/ / Hair highlighting on light-brown hair: secrets and subtleties

Melirovanie hair on blond hair: secrets and subtleties

melioration of hair on fair-haired hair
Melioration of hair on fair-haired hair is the mosta popular trend of 2013. After all, at the peak of popularity, everything that is as close to the natural sight as possible. Light, almost invisible make-up, gentle colors and highlighting of hair on fair-haired hair. It gives an extraordinary radiance even to the faded "mouse tail", turning it into a fashionable shiny head of hear. There is no longer an eternal war between brunettes and blondes - it's already lost, because it's light brown! Now, probably, many girls will decide to change their image. So, if you have already regained a natural look, then try and coloring your hair on your fair-haired hair. With it, they will acquire a tremendous radiance effect and smoothly flowing strands. Do not hesitate and bring in your perfect image a note of freshness and a little sunny heat. Then you will attract interested views and win the hearts of men. Melirovanie on fair-haired hair, a photo of which shows models from many advertising posters - it's absolutely a win-win option! For all time!

How will the hair color look blond with highlights?

This is probably the most interesting option - noaggressive and sharp transition between light and dark strands, and at the same time, the result looks very impressive. Highlighting hair on light brown hair gives hair a visual volume and pomp. Hair looks more well-groomed and healthy. No one else would call you a "gray mouse"! Now even with light brown hair can be bright and noticeable. The only nuance is the correct selection of tone. Although here you are practically unlimited - it is better to dwell on the one that will harmoniously look with your natural color.

highlighting on brown hair photo
California hair weave for light brown hair

This is a real hit last year.Its main advantages are environmental friendliness of coloring and natural result. The transition of colors turns out to be very smooth and gentle: as if the sun's ray is entangled in your hair. As a rule, such an effect is achieved by using beige, coffee, cognac and honey shades. The main secret of Californian melirovanie is that it is made without the usual use of special foil. Strands freely in contact with each other, so as a result there are no clear boundaries between natural and colored strands.

French highlighting

hair color light brown with highlights

This is a great option for those who want a bitrefresh your image. With the help of French highlighting, you can easily create the effect of the hair that has burnt out under the gentle tropical sun. It also visually makes them more magnificent. However, this technique is performed only for light-brown shades, since the darker the natural hair, the weaker the highlights are.

Reverse highlighting

This technology is usually referred to paintedblondes who are tired of endlessly lightening their roots. For them, this is really the real way out. Not as dramatically as full staining, and at the same time backlighting will make a smooth transition from regrown roots. Moreover, with frequent lightening, the hair begins to deteriorate noticeably: they lose their healthy luster, they cease to be silky. Reverse highlighting nourishes them and gives a well-groomed look.

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