/ / Plasmolifting: photo before and after, reviews, contraindications

Plazmolifting: photo before and after, reviews, contraindications

Прекрасная половина человечества во все времена I tried to unravel the secret of unfading beauty and youth. Negative environmental conditions, stress, poor nutrition, lack of rest lead to the fact that our skin quickly loses its smoothness and elasticity, becomes loose and wrinkled.

Dull hair, fuzzy facial contour,heterogeneous relief and color of skin - these are the main enemies of modern women. According to experts, the situation can be changed for the better only by choosing the right tactics for preserving youth. Regular skin care should become a habit of every lady over the age of thirty. The most effective anti-aging program offers aesthetic cosmetology. Today we will look at plasma-lifting: reviews, photos before and after the procedure.

plazmolifting photo before and after reviews

What is a plasma lifting?

Plasmolifting method is innovative and scientifically sound. He has already managed to get positive reviews and stand out among other modern technologies of rejuvenation.

What is it - plasma lifting?Before and after photos, reviews, a large amount of information on the Internet make it easy to understand this issue. Plasma therapy is a procedure involving the injection under the skin of an injection enriched with platelets derived from the plasma of human own blood. This method is a wonderful way to increase the dermis turgor, to get rid of acne, wrinkles, inhomogeneous relief. In foreign clinics, this procedure is known as Platelet Rich Plasma. In Russia, the method is called plasma lifting.

The main contribution to the development of technology madeCandidate of Medical Sciences Roman Zarudiy and professor Renat Ahmerov. These Russian scientists have proven the positive effect of human own plasma on dermal tissues and cells, namely, their natural rejuvenation.

History of use of platelet rich plasma

Plasma containing platelets in abundance,used in medicine since 1975. With its help, a seamless fusion of nerves, as well as gluing of the corneas of the eye, was initially carried out. Even 40 years ago, researchers concluded that platelets enhance collagen synthesis, which contributes to the rapid healing of dermal tissue.

Extensive use of enriched plasmaplatelets began a decade later. She began to effectively apply in surgery. For the first time, scientists announced the feasibility of using plasma in the regeneration of facial bones in 1997. Then plasma therapy began to be used for the treatment of periodontitis and various wounds. And only since 2005, dermatologists have paid attention to the plasma in order to apply it in aesthetic cosmetology.

face lifting before and after

The effectiveness of lifting your own plasma

The procedure allows to strengthen the inner framedermal tissue, providing an internal skin lift. After the session, the complexion and relief become uniform, the effect of “porcelain skin” is achieved. Plazmolifting (photo before and after, reviews also talk about it) is an excellent additional procedure in the treatment of hair loss.

After plasma-lifting the patient receives:

  • increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;
  • uniform color and relief of the face;
  • reducing wrinkles;
  • post-acne elimination;
  • deep hydration of dehydrated skin;
  • improving hair condition.

Essence and features of plasma lifting technology

As noted earlier, plasma lifting isnon-surgical method of using injections for skin therapy. For the procedure uses the human plasma itself. Substance is directly injected into problem areas. Plasma, containing in its composition an abundance of platelets, triggers the natural regeneration of the dermis.

According to experts, cell stimulationskin to regeneration is carried out as a result of a minor injury to the tissue. Such exposure can be compared with the treatment of the cover with a laser or a chemical peeling procedure. There is a concentration of platelets, the human body receives a command to recover. Not only platelet work leads to the active synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Also, vitamins, hormones and proteins extracted from the blood enter the struggle for the return of skin elasticity and elasticity. Not surprisingly, as a result, the skin looks well-groomed and healthy. The plasma-lifting gives wonderful results. Reviews, photos before and after once again confirm this.

Procedure Procedure

Plasma lifting is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Independent preparation of the patient for the procedure.
  2. Blood sampling.
  3. Plasma centrifugation.
  4. Injection into the problem area.

plazmolifting before and after photo

На начальном этапе из вены пациента проводится blood sampling. The procedure does not affect a person's well-being, since no more than 100 ml of blood is collected. Then it is centrifuged. With the separation of blood in a special apparatus into fractions, it becomes even more enriched with platelets. The resulting plasma is injected into the correct areas. The duration of the session does not take more than 30 minutes. Also short in time is plasma hair lifting. Photos before and after, reviews indicate the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

The procedure is repeated according to the testimony of a beautician.The need for re-session depends on the complexity of the person’s diagnosis. Only after the examination, the specialist determines the required number of procedures.

On average, their number is five sessions.The most popular among women received plazmolifting. Photos before and after, customer reviews indicate the high impact of this method of rejuvenation.

Plasma lifting for hair

Plasma lifting allows you to activatehair follicles. The cells of the scalp as a result receive all the necessary substances. Hair after a course of procedures go into a phase of growth. Due to this effect, patients get rid of the problem of baldness. Lifting can improve skin immunity. This leads to the death of all pathogens that may be on the surface of the head.

