/ / Plants and animals of the Chelyabinsk region: photo and description. The Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region

Plants and animals of the Chelyabinsk region: photo and description. The Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region

The Chelyabinsk Region is located in the South Urals, onborder of two parts of the world - Asia and Europe, in the very center of the huge continent of Eurasia. Naturally, the climate here is continental, with long cold winters (the average January temperature is 17-18 degrees) and moderately warm summers (the value of the average July temperature is 16-19 degrees). The climate is influenced by the Ural Mountains, and the presence of a large number of lakes and rivers.

Three natural areas of the region

The plants and animals of the Chelyabinsk region, their number and varieties as they exist today, are determined by the geographical position and size of the region.

animals of the Chelyabinsk region

Природа Челябинской области представлена тремя zones - mountain-forest, forest-steppe and steppe. The fauna and flora are located according to their natural areas. Taiga, deciduous and mixed forests, as well as the corresponding fauna, are in the mountain-forest zone, other species of animals are found in their natural habitat - in the steppes and valleys of the rivers of the Southern Urals. The forest fund occupies 2.5 million hectares, or more than 25% of the territory of the region. Aspen-birch and pine forests grow in the north of the region, the central part is occupied by forest-steppe, and the grass-grass steppe is spread in the south.

Caring for nature

Животные Челябинской области весьма многочисленны.Thus, more than 60 species of mammals live in the region. In addition to them, there are 300 species of birds (80% of them belong to nesting) and 60 species of fish. Amphibians and reptiles in the area recorded more than 20 species.

the red book of the Chelyabinsk region animals
Этот субъект является одним из самых экономически developed in the Russian Federation. Progress in this region adversely affects the surrounding flora and fauna, therefore many plant and animal species are listed in the Red Book. But maybe because one tenth of the region’s territory is protected, and on an area of ​​1000 hectares there are reserves and national parks, game reserves and botanical reserves, the wildlife of the Chelyabinsk region is not scanty. The oldest and most famous is the Ilmensky State Reserve, formed in 1920. Its area is equal to 30.3 thousand hectares.

Predators and artiodactyls

Animals of the Chelyabinsk region are presentedfollowing species. From the order of predators there are families of feline, weasel, bears and canids. Especially there are many representatives of the Mustelidae - there are badger, otter in the region. There are ermine and columns, pine marten and weasel, American, European and Siberian mink, as well as steppe polecat. The rest of the predator families are represented by a trot, a brown bear, a wolf, a steppe fox and a raccoon dog. From the detachment of artiodactyls, there are Siberian roe deer, sika deer, elk and wild boar.

Representatives of the animal world of the region

As already noted, the animals of the Chelyabinsk region are quite numerous. So, there are 500-600 bears in the region, and lynx - 150-200, boars - 1500-2000 heads.

plants and animals of the Chelyabinsk region

Among mammals, in addition to a large rodent order, there are hares, insectivores and chiropterans. The families of shrews (insectivores) and hamsters (rodents) are especially well represented.

Vanishing view

Animals of the Chelyabinsk region (see photo and descriptionbelow), such as the Russian desman, are threatened with extinction. Interestingly, in the XIX century the area was fully included in the habitat of this animal. Then the mention of meetings with her disappeared altogether. In the 50s of the last century, work began on its re-acclimatization. Today the number in the area is unknown. The Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region has been replenished with this rare species of the mole family, which is also called Khokhulei. Animals, such as Russian desman or river otter, settle on the shores of small lakes, oxbows, rivers with a weak current. The shores should be steep and overgrown with vegetation, and also suitable for digging holes, the entrance to which is always located under water. The depth of the reservoir should not exceed 3 meters. It feeds on leeches, mollusks, various insects. In the litter of Russian desman from 1 to 5 cubs, but most often 2-3.

animal world of the Chelyabinsk region

Poisonous plants of the Chelyabinsk region

В регионе произрастает около 50 видов ядовитых representatives of the flora. Their danger to humans and animals is due to the fact that they contain alkaloids and glycosides, as well as complex compounds in the form of milky juices and resins.

Helen black.It can grow in different places: in vegetable gardens, in wastelands, along roads. Toxic are the seeds and leaves, which contain high concentrations of hyoscyamine and scopolamine. These alkaloids have a detrimental effect on the nervous system.
Hemlock. Unpretentious and growing everywhere. The whole plant is poisonous. Of the alkaloids, most of all contains horse, causing severe poisoning, often ending in death.

Milestone poisonous. Occurs in wetlands. Toxic properties due to the content of cycutotoxin.

animals and plants of the red book of the Chelyabinsk region

What is the Red Book and why is it needed?

Why representatives of animal and vegetablethe world are recorded in this book, because it is not a law on nature conservation? Simply, it draws people's attention to endangered species with its disturbing color. The book, having a red cover, consists of multi-colored pages. The black pages contain the names of species that have disappeared forever. On the red pages are the names of rare and endangered species (bison, red wolf, etc.). On the yellow pages, you can learn about species that are rapidly dwindling (polar bears, pink flamingos). The animals and plants of the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region, as well as other regions, placed on the white pages, belong to those species that have not always been in nature. Little-studied representatives of flora and fauna located in inaccessible places are located on gray pages. There are green pages in the book. They contain lists of animals that man was able to save from extinction, for example, elk and river beaver.

The ever changing book

На грани вымирания находятся несколько видов bats, and not only. The Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region is very extensive. Animals that have fallen into it belong to mammals and birds, reptiles and amphibians, fish, insects and mollusks. It also includes plants and fungi.

Elk and beaver are typical animals of the Chelyabinsk region. But they also periodically get into the Red Book. Данные в ней все время меняются, во-первых, because science does not stand still, and new previously unknown information appears, and the names of some representatives of flora and fauna pass from a page of one color to a page of another, for example, in the case of a sharp decrease in the population, or vice versa.

As noted above, in the regionthere are three natural areas. It’s hard to imagine how many representatives of the flora are on the slopes of the Southern Urals, if 377 plant species are included in the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region, and their number is increased in the new edition that was published in December 2015.

Unique plants

To the north of the river Ui grow pines, aspens and birch.Forbs and feather grass sprawled below this river. There are such species in need of protection as lily-saranka and Siberian phlox. Very beautiful names for such rare species as the European swimsuit and Altai anemone. Such endangered species can also be noted, such as Lyubka two-leaved, needle-pointed carnation, lady's slipper and hundreds more.

animals of the Chelyabinsk region photos and description

Necessary support for livestock breeders

The most popular site with free ads- this is “Avito”. Animals (Chelyabinsk region) on it are presented in large quantities. Most are offered for sale dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and goods for them. With the help of the site, anyone can choose a pet.

The choice is huge - to get acquainted with it, you need to spend some time. On the site you can agree on the purchase of not only domestic but also farm animals.

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