/ / To think existentially is to form oneself.

To think existentially is to form oneself.

To look at the world, to think, to live existentially - is this really a particular way of life, or is it just another dust in the eyes of an insufficiently educated average person?

Existentially this
Any freshman student will tell you thatexistentialism is a rather young (about a hundred years old) philosophical trend, developed first in Germany, then in France, Russia. In time, it conquered the whole world.

The term is translated from Latin means"Existence". The main idea of ​​the doctrine: the person himself predetermines the meaning of his essence, having already been born. Living, making mistakes and deeds, every day he creates himself through choice. Therefore, the categories of freedom assign a huge role, considering it as a combination of opportunity and responsibility at the same time. At the same time, a person who thinks existentially is a traveler who is in search of himself, his sense of life constantly, understanding his daily changing nature.

Existential approach
Coming out of the philosophical cradle, a new flowwon the followers in other areas of public life. First of all it concerns pedagogy and psychology. The existential approach in psychology considers any human problem as unique and unique, it avoids the use of classifications and patterns. The main goal is to help comprehend the reality and develop its attitude towards it, since to live existentially is to be free from other people's assessments and opinions, condemnations and approvals.

A new direction has been developed and inpedagogy. This was reflected in the allocation of basic knowledge that everyone should have. Among all the sciences, the most important, derived existentially, is the science of knowing oneself and charting a positive path of development and self-improvement. At the same time, education should help in solving the essential problems of a person, which include questions of life and death, freedom and choice, responsibility, communication and loneliness. Inattention to the above problems can lead a person to a crisis of existence, which is associated with deviant and delinquent behavior, psychological disorders and even suicidal tendencies. In this connection, a new, existential strategy of education is being built, in the center of which is a man and his problems.

Existential man
Thus, existentialism is a conceptout of the framework of philosophy and filling various spheres of social life. Therefore, its use in various everyday situations is fully justified. It becomes clear that the existential person is distinguished by the following qualities: is in search of the essence of his life, its meaning and purpose; lays the responsibility on themselves not only for personal choice, but also for close people; understands that people are interconnected and influence each other; ready to meet with Nothing, that is, death - this meeting will free him from the fetters of public opinion and social conventions. Perhaps a modern, thinking existentially, a person differs from the heroes of Sartre or Camus, but still referring to their works will help to fill the philosophical term with new shades, giving it vitality.

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