The indications for lifting hair are as follows:

  • brittle, split, lost hair and shine hair;
  • dandruff;
  • itching of the scalp caused by its dehydration;
  • baldness, which caused hormonal disorders in the body, stress and disease;
  • decrease in density of hair.

plazmolifting for hair reviews photos before and after

Plazmolifting in dentistry

Плазмовый лифтинг десен ничем не отличается от plasma lifting skin. Plasma obtained from the patient's own blood is injected into the gum mucosa. The main advantage of the procedure in comparison with traditional dental procedures is that it is less painful.

Gum therapy allows you to achieve the following results:

  • cure many gum diseases quickly;
  • strengthen the periodontal disease;
  • eliminate bad breath from the mouth;
  • prevent many dental diseases.

Is plasma lifting dangerous?

Technology rejuvenation received approvalRussian Ministry of Health. She was tested, as a result of which she was used not only in aesthetic cosmetology. Also, plasma lifting is effectively used in traumatology, orthopedics, gynecology, dentistry, neurology and urology.

Proved that the procedure is safe. Plasmolifting of the head is also harmless. Reviews, photos before and after talk about its high performance in the fight against hair loss.


Beauticians and patients mark not only highefficiency, which is different plasma lifting. Reviews, photos before and after the procedure also speak about its advantages over other rejuvenation technologies.

Therapy with own plasma has the following advantages:

  1. Does not cause allergies. Lifting your own blood plasma is an absolutely non-toxic procedure. It does not provide for the use of any third-party drugs, components or chemicals.
  2. It has a fast rehabilitation period.
  3. Long-lasting effect that plasma facelifting gives. Photos before and after the manipulations confirm that the result is kept at a high level from one to one and a half years.
  4. There are no side effects and rehabilitation period.
  5. Unlike donated blood, there is no possibility of contracting infections.
  6. The skin is instantly updated, becoming young and attractive.

Indications for plasma therapy

По мнению косметологов, оптимальным временем для The use of plasma therapy is 30 years of age. The rejuvenating procedure is recommended for patients with signs of aging skin: low tone, inhomogeneous relief, indistinct facial contour, as well as mimic wrinkles.

Also plasma lifting (photo after the procedure can besee the article) is highly effective in combating acne. Regenerative processes occurring in the cells, accelerate the metabolism and increase the overall immunity of the skin. Full relief from acne occurs as a result of the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

It is noteworthy that the lifting therapy is carried outnot only for the rejuvenation of the skin. With it, you can update the skin of the neck, neck, hips, abdomen and hands. Plasmolifting sessions are shown to heavy smokers. After treatment, the structure of the skin is restored, and unhealthy complexion is eliminated. Plasmolifting for hair gives excellent results. Reviews, photos before and after testify to this.

Anti-aging treatment is used toeliminate post acne, scarring and stretch marks. To achieve the maximum effect, cosmetologists conduct it in conjunction with hardware techniques. In trichology, autoplasma helps patients to cope with the problem of baldness, hair breakage.

Thus, plasma facelift of the face - photos before and after confirm this - is shown when:

  • acne disease;
  • natural aging of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • baldness;
  • skin dehydration;
  • restoration of dermal covers after hardware procedures.

plasma lifting heads reviews before and after photos


The procedure of plasma lifting is allowed only with the complete absence of contraindications for the patient. Anti-aging sessions are strictly prohibited to patients with the following diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • infectious and chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • mental disorders.

Also plazmolifting is contraindicated in:

  • anemia;
  • sepsis;
  • general intoxication;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions to coagulants;
  • inflammations on the skin.

Thus, we have considered, in what cases it is impossible to do plasma-lifting, reviews, photos before and after. Contraindications should always be considered before the procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Since the result of plazmoliftinga directlydepends on the quality of blood plasma, cosmetologists strongly recommend that patients be prepared for anti-aging sessions at home. A few days before the treatment should improve your diet. It is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, fried and fatty foods. Increase the consumption of clean drinking water. Immediately before the treatment of the face, as well as before doing the plasma-lifting for the hair (the photo before and after the procedure can be seen on the websites of specialized clinics), it is recommended to refrain from eating.

To go to plasma therapy can not be weakenedimmune system. If the patient has recently undergone surgery or a serious illness, the procedure is best postponed. Also, wait with the conduct of anti-aging manipulations should be during menstruation.

plasma lifting photo after the procedure

The cost of plasma therapy

Of course, potential clients of clinicsI wonder how much plasma therapy will cost them. The cost of the course depends on the treated area and the number of required procedures. Rejuvenation of the neck will cost the patient 6 thousand rubles. To make plasma-lifting on the entire surface of the face (before and after the photo they say about its high efficiency), it will take about 10 thousand rubles. The price of treatment of skin diseases is 7 thousand rubles per procedure.

