/ / Light brown hair: care features

Light blonde hair: care

If by nature you got a light blondhair, then you can just envy. After all, recently in a woman her natural beauty is most valued, but there is nothing more natural than blond curls. Very long ago it was believed that light brown is the color of a gray mouse, but today all its shades - from light to dark - are at the peak of popularity. To have fair hair is fashionable, prestigious and simply beautiful!

And indeed, in no other color isthere are so many shades. After all, it is wheaten and light-brown ashy hair color, and copper-brown, honey-fairy, golden-blond, dark-blond, and if you take the derivatives of these flowers, you can continue indefinitely. But the owner of light brown hair needs to know that in order for their curls to shine with a dazzling brilliance and make those around them pay attention to them, they need to be carefully and constantly taken care of. And this care must be correct.

Often, light blond hair is thinner than dark,so they need special attention. And if you have achieved a shade of light blond curls by staining them, then, most likely, the paint could make them lifeless and weak. Therefore, owners of light hair simply have to have on hand and shampoo, and balm, and masks, and serum to care for her.

If you have a desire to get such locksby staining, then you will get a hair color "Light-blond color". And, of course, for the coloring not to bring you disappointment, I should consult a specialist, because quite often when self-painting can get the wrong shade, which is depicted on the package.

Folk recipes

However, in order to light blond hair wereshining and healthy, it is not necessary to use salon preparations to care for them. There are wonderful folk remedies as well as for caressing blond curls, and for giving them shine or discoloration on 1-2 shades.

With the help of fresh lemon juice you can achievegradual lightening of hair. To do this, fresh lemon juice is diluted with water approximately 3 to 1, applied to the hair and left until completely dry. If you still have a person in the sun, you can achieve a stronger and faster effect. In addition, that ringlets brighten, lemon juice will still give them shine. This method is used and if a person has light blond hair (to maintain color), and to lighten dark blond hair. But do not overdo it, the lemon still dries the hair.

Few people know what honey has on the hairaction similar to hydrogen peroxide. First, wash the head with shampoo, which is added a quarter of a teaspoon of soda. Then, on wet hair, evenly apply warmed honey and wrap the hair under a plastic bag, and from above we cover with a towel. To achieve maximum effect, you must leave everything on your head for the night. From lightening honey, hair acquires a healthy shine, becomes dazzlingly beautiful and soft.

Kefir masks also work wonders with hair.After applying the kefir mask, the hair not only becomes lighter, but is restored, and grows much faster. Kefir mask is desirable to apply for at least 8 hours to achieve the desired effect of clarification.

Also, for light blond hair can be courted withusing herbs. The fact that the infusion of chamomile gives the golden hair a golden sheen, probably even children know. In addition to chamomile broth, it is popular and rhubarb. It gives the light blond hair an ashy shade. To prepare this decoction, you need to take two rosewood and one glass of its roots, as well as half a liter of water. Everything is mixed and cooked until half of the liquid evaporates. After cooling the broth, strain and apply to the hair, wrapped in polyethylene for 30 minutes.

As we see, using folk remedies, you canrestore, strengthen, make soft and shiny light blond hair, and also lighten them in several shades, and this is with complete safety for the curls.

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