/ / "Kakadu" - shoes for real little mods

"Kakadu" - shoes for real little mods

Every responsible parent wants a babywore comfortable, stylish and attractive shoes. Finding a good model for a child is not easy. One of the best, available options is the children's shoes "Kakadu". We will speak about the products of this brand in this material.

What is the brand from the Kakadu brand shoes?

cockatoo shoes
Domestic trade mark under the amusingthe name "Kakadu" is engaged in the production of reliable shoes for babies, applying to the production is not a childish approach. Quality of manufacturing of separate elements of production is supervised by experts of the company at all stages. At the same time, generally accepted quality and safety standards are observed.

In the course of production,quality, proven materials. A distinctive feature of such footwear is the use of preventive insoles, which prevent the development of flat feet.

"Kakadu" - shoes that stand out against the backgroundproduction of other domestic manufacturers extremely bright, original design. Products from the manufacturer is very practical and functional. The collection includes boots for girls, sneakers, shoes, sandals, boots and low shoes.


children's shoes cockatoos
"Kakadu" (shoes) is distinguished by the following advantages:

  1. The flexible orthopedic outsole - a thoughtful design ensures freedom of movement while walking.
  2. Hard back firmly fixes the child's foot.
  3. Seasonality. For each season, the company produces a whole lot of stylish footwear models, the qualities of which correspond to different weather conditions.
  4. The use of "breathable" materials - contributes to the removal of moisture, reduces the likelihood of rubbing the foot, excludes the development of fungal diseases.


Boots for Girls
"Kakadu" - shoes that differ extremelyspectacular visual design. When developing children's models, the manufacturer focuses on the application of a bright palette of colors. Saturated shades are often supplemented with original prints, painted compositions that arouse lively interest in kids.

Collections from the manufacturer for girlsdecorated with embroidery, bows and all sorts of rhinestones that kids like so much. Interest in boys cause sneakers and shoes, for the design of which are used motifs from popular cartoons, images of movie heroes.


The domestic producer focuses onrelease of collections of footwear, the characteristics of which correspond to the highest international standards of safety and quality standards. As materials of manufacture high-quality textiles, a natural leather, polymeric materials are used. A reliable tailoring and competent combination of production bases provides such footwear with a long service. At the same time, the products remain invariably attractive for a long time.


Collections of the domestic brand "Kakadu"are focused primarily on toddlers aged 3 to 13 years. The assortment of the manufacturer includes both everyday models and products for sport. A wide variety of design solutions, an abundance of color combinations makes it possible for children to find a model to their liking.

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