/ What is an exercise: is it a walk or exercise?

What is a physical exercise: is it a walk or exercise?

Так вот, еще в девятнадцатом веке доктора пришли to the idea that sitting on the couch shortens the road to death. And to make people move, a simple walk was called a beautiful word "exercise". This meant a walk in the fresh air. But not just a stroll! A hike for a specific purpose! A person went to

this is
nature, to his body a little tired, thoughts filled with joyful impressions, and the lungs - fresh oxygen!

The exercise is the way to longevity

So they represented their "discovery" of the doctorthe century before last. Walking and getting new impressions, a person was charged with energy, which supported his strength. It was not just physical exercise. Muscles should work, it goes without saying. But the main thing in the exercise is the creation of inner peace. Watching nature, a man had to stop the "word-mixer" in his head. Thoughts had to be harmonized. it

morning exercise
led to the fact that it left stress,which shortens its earthly existence. Over time, these tips have not lost their relevance. Stress in our time has become much more, so the need to get rid of them only increased.

The exercise is the path to happiness

Let's see, but how much time spendsmodern man on positive thoughts. How many minutes a day do you experience a state of happiness? Rather, you need to ask how many seconds. Can not remember? Characteristic of modern man. It's just so easy to break out of a frenzied rhythm, stop for an analysis of what is actually getting from a person, it's very difficult. So everything is arranged, that work, money and so on catch everyone with an iron grip, not allowing to escape from the "squirrel wheel". And it turns out that Groundhog Day is repeated from month to month, from year to year. Unfortunately, to miraculous advice of doctors about exercise, people resort only when health is undermined. But, having tried once, which means - to break away for some time from the cycle and to give time to oneself personally, they no longer want to stop. It turns out that the exercise is an opportunity to take care of yourself, pay attention to yourself, spend energy on yourself, and not give it away

evening exercise
greedy surrounding world. Those who understand this, say that the body and soul for such attention meet a huge gratitude!

How to properly exercise

The first rule: this is not just a walk.The exercise is a special procedure that is designed to load your muscles and brain. Give an impression, not related to the daily cycle. Morning exercise is best done in the park and combined with charging. But the load should cause a sense of joy, not be an unpleasant duty. In the West, it is believed that exercise is a sport activity. Let's not argue with this. The main thing is that not only the body work! The whole use of the exercise is to get pleasant emotions and impressions. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. Very useful evening exercise, during which you can escape from the experiences of the day. Then the dream will be restorative.

So it turns out that the exercise is a walk in order to gain pleasant impressions. If you like the idea, then good luck and pleasant emotions in the morning and in the evening!

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