/ / A thing in a variety of styles - a long cardigan

A thing in a variety of styles is a long cardigan

A gentle and practical thing, created in order to give warmth to the coldest cold. This is how you can describe a long cardigan, whose popularity is growing year by year.

long cardigan

Stylish thing

Love designers for a long cardigancan be explained quite simply: it is easy enough to include it in most modern directions, especially if it's boho-chic, romantic style, grunge, street fashion and street-chic.

long cardigans

What is the mystery of this universal wardrobe thing? Of course, in the material from which he sews.

A long cardigan is basically knitted or crochetedknitted cloth. Its excellent quality is that it accepts any style. By means of a yarn the most various patterns are weaved, and jersey as, as any other warm fabric, will emphasize beauty of a silhouette.

However, in addition to tissue, the role is played by the waylong cardigan figure. Here he has a dual function: on the one hand, he will hide the shortcomings that appear sometimes in the cold season, and, on the other hand, warm, without overloading the image with unnecessary elements.

So different cardigans

Women's long models of this wonderful thing are divided into a number of options, the main of which, of course, demi-season and summer.

Summer long cardigan is designed for a cool evening on vacation. Such jackets are knitted from cotton yarn or sewn from the finest knitwear. They are deliberately airy and translucent.

Демисезонный удлиненный кардиган носит universal character. It can be strict fitted models, designed for office wardrobe. Voluminous options are suitable for walking around the city or traveling to nature.

In addition, a long cardigan clearlydifferentiated and by style. They gained special popularity in grunge and trash. Baggy, deliberately aged models almost completely hide the figure of its owner.

Unthinkable without a cardigan and English style. Only such models look, in contrast to the above, ideally sitting on the figure.

Perfect appearance

Stylists willingly include in the created images cardigan. A long version of it will fit perfectly into any wardrobe.

To create the appearance in the style of "Business casual"an extended cardigan should be combined with straight jeans or trousers, top or classical blouse, high-heeled shoes and with a wide under-hip portion. Accessories should be chosen calm and in tone to shoes. This, for example, can be a rectangular tote and a clock on a wide strap.

cardigan long
For fans of “Boho-chic” style, an elongated cardigan can be combined with narrow ripped jeans, a gray T-shirt, suede ankle boots on a flat turn, a sling bag and a lot of thin bracelets.

cardigan boho

Romantic style also can not do withoutuse of an elongated cardigan. Only here it is necessary to build an image on opposition. Thus, a voluminous cardigan made from thick yarn is combined with an airy chiffon dress, complemented by ankle boots with a low heel and a "bowling bag".

cardigan romance

Creating your image with an elongated cardigan,it should always be remembered that volumetric models are combined according to the principle of opposition, and thin versions are combined with similarly dense fabrics.

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