Hair Balm

Hair requires constant care. Systematic procedures for moisturizing, nourishing and strengthening can make even the most beautiful by nature ringlets truly luxurious.

One of the mandatory components for careis a balm for the hair. This tool perfectly protects them from mechanical damage, not allowing them to become entangled and making them obedient. It strengthens well the damaged hair, increases their elasticity, preventing fragility, leading to their loss.

Balm for hair includes cosmetologycomponents, medicinal substances and natural natural extracts of herbs and other useful plants. In addition, they can include ceramides, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, providing extra food to the hair. The presence of organic acids, waxes, essential oils and vegetable oils among the ingredients, resins will provide a protective effect, creating a special thin layer on the entire surface of the locks, ensuring the integrity of their structure, maintaining the optimum level of moisture and helping to strengthen the hair. Plant extracts are best able to help solve the problem of loss, as they well strengthen hair follicles, normalizing the metabolic processes taking place in them.

Choose a balm for the hair you need, based on suchfeatures: type, length, density, strength (or vice versa, weakness / fragility) and other indicators. Before buying, be sure to carefully read the annotation to the tool.

You need to know that today the sale comesevery day, all new hair care products. They differ from each other in composition, peculiarities of influence on the structure of ringlets, concentration of active substances and other characteristics. Therefore, their choice must be taken seriously, in order to achieve the desired action and not to harm their own hair.

Balsams for hair in the form of gels,creams, fluids. According to the type of ringlets for which the means are intended, they are for normal, dry and fatty. Also in the production process, the density of the hair, the degree of its rigidity, is taken into account. Therefore, the instructions should also give instructions on this aspect. Particularly carefully choose a balm for hair that needs special care, weakened, brittle, thin, stained, exposed to discoloration and chemical wave. In this case, you need to choose a product with a high content of nutrients. On the eve of the summer, it is advisable to purchase a balm with UV filters.

Balms for hair are easy to use.They are applied to washed wet curls, spreading their hands along the entire length and rubbing them with light circular motions. The product should be allowed to stand for several minutes, then rinse with clean warm water. If you want to achieve a restoring effect for weakened hair, the remedy can be left to soak for a bit longer - up to 10 minutes. When using therapeutic balms, it is recommended that they be kept for up to 25 minutes, while putting on a hat and wrapping them with a terry towel. Some balms do not require flushing at all.

The most popular today are balsams "DOVE", "Elseve" and "Schwarzkopf". From domestic manufacturers it is worth noting the products of the companies "Green Mama" and "Russian Line".

If you want to prepare hair balm with your own hands, you can use the following recipes.

Nourishing home balsam:A tablespoon of shi oil is heated in a water bath, it adds the same amount of honey, a teaspoon of emulsifying wax, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of any essential oil.

Restoring the home balsam: in the shredded peel of grapefruit, finish with 100 ml of the infusion of needles and water. Insist in glassware a day and strain.

Herbal Homemade Balsam:on a spoonful of chamomile, birch, clover, nettle, St. John's wort mix and pour olive oil, add a little lemon juice. Steep the mixture for a week and strain, add emulsifying wax and a little essential oil.

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