Hair styling is always in fashion.And if you decided to hold it, be aware that as a result you will get not only a beautiful shade of hair, but also be able to visually give them volume. Melting is not the easiest procedure, so it's best to do it in a hairdresser. But if for some reason you can not visit it, we will try to make a marking at home. There are two ways to do it, depending on the length of the hair. We will consider them.
Preparation for highlights
To carry out the highlighting at home, we alsoyou need a special cap (you can look for another home, the main thing is that it fits snugly to the head), foil, a non-metallic bowl for breeding the composition, a comb with a tail and a brush.
Now we will prepare the coloring composition.To do this, in a bowl, dilute one part of blondorate and two parts of the oxidant. If you have thick and long hair, the mixture will need much more than for thin and short hair. Consider this. Mass thoroughly mix with a brush.
Tip: you can buy a ready-made composition for the highlights in the store. In this case, nothing will remain, how to proceed according to the instructions.
How to make a highlight at home on short hair
Do this evenly over the entire head. Now it remains only to withstand the coloring agent on the hair for about 15-25 minutes, depending on whether you want the strands to be lighter.
Melirovanie home on long hair
It will be very problematic to color the hair of long hair through the cap, so in this case it is best to use a foil:
How to make highlights: tips
If you decide to conduct such a process of dyeing strands at home, be aware that everything needs to be done quickly and accurately. First, the dissolved coloring composition is immediately subject to application.
Secondly, try to paint as quickly as possibleall the strands, so that in the future they have the same color. Third, do not forget to put on gloves, and cover your neck with an old towel. The forehead and neck should be greased with a fat cream.
Fourth, do not keep the coloring composition on your hair for very long. Here everything depends on the length and thickness of the hair.
Meliorating the house is a suitable option for those,who is not afraid of experiments. Well, of course, it will suit those who decided to save money on a hairdresser or just for some reason or another until they can get there.