Uglegorskaya TPP is one of the two mostpowerful thermal power plants of Ukraine with a peak capacity of 3,600 MW. In the structure of the enterprise there are 7 power units, four of which are designed for burning gas coals, the remaining three work on fuel oil or natural gas. The station is a structural subdivision of Public Joint Stock Company "Centrenergo".
Uglegorskaya TPP is a powerfulheat and power complex capable of generating up to 3,600 MW of electricity, which is an absolute record for Ukrainian thermal power plants. A similar station, built on the same project, is located near Zaporozhye.
Uglegorskaya TPP is designed to provide heat andelectrical energy consumers of the Donetsk region - the most developed in industrial terms. The station consists of two parts: the first is focused on working with coal gas brands, the second - gas (fuel oil).
Thermal power station is located in administrativethe borders of Donetsk region, in Bakhmutsky district. At 2-3 kilometers from it are the settlements Mironovsky, Novoluganskoye and the satellite town of Svetlodarsk, built for the TPP maintenance personnel. The nearest large city is Gorlovka, located 8 km south-east of the station. Company address: 84792, Donetsk region, the city of Svetlodarsk-1.
General information about Uglegorsk TPPthat the design capacity of the most productive second stage is designed to receive 2400 MW. Three power units are installed in its halls, each of which is equipped with a 800 MW turbine unit and a gas-oil single-body boiler with a steam generating capacity of 2,650 t / h. Turbine units are equipped with heat and power plants generating 15 Gcal of heat per hour.
The first stage of the Uglegorsk TPP (which in 2013year out of service as a result of fire) produces 1200 MW. It consists of 4 power units equipped with turbine units producing 300 MW of electricity each. Four pulverized single-body boilers have a steam capacity of 950 t / h. Heat from here goes to the city of Svetlodarsk power engineers and to various industrial sites.
The history of Uglegorsk TPP begins in the 60sXX century. By this time, the Donbass region, the neighboring Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, and Rostov regions turned into one of the largest industrial clusters of the Soviet Union. The power of the already erected power plants during the peak periods was not enough. The government decided to build two of the largest condensing power stations on the territory of Ukraine (later reorganized into thermal power plants) under a new project: one in Zaporizhia, the second in the north-east of Donetsk region.
According to the idea, new power plants shouldwere to become more flexible in the production plan: to work on several types of fuel (gas, fuel oil, gas coal), to increase and decrease productivity, depending on peak loads during the day and energy consumption drops during the night.
Construction work at Uglegorskaya GRES beganin 1968. Initially, infrastructure, roads, communications, industrial buildings and residential areas of the city of Svetlodarsk were built. High-voltage trunk lines for voltage transmission 330 and 110 kV are connected. A dam was built on the Lugan river to take water from it for cooling and technical use. Miracles of design thought were shown by Soviet builders: a record height of 320-meter chimney was erected at the station.
The launch of the first unit took placein the winter of 1972. On December 3, a 300 MW coal-fired turbo unit generated the first kilowatts of energy. After the run-in, the power plant was connected to the integrated power grid of the country. During the year, the power engineers progressively put into operation three more blocks that worked on gas coal. By the end of 1973, Uglegorskaya GRES stably delivered 1200 MW of necessary energy.
1974 for Uglegorsk TPP became a new stage indevelopment. The construction of a second, more high-capacity line has begun, the equipment of which allows the use of fuel oil or natural gas as a source of fuel. The first 800-megawatt unit gave power in December 1975. A year later, also in December, another 2 blocks were earned. Thus, the total capacity of all seven power units of the station amounted to 3,600 MW.
In 1984, a large-scalereorganization of the management system. All important technological processes were automated in order to maximally eliminate errors caused by the so-called "human factor".
После обретения Украиной независимости Uglegorskaya power plant comes under the jurisdiction of the new national government. In 1995, the company entered into the structure of PJSC "Centrenergo", where it remains to this day. By the way, important stages in the development of an enterprise are described in the book “History of Uglegorsk TPP”.
The tensions that developed betweenThe Ukrainian Republic and the Russian Federation in the oil and gas issue, led to higher prices for energy. Ukraine has small reserves of gas and oil fields, raw materials have to be purchased in neighboring countries. As a result, the cost of electricity and heat generated by the second stage of the Uglegorsk TPP exceeded the permissible limits. Three of the most productive 800-megawatt units operating on gas (fuel oil) had to be mothballed. Thus, the actual capacity of the plant today does not exceed 1200 MW.
March 29, 2013 at 15:14 a large fire broke out due to the ignition of coal dust. As a result, four turbines of the Uglegorsk thermal power plant were destroyed. The accident led to the fact that 12,000 residents of the city of Svetlodarsk remained cut off from communications. One station worker died and thousands were left without work. The consequences of the disaster were also felt by the miners, and the start of financing reconstruction and social support of the population of the affected city led to an increase in the electricity tariff. However, the shutdown of the Uglegorsk thermal power station did not lead to disruption of the power system of Ukraine.
Two weeks later, the situation at the Uglegorsk TPPcommented on the Minister Edward Stavitsky, who oversaw the energy and coal industry. He made a statement that it was decided not to restore the 4 blocks that had burned down, but to overhaul them.
According to the investigation, a change led to the state of emergency.technical conditions of operation, resulting in coal dust ignited. The fire spread to the roof and then spread to the shops of the first stage. By the way, unlike anthracite, gas coals are very fire hazardous. When burning, strict compliance with technical standards is required. Multi-level fire extinguishing equipment should be introduced at the enterprise.
The main reason for the emergency experts say thatthat the vast majority of generating capacity, which was launched during the USSR, has now exhausted its resource. Not less than 60% of the capacity in thermal energy needs an urgent replacement, and 90% do not correspond to the concepts of reliable and efficient operation due to the exhaustion of the marginal resource.
Несмотря на значительные разрушения, Углегорскую the power station did not close. The next few years carried out large-scale construction and installation work. Initially, restoration of the coverage of machine hall No. 1 was provided. On October 8, 2013, power unit No. 1 was connected to the unified power system, unit No. 4 was connected on November 13, 2013. Then, the third power unit was overhauled with the restoration of automated control systems. In 2014, it was decided to upgrade unit No. 2 in order to restore the main equipment and increase the electric power by 25 MW, and improve environmental indicators on dust emissions to 50 mg / nm3.
For over forty years of continuous workUglegorsk TPP modernization of power generating equipment was not carried out. By the order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, further sequential reconstruction of power units No. 1, No. 3, No. 4 is envisaged with an increase in electrical power of the first stage from 1200 MW to 1300 MW. The construction of a plant-wide desulfurization plant to improve the ecological condition of the region also began.
Increasing the competitiveness of the Uglegorsk TPP is expected in the future due to:
Таким образом, Углегорская теплоэлектростанция It has great potential, but due to the unstable economic and political situation that has developed in Ukraine, the station cannot operate in full force.