It was the high cost of therapy that causednegative reviews about her. Meanwhile, it should be noted that to achieve a similar effect at home will not succeed. After the procedure, the skin looks sleek, well-groomed and healthy.

Thus, the new technique allowsslow down the aging process of the human body. The skin after the procedure becomes elastic and elastic, the hair gain strength and density, and the state of health improves. Plazmolifting, before and after the photo confirms this, today it is one of the most effective anti-aging techniques, which does not provide for surgical intervention.

Reviews of the procedure

On the Internet portals of aesthetic cosmetology clinics and women's forums one can find numerous reviews on plasma lifting. Here are some of them.

Многие женщины пишут, что решились на процедуру after an unsuccessfully done laser peeling. Their skin looked tired and dull. After several injections of the own plasma, the patient's face was transformed, younger. Some women note that they did not feel any discomfort during the lifting. After injections, a special cream was applied to their skin, which quickly soothed irritation. It should be noted that plasma-lifting gums are very popular in Russia, reviews, photos before and after the procedure can be found on the Internet.

Также оставили свой отзыв о процедуре the fair sex with problem skin. According to women, they were worried about acne for many years. You might think that from the side of the procedure looks scary: blood sampling and injections. However, when patients see the result, they do not regret the sessions they have undergone. Many plasma lifting procedure resembles mesotherapy. Already after the first injection, women with acne prone skin have seen results. They are sure that in a few sessions they will be able to say goodbye to the rash forever. They also note a reduction in the number of inflammatory elements, an improvement in skin color and a reduction in wrinkles.

In the clinic of aesthetic cosmetology oftentreat the problem of hyperpigmentation. Some patients say that they previously resorted to the help of specialists to get rid of this shortcoming, but all the procedures performed did not give a long-term effect. The blemishes returned again, worsening the overall appearance of the skin. These women agreed to plasma therapy, because it does not cause allergic reactions and completely excludes the possibility of infectious infections. They were also pushed before and after by face-lifting, reviews on numerous beauty forums. All women after the procedure said that their skin had acquired a healthy and uniform shade. They noted that they did not expect such a good result.

So, most women in the forums tellthey were pleased with the result that plasma-lifting brought them. Photos before and after, reviews of some friends pushed them to complete the course. They note that many cosmetologists recommend doing the procedure in winter. According to some girls, the manipulations are not pleasant, but they cause a minimum of discomfort. After three procedures, the skin of the face acquires a healthy color, becomes more elastic and smooth.

Young girls after therapy got rid ofscars and specks. They became the owners of smooth skin. Patients who were satisfied with the results report that they will now resort to this procedure constantly. It should be noted that the plasma lifting of the head also gives excellent results. Photos before and after the procedure - the best confirmation of this.

Some women go to the clinic forthe end of the summer season, when they notice that their skin of the face and decollete has lost its beauty and elasticity after abundant sunbathing. Experts advise them to plasma-lift as a guaranteed method of moisturizing and restoring skin. The girls say that the sensations during the procedure were somewhat unpleasant. But at the same time, they note that the redness quickly disappeared, and the result of the lifting was a fresh and attractive skin. Some patients also plan to do plasma scalping. Photos before and after the procedure can be seen here.

Plasmolifting head before and after photo

Young patients in their reviews say thatthey were forced to resort to plasma-lifting because of post-acne traces. The girls, not melting, say that their skin used to be the cause of large complexes. In order to somehow disguise the defects, they used a huge amount of expensive cosmetic products. After the first session, the skin of such patients is noticeably smoothed, the complexion becomes more uniform. In just a few procedures, according to experts, they will be able to completely abandon the tonal resources.

Some patients first heard ofplazmoliftinge from their employees. Some of them decided to undergo a course of procedures in order to get rid of peeling, others - from heterogeneous relief and complexion. After going through the lifting, their skin began to look more well-groomed, it received the necessary moisture, the complexion evened out and became healthy. Many women in their reviews share that in the future they would like to do plasma-lifting for the hair. Reviews, photos before and after the procedure impressed them.

The only minus of anti-aging therapyAccording to some patients, is the high cost of the course. Sometimes women tell that they are very difficult emotionally transferred to plasma-lifting. Immediately after the session, strong reddening appeared on their face. They were very worried that the marks from the needles would remain on the skin, but after 4 hours the redness and holes completely disappeared. Two days after the procedure, their skin smoothed noticeably, the oily luster disappeared.

Many girls in their reviews write thatas a result of the course of the four procedures, they got rid of traces of post-acne, large pigment spots and mimic wrinkles. Some did lift the chest and neck. Their skin has become more taut and elastic. All patients were satisfied with the results.

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