/ / Perfume "Molecule": customer reviews

Perfume "Molecule": customer reviews

Among the huge amount of perfume, wherebrand brands "rule the point", new fragrances "Eccentric Molecule" were able to find their customers. These spirits are in demand even for some Hollywood stars who appreciated the delicate and sensual fragrances of the "Molecule".

What do they say about the reviews of the "Molecule Eccentric 02" and other fragrances of this series? Is it worth buying?

Perfume "Molecule"

Perfume with the "scientific" name "Molecule" sawlight, thanks to the German master for creating fragrances Geza Shoen. At the time of development, he was in the UK, which is why this country is considered their homeland.

Perfume appeared in 2005.To say that their release made a furor - do not say anything. Two debut perfume "Molecule 01" and "Eccentric 01" were literally swept off the shelves of British and Australian stores within 48 hours of their appearance on the market.

Шоен сумел угадать желания во многом искушенной public, showing them an interest in a new fragrance. The secret of his success is that he refused the layout of a large number of smells, as is customary in many perfumes. According to Gez, such a layering of aromas prevents the human sense of smell from concentrating on one thing, and also interrupts the true scent of human skin without revealing its individuality.

So what is the peculiarity of the spirits "Molecule"?The fact of the matter is that these spirits contain one "magic molecule", which, falling on the human body, reveals an incredible aroma, mixing with the smell of the skin. The effect of pheromones that are attractive to the opposite sex is created: an attractive, sensual and exciting aroma. Reviews of the spirits "Molecule" - to confirm this.

According to the perfumer, the opening of the fragrance is affected not only by the individual smell of a person, but also by his emotional state. Therefore, "Molecule" can acquire various options.

This feature of these unique spirits was liked by many, including celebrities: Sting, Kate Moss, Hugh Jackman and many others.

"Molecule Eccentric" made hercreator. Thanks to this development, he was brought into the history of perfume creation. It is creativity, but not industry. Already more than 10 years have passed since the appearance of this perfume, and it still does not lose its relevance. "Spirits from Schoen" is an innovative breakthrough that makes them different from anything. But, as some reviews on the spirits of "Molecule" say, this perfume needs to be understood, it must be felt, since its character is of an intellectual color.

Assortment for women and men

assortment of fragrances

On the "magic molecule" the peculiarities of aromas are notend. Their versatility is also a unique feature. That is, one bottle of perfume is suitable for both women and men. One content of the bottle shows a "masculine character" when used by men, and on the female skin reveals completely new flavors.

All spirits consist of 3 notes:upper, or initial, basic (medium) and daisy-chain. But "Molecule" is deprived of the introductory "word", it only sounds basic odors, which are the "heart" of spirits. And these are the main flavors of each person in their own way.

"Eccentric" does not cease to surprise:the aroma can manifest itself in completely different ways. At one person it can appear at once, then disappear, and through time again to be shown, but already in new sounding. When used by some people, "Molecule" can immediately strike in the nose with its intense odor, and when applied to the skin by others - be barely perceptible, but unforgettable.

In the line of the presented perfume is releasedseveral names: "Eccentric" with different digital codes: 0,1, 02, 03, 04, and also 5 and 8. Reviews about the spirits of "Molecule" are different, talking about the merits and demerits of smells.

"Molecule Eccentric 01"


It was with these perfumes that their breakthrough begancreator. In the "Molecule" an amazing feature was that this velvet-woody concentrate, getting on the skin, enhances the awakening of pheromones, and also provokes the development of its own body fragrance.

As mentioned earlier, in the perfume "Molecule"there is no spectrum of three notes. All "responsibility" lies on the complex of smells presented by iris, wood, sensual sandalwood and a tart combination. This perfumed complex is differently manifested in different people.

But the basis of the perfume is a special element - Iso E Super. This is an artificially created aphrodisiac, which we can barely grasp by the smell, but it is tangible in action.

As evidenced by the reviews of the spirits "Molecule 01",Despite their universality, they are endowed with a "masculine" character. On the male body they form a woody shade, accompanying brutality. On women, it manifests itself with freshness, unobtrusiveness, but strong stamina.

