/ / Karl XVI Gustav: biography of the king of Sweden

Carl XVI Gustav: biography of the king of Sweden

Sweden is one of those countries where it survived.the institution of monarchy. For more than 40 years King Carl XVI Gustav has been sitting on the throne. His life is worthy of detailed research, it is an example of how debt won over personal inclinations and interests. But even today the king is constantly pursued by the paparazzi, and he periodically gives cause for discontent of his subjects. Carl XVI Gustav, Queen Silvia and their children - this is a favorite topic for discussion among the people and the media.

Carl XVI Gustav


30 апреля 1946 года родился наследник королевской Swedish family - Carl XVI Gustav. Bernadot dynasty is on the throne of Sweden for almost 200 years. The founder of the royal family was Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadot. He was not at all of aristocratic origin, Jean-Baptiste was born in the family of the Gascon lawyer. But due to the difficult financial situation he entered the military service and made a dizzying career in Napoleon’s army. Marshal Bernadot has shown himself to be a very humane person when dealing with prisoners of Swedes, which made him a very popular person in this country. And when in 1810 there was a monarchist crisis in the country, Karl XIII and the State Council offered him to become the heir to the throne, but with the only condition - the adoption of Lutheranism. In 1810 he became regent, and in 1818 he ascended the throne under the name of Karl XIV Juhan. In 1844, the son of Marshal Oscar I ascended to the throne. Today Sweden is ruled by the seventh representative of the Bernadot dynasty - Karl XVI Gustav.


Carl XVI Gustav was born the third and becamethe only son and youngest child in the family of Prince Gustav Adolf, who bears the title of Duke of Vesterbotten. At birth, he received the name of Karl Gustav Folke Hubertus, but usually call him only the first two names. Carl Gustav's father died when the boy was only 9 months old. It was a plane crash. There was an atypical situation when the throne was transferred from grandfather to grandson, bypassing the whole level of heirs. When the boy was three years old, his great-grandfather, the king of Sweden, died, and Carl Gustav officially became the crown prince. A grandfather from an early age began to prepare his grandson to ascend to the throne, he understood that the child needed special education and special skills and qualities. Therefore, it is difficult to call childhood Carl Gustav happy. He was constantly reminded of the mission entrusted to him. Fortunately, his childhood was surrounded by loving women: his mother and four older sisters were engaged in his upbringing and, of course, spoiled the boy. But grandfather always tried to keep it in strictness.

King Carl XVI Gustave


By tradition, the future monarch primary educationgot home. He was taught palace etiquette, languages, and history of Sweden. Then he was sent to a boarding school in the suburbs of Stockholm. There, Karl Gustav was experiencing certain difficulties, as he suffered from dyslexia and poorly perceived printed text. Later he was sent to another private pension. Since childhood, the prince was a shy and not very sociable child. To overcome these qualities, he joined the Scouts. And all his life he warmly remembers that movement and is a patron of scouts in Sweden. For higher education, the Prince enters a university in Uppsala, where he studies sociology, political science, history, economics, and tax law. Later, he completed his education at the University of Stockholm, where he learned the basics of the national economy.

Carl XVI Gustav photo

Preparing for the reign

Grandpa Gustav personally developed his programpreparing for the ascent to the throne. In order for the monarch to have a complete idea of ​​how the state functions, his grandfather sent him for practical training and internship to all ministries and departments of the country. He attended schools, factories, rural enterprises, deeply immersed in the study of the work of the courts, social welfare services, government activities. In this regard, it was not only education, but also compulsory exercise. Karl Gustav studied horse riding, yachting, water sports. These hobbies he kept for life. Since the monarch in Sweden is more representative, even at the preparatory stage for the accession to the throne, Karl Gustav was an intern at the international offices of Sweden in different countries. Also, the future monarch had to serve two and a half years in the armed forces of Sweden. He served in all branches of the military, but he especially liked the activities of the fleet - he always loved the sea. Thus, the future king spent many years preparing for the adoption of the supreme power in the country and was generally prepared for the duties that awaited him.

carla xvi gustav queen sylvia


In August 1973, Carl Gustav was summoned to his grandfather,which was very bad. For several weeks the grandson did not leave the bed of the patient. The current monarch, a 92-year-old man, tried to transfer all his experience to the future king, a 27-year-old young man. On September 15, 1973, Charles XVI Gustav informed the people about the death of the monarch from the balcony of the royal palace. The coronation of the youngest ruler in the entire history of Sweden took place on September 19. In his speech, he voiced, according to the established tradition, his motto: “For Sweden - in step with the times!”

