persistent than that of brides, but at the same time it does not seem more striking than that of the bride. So, making out a make-up on a wedding (for guests) how to be painted to mums?

Advice of specialists

Since she herself will not be able to inflicta perfect make-up, bridesmaids or a witness should take care of this. To make cosmetics look on your mother's face flawlessly and better than wedding makeup for guests, you should use a few expert tips:

  1. When applying makeup, it is recommended to take into account the shade of hair, eyes and wedding attire.
  2. In the case of celebrations in the summer should not be zealous with the application of cosmetics: this can lead to hopelessly spoiled makeup.
  3. You should not be zealous with the foundation. It can emphasize age-related changes.
  4. Cosmetics is applied strictly from the bottom up.
  5. The forehead, nose, chin and cheekbones should be covered with powder of light shades.
  6. Do not perform make-up for youth fashion. Classic has never been superfluous.
  7. Applying eyeliner and shadows of dark shades should be made on the outer part of the eye.
  8. Black mascara should be applied to the upper lashes.

 makeup for the wedding for guests how to make up moms

For the best presentation of the most successful makeup application, you can use the following combined options:

  1. Eyeshadow shades in combination with lipstick delicate pastel colors.
  2. Applying eyeliner and mascara with a complete lack of shadows in addition to the lipstick of bright shades of red.

What rules should a bride witness observe?

According to the rules of good tone, it is believed thatthe witness should not overshadow the image of the bride - she should emphasize it. Based on this, the makeup for the wedding for guests and witnesses should, of course, be different, and also fully comply with the following criteria. This is the make-up brightness of a classic bride makeup. The following nuances are implied:

  1. The skin should be clean and not have flaws in the form of pimples. In the case of their detection is recommended to use the foundation and foundation.
  2. The presence of a soft pencil for applying arrows or "bananas", as well as a brush for feathering.
  3. Shadows in the style of "Smokey ice".
  4. Mascara, giving extra volume.
  5. Lipstick dim shades with dullness.

Next, the selection of makeup in accordance with the general image of the wedding. If you want to arrange an unusual wedding makeup is performed in full accordance with the idea of ​​the newlyweds.

wedding makeup for a wedding do it yourself at home

What should a bridesmaid look like?

The bridesmaid is also an important figure in the celebration. That is why she should look the same as the witness. However, you can also use such make-up options as:

  1. Natural.
  2. In retro style.
  3. "Smokey Ice".

wedding guest makeup

Each of these options must fully overlap with the image of the witness and the bride. However, in no case should the caller or the overly faded makeup of the guest be used for the wedding.

What should be the guest at the wedding?

Since this role does not require subordination to the generalrules - with the exception of a themed wedding - the makeup for the wedding for guests can be completely arbitrary. The most important thing is to fully comply with the dress code of the wedding ceremony.

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