/ / Children's clothing "Alinka" (Hungary): customer reviews

Children's clothing "Alinka" (Hungary): customer reviews

Very popular with parents who care aboutconvenience and practicality of children's clothing, the Hungarian brand "Alinka". Today, you can often find proposals for joint purchases of clothing and addresses of wholesale and retail online stores. What qualities Alinka really possesses, Hungary can keep silent. And we will make our own conclusion, having studied the feedback of consumers.

Who gets what from Alinka

To begin with it is necessary to specify who is being acquiredchildren's clothing from Hungary "Alinka". Parents' reviews indicate that their income is mostly on an average level. They prefer good quality at an affordable price. At the same time, clothes should be worn by the child for a long time and fully justified the expectations.

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Parents also try to order goods incalculation for the child's growth, kits or for two or three seasons. Preference is given to demi-season things - jackets and winds, sports sets and trousers. Also popular are jeans, blouses, suits with tunics and tights. For any age, order tights and socks, ordinary and warmed, which are the leader in sales in the line "Alinka".

Practicality or fragility of things

In the matter of buying and wearing clothes, especiallychild, an important place is its strength and duration of use. Some other qualities also apply here, such as the preservation of paints, the serviceability of fasteners and other elements, the preservation of the shape of the product.

Most buyers note that the colorsclothes "Alinka" bright and juicy, they do not wash off during washing and do not fade with time. Both knitwear and outerwear withstand a lot of washing in the usual mode. Clothing such as jackets, overalls and trousers can be worn for up to three seasons without compromising on appearance. In addition, most of the articles of outerwear have lapels. This allows you to buy things for growth and makes them even more practical, and therefore, in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages

As well as at any other goods, at clothes for children"Alinka" has its pros and cons. Consumers talk about them on the basis of personal experience, or rather, after some time wearing these clothes by their children.

The quality of tailoring is noted by all without exceptionbuyers, here we mean the conscientiousness of the execution of the seams, even stitches and the treated edges. Models are executed impeccably, for good patterns. They sit on the child exactly, without distortions and other visible defects.

baby clothes alinka hungary

Parents also respond positively toquality of the fabric. Linen and suit jersey, wadding, fleece and cotton products - all kinds of material have a flat surface, without spools and puffs, loosened loops and damages. To the touch, fabrics are pleasant and delicate - what you need for children's clothing.

The only drawback that has clothes"Alinka" (Hungary) - the manufacturer did not take into account the difference in size between Hungarian and Russian children, so consumers from Russia notice that some models are slightly small, about one size, but this should be taken into account when buying so as not to be disappointed afterwards.

Parents save

Purchasing clothes through joint purchases, like,for example, most often purchased "Alinka", the buyer pursues the goal of saving. Sometimes it happens that the clothes are of inadequate quality, then the purchase is followed by an inevitable disappointment. TM "Alinka" (Hungary) is the case when the quality is much higher than the price. The price for each product calculated mainly for wholesale purchases is only slightly higher than its cost price. If compared with other manufacturers, at a similar price, products of much worse quality are offered. This does not apply to all garment factories, but it occurs quite often.

children's clothing from Hungary

Being a trademark with a positivereputation, firmly occupied its trading niche, children's clothing "Alinka" (Hungary) does not need a big expenditure on advertising. Therefore, this is another plus in favor of a fairly democratic price, available to every average family.

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