/ / Frequent-frequent highlighting is now safe!

Frequent-frequent highlighting is now safe!

Such a procedure, as highlighting, is neverwill go out of fashion, especially since it is being improved from year to year. Now make contrast strands - this means not only to make something new in the current hair color, but also the ability to heal damaged hair. Frequent-frequent melirovanie with the highlighting of individual strands is also safe.

frequent highlighting on brown hair

Principle of procedure

Lightening of some strands is possible on anythe original hair color. Even a brunette can afford this, but do not expect to get too light hair. How is this procedure carried out? Beauty salons usually use two methods of staining:

  • with the help of a cap;
  • with wrapping in foil.

In the first case, a polyethylenecap with special holes. Frequent-frequent melirovanie means a huge number of small holes, while the highlighting of large strands - large holes. Through them, the strands are passed and stained with a special, pre-prepared mixture. In the case of foil, the hairdresser manually separates the curls (with the help of a comb) and places them on the foil sheet, then stains and wraps into it.

Frequent highlights on fair-haired hair

Frequent highlights on fair-haired hair

Clarify the strands can be for a different number of tones.Some girls prefer to remove 1-2 tones, so that the hair begins to appear visually larger, and someone brightens up to 6-7 tones to radically change the color of the hair. Also melirovanie can be used as a method of transition from dark to a lighter shade.

Frequent styling on brown hair

The principle of procedure is the same as in the firstcase, with one exception. The mixture for clarification will be more concentrated, since for the bleaching of dark hair more effort and special substances are required. Melining on chestnut hair with a certain technique of painting looks natural, as if the hair was burnt in the sun. Visually, the volume of the hair will increase, and the hair will also get a shine.

Frequent-frequent highlights. Safe option

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, the procedure forthe lightening of individual strands has now become also safe. Frequent melioration will help restore damaged hair, strengthen their structure and add natural luster. There are three types of this technique:

  • Frequent frequent highlights
    Elumination (covering each hair with a special agent that simultaneously decolorizes it and covers it with a protective layer, which prevents the harmful effect of external factors);
  • Biolamination (lightening of hair is carried out from the inside, which helps to preserve its structure and restore damaged areas);
  • American melioration (analogue of the elution for dark hair).

Frequent-frequent sharpening is an opportunitychange your appearance, refresh your hair and treat your hair, and in some cases - also a chance to gradually move to a new color of curls. Such procedures are very popular due to their efficiency and relatively low cost. Take care of the beauty and health of your hair!

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