/ / Victory Square (Ryazan): how the asphalt has failed and the pit has been formed

Victory Square (Ryazan): how the asphalt has failed and the pit has been formed

The modern city of Ryazan is the centera large region - the Ryazan region. Today there are many remarkable monuments in this city. One of them is the Victory Square (Ryazan). However, not only parades and rallies happen on this square, but also very dangerous incidents. Let's talk about one of these incidents with this article.

What happened on May 13, 2015

Day May 13, 2015 was sunny and warm. Victory Square (Ryazan) was full of people: passers-by walked, ordinary people went to work, students and schoolchildren hurried home from school.

Naturally, the roadway was busyby road. Today roads in the city are struggling to cope with the traffic of cars. However, this is a problem not only for Ryazan, but for all the big cities of our country.

Victory Square of Ryazan

However, after 2 pm it became apparent thatAsphalt towards the city center on the roadway a crack is formed. Machines, Pass on this crack bends sharply at an asphalt. When this place drove the trolley with the people, the crack began to sink.

This place was dangerous because there was also a pedestrian crossing, through which a very large number of people always pass in both directions.

Fortunately, immediately there were called the officers of the guard service, who cordoned off the area of ​​the failure.

What caused the accident

The approaching employees of Teploseti found out thatthe cause of the failure of the asphalt was the malfunction of the networks that caused the undermining of the soil under the asphalt. The width of the formed pit was about 5 meters, its depth was about 4 meters. Later, with the help of special equipment, the pit was enlarged, as repair work required it.

Ryazan Victory Square failed asphalt

In this case, it's just a miracle that the asphalt has not failedduring traffic or movement of people across the area. Indeed, on the eve of May 9, the city celebrated the 70th anniversary of Victory, and Victory Square (Ryazan) was the central place of festive celebrations. It is for this and for this ill-fated asphalt on May 9 were thousands of citizens, including elderly veterans, and children of preschool age.

In addition, it was on this square in the evening of May 9 that a festive salute took place, on which a large number of citizens came. And most of them brought their children with them.

If the failure occurred on the eve of May 13, then it was unlikely that the victims could be avoided.

What happened after the accident

There is also news about the formation of a pit onVictory Square (Ryazan), flew around the city. However, not all motorists were able to plan their route in advance and go along the bypass roads. In fact, traffic in the city center was paralyzed. There were many kilometers of traffic jams on the roads from cars.

In addition, it was Wednesday, a working day, and by 5watches began to gather people who used to sit on public transport at the stop "Victory Square" (Ryazan). A large number of townspeople had to go home on foot, as the transport got up because of the large accumulation of motor vehicles.

Talk about the accident quickly bypassed the whole of Ryazan,"Victory Square ... the asphalt has failed," was heard from all sides. People shared this news with their loved ones. However, the rumors were fearless, as people knew that there had been no human casualties in the accident.

pit in Victory Square Ryazan

Ryazan. Victory Square. Failed asphalt. How to prevent an accident

The city authorities undertook to controlelimination of the consequences of the accident, since the news that a major accident occurred and the asphalt has failed, because of which the traffic has been violated, even passed through the central television channels.

However, to the promised time (6 amthe next day) the consequences of the accident were not eliminated. For several days the city lived in anticipation of the completion of the repair. All this time, city transport went erratically, and drivers of cars chose ways to bypass. On both sides of the pedestrian part of the street people were walking in the square, as it was impossible to pass along it.

And social networks of the city began to bypassphotos taken at the scene of the accident. The photos had not only the usual signature "Victory Square (Ryazan), the asphalt was falling and a big hole was formed", but also a lot of humorous signatures, and also collages made using Photoshop about a special "Ryazan sauna", depicting in the pit both people and animals. Since none of the townspeople suffered in this accident, the news about her did not cause despondency and sadness.

the area of ​​victory ryazan failed

So we can assume that the city of Ryazan easily survived this accident. Although without it it would be better.

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