Many ladies have defined for themselves this aroma, asthe best of what has been tried. There are also such reviews of women about the spirits "Molecule 01", which say that the perfume never revealed itself: a faint, strange smell appeared, which eventually disappeared. The main drawback of many revealed the cost.

Connoisseurs of Shoen masterpieces said that his "molecular" work completely eclipsed all his previous developments.

"Eccentric 01" - fragrant sequel on the themeaphrodisiac Iso E Super. This component in this perfume is more saturated, but unobtrusive. It is enveloped by components such as lime, pink pepper and iris.

Reviews of the spirits "Molecule Eccentric 01"determined this flavor is more unpredictable than its fellow. Many have revealed that for the first time they applied a few drops of perfume to their skin, they did not feel anything at all - no hint of the presence of fragrance. Only after a while it manifested itself, suddenly reminiscent of a saturated smell. Many people say that such an awakening of the "Eccentric 01" was facilitated by such factors as: increased sweating, arousal of a person, contact with water.

Приобрести представленные ароматы можно во многих perfumed stores with a wide range of goods, for example, in the "Il de Beaute" or in "Letual." In reviews of the spirits "Molecule" advised to test the perfume on the skin, and not on the strip-testers.

"Eccentric 02"

a new series of

A couple of years after the furore "Molecules 01" and"Eccentric 01", inspired by the success, Geza Schoen released a new, no less amazing perfume "Molecule Eccentric 02". It differs significantly in the set of components, but the principle of its action is the same - activate and enter into relationship with the own aroma of the human skin.

Reviews on the spirits of "Molecule 02" they say that Shoen is nothas lost and this time. Novelty combines the following flavors: vetiver, violet root, elderberry, iris and lemon. This unusual complex of odors gave the spirits an oriental orientation. His character is sensual, sexual, awakens desire.

As a basis in "Molecule 2" is taken more affordableanalogue of whale ambergris - ambroxan, which not only served as a fixative for the smell, but also played the role of an effective aphrodisiac. Another feature of the "second molecule" is that its fragrant composition contains the root of a violet. This is somewhat unusual, since other famous perfumers use the flowers and leaves of this flower.

As they say reviews about the spirits of "Molecule 2", theirThe aroma is associated with a fresh oceanic breeze, a warm sun and a pleasant smell of clean skin of the body. But there are those who did not like the novelty of Schoen. Some buyers believe that it loses the previous version. Some dissatisfied customers say that the contents of the bottle reflected on their skin with the smell of "burnt carrots", others consider the perfume "too insolent and brutal."

Несмотря на такие высказывания, имеется больше positive reviews of the spirits "Molecule 02". Enthusiastic customers rated it as a more daring scent than "Molecule 01", more sensual, generating desire. The effect of the aphrodisiac is, but weak.

"Molecule 03"

new perfume

This issue was the next development of a talented perfumer. In the new fragrance, Shoen combined a few more impressive ingredients:

  • Vetiver.
  • Ginger.
  • Sandalwood.
  • Cedar.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Muscon.
  • Caffeine.
  • Virgin cedar.
  • Bergamot.
  • Mandarin.
  • The tree is ginkgo.
  • Pink pepper.
  • Freesia.

At the base of "Molecule 3" lies the aphrodisiac vetiveryle acetate. A highlight of the popular novelty are components that are designed to improve memory and focus on the important.

And again the furor.And again thousands of fans have a new flavor. Reviews of the female spirits "Molecule", which are both male, express admiration for this sensual, spicy and simultaneously citrus and fresh mix. The third "Molecule" is stable and less "capricious" than its predecessors.

Many have noted that this perfume is associated withthem with a sandy beach somewhere in the tropics. Such a mixture of passion and vigor, sweetness and freshness is surprisingly manifested in combination with body odor.

The disadvantage was again called the high cost - 6,700 rubles.

"Molecule 04"

perfume bottle

Reviews of perfume "Molecule 04" identified fragranceas completely new, unlike its predecessors. It actually includes components that have not been previously used by Schoen in any of his fragrant masterpieces.

  • Sandalwood
  • Grapefruit.
  • Juniper.
  • Osmanthus.
  • The Rose.
  • Mastic tree
  • Galbaum.

The nature of the perfume is fresh and invigorating, with a painfully sweet note of oriental sandalwood. Perfume is awesome, not fading for several days.

The virtue of the fourth "Molecule" reviews alsoidentified their unobtrusive and lack of catchiness. A good option for an evening out or a romantic date. There were also such buyers who noted that the fragrance in the bottle is much more pleasant than on the skin. However, it is individual.

"Molecule 5" - a quality copy

splash perfume

It is about the copy that will be discussed further."Molecule 5", as well as many budget analogues of well-known brands, are produced by the reputed Arab firm Ravza Parfum. The composition contains flavors:

  • Jasmine.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Citrus.
  • Lychee.
  • Peach.

Of course, they do not have all the features that Molecule is so famous for from Schoen. But as everyday perfumes for ladies of all ages, they fit perfectly.

In this perfume all 3 "notes" of aromas are distinguishable,smoothly replacing each other. At first, the smells of sweet and sour peach and exotic lychee appear. After a time, they are replaced by the scent of white jasmine flowers. Spicy cinnamon acts as an accent that complements all the components present.

Но производители решили внести кое-что от The original is the basis of the artificial element iso e super - chemical pheromone, which adapts to any skin type, activating the most pleasant effects.

This is not a unisex - it is a true women's perfume on an oil basis, the packaging of which is made in the form of a bottle with a roller.

As they say reviews, the resistance of the "molecule" of the fifth version is not endowed. The smell keeps on skin within 4-5 hours. But for the day's release, this is enough.

"Molecule 8"


The Danish "Molecule No. 8" is another remote prototype of the original perfume. The aroma got its name due to its content in the basis of 8 molecules.

This is a light, delicate smell, which is obtained by a combination of components:

  • Organic tangerine oil.
  • Turkish rose.
  • Ud.
  • Indian patchouli oil.
  • Ebony.

These are the top sounds that set the mood.Scandinavian perfume. They are replaced by the "frivolous" smell of caramel, which dilutes the brutality of the upper notes. A train of citrus tones that bring vitality, freshness and sun heat.

Perfume belongs to the category of woody and fougeresuitable for both men and women. In men, "Molecule 8" will emphasize the brutality, strength of character and sobriety of the mind. Women perfume will give a light coquetry with a charming desire.

Reviews of these spirits are distinguished by positive statements that highlight several advantages of Danish products:

  • 5 hour durability.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Pleasant aroma.

Most often, men prefer thisperfume, because it has more "male character". Strong-willed women have identified the 8th Molecule as a worthy substitute for the enchanting Eccentric Molecule. №8 does not repeat the unsurpassed masterpiece, but only somewhat resembles it, while retaining its originality and Scandinavian severity.

How to distinguish the original from forgery

Popular products (perfumed in volumeincluding) is often produced by lesser-known companies that do not have a license for such activities, but are seeking to benefit from using the name of a well-known brand. Sometimes a fake is difficult to distinguish from the original. There are high-quality copies of perfumes, characterized by durability, affordable price and similar aroma. It is similar, but not identical.

Schoen Molecules are no exception.They are faked in Poland, in the UAE, in Turkey. The most popular among unscrupulous steel producers "Molecule" and "Eccentric" with indices 01 and 02. They are poured into bottles of 100 ml.

To prevent people from purchasing such a product, experts told how the fake and original look:

  1. A box of fake Eccentric perfume is 3 mm higher than the original packaging.
  2. The “molecule” that is real at the bottom of its vial has a convex triangle and a number stamped by a dotted line. It is identical to the numbers on the box.
  3. Packaging fake "Molecule" is covered with hard mica. Because of this, the font and images are blurry, and the inscriptions are easily ripped off with a fingernail.

Official representatives of the present "Molecule" must have fragrances on sale in a 30 ml vial. This is a litmus test for identifying fake traders.

Of course, one of the main differences between the original and the fake is the low price, which is several times less than the cost of the original (as a rule, 5-6 times).


Мужские и женские духи "Молекула", отзывы о which are contradictory, very much sought after by the Russian buyer. According to many buyers, this perfume is not suitable as a gift, because the fragrance felt in the bottle has a different effect on the skin. If a person has not previously used these perfumes, then you should not experiment.

However, you should definitely try them yourself, because “Molecule” is an innovative flavor that has no analogues.

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