King's life

In modern Sweden, the king must hold outpoliticians, he is even forbidden to publicly express any political affiliation. Carl XVI Gustav, whose biography is forever connected with the life of the country, focused his efforts on presenting Sweden on the world stage. He also regularly visits all regions of the country, inspects the work of services and departments of the state. The list of duties of the king is long enough. Every year he opens the new season of the parliament, he has to receive and present his credentials to foreign ambassadors. Carl XVI Gustav is the chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, occupies the highest post in the armed forces and, therefore, receives parades and inspects the army. In addition, he participates in various forums, congresses, symposia, opens exhibitions and various public events. On the king is the honorable duty to present the Nobel Prizes. He travels a lot around the world, representing Sweden at events of the highest level, for example, at the Olympics, international meetings in honor of memorable dates. Within the framework of official visits, the royal couple visited Russia three times.

Carl XVI Gustav Queen Silvia

Social activity

The days of the king are scheduled by the minute, his calendarplanned for the year ahead. But he still has time for social activity. Carl XVI Gustav is the honorary chairman of the World Organization of Scouts respected by him from childhood. From an early age, the king was concerned about environmental issues, and he heads the Swedish branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature. Karl Gustav is a member of many different committees and unions, he oversees the activities of several sports organizations in Sweden.

Karl xvi Gustav biography

Private life

Carl XVI Gustav, whose photo is regularlyappear in the media, trying to lead a lifestyle that corresponds to the status of the symbol of the nation. He has a lot of sports: yachting, diving, skiing, horse riding. Monarch repeatedly participated in the 90-kilometer marathon on cross-country skiing. The king struggles with dyslexia all his life and has achieved great success in this.

Carl XVI Gustav was born

Wife and kids

Еще будучи принцем, Карл Густав знакомится на Olympic Games in Munich with translator Silvia Zommerlat. From the first meeting between young people ran a spark. For a while they met in secret so that the royal family would not know anything. But feelings grew stronger, and in 1976 the couple married. They were married in the Lutheran church, and the whole of Sweden was watching the ceremony. The couple had children: two daughters and a son. The crowned family, consisting of King Charles XVI Gustav, Queen Silvia and their three children, is a symbol of stability and unity for Sweden. Despite various rumors and attempts to discredit the royal couple, they fulfill their obligations to the people with dignity and deserve respect.

Queen Sylvia is actively involved in publicand charitable activities, she heads several large foundations of great social importance. In 1979, the country's parliament decided that the inheritance of the royal throne would be by seniority, regardless of the sex of the heir. Thus, Princess Victoria became the heir to the first stage. The family lives at Drottningsholm Castle in Stockholm. At the initiative of the royal couple, the residence became open to the public. In 2010, Princess Victoria got married and settled with her family in the suburbs of the capital. In 2012, the couple had a girlfriend - Princess Estelle. In 2010, he married the son of the monarch, he had a son in 2016. In 2013, the youngest daughter of King Madeleine also married. In this marriage were born the grandson and granddaughter of the king.

Carl XVI Gustav Monarch Unwillingly


The royal activity was repeatedly rewarded.Karl Gustav is a holder of the Order of the Seraphim, a sovereign of the Order of the Polar Star, the Sword, Vasa, Charles 13, as well as the owner of countless awards from foreign countries.

Nationals and King

Carl XVI Gustav, whose family is constantlyis under the scrutiny of the public, causes mixed feelings among residents of Sweden. The members of the royal family have their fans and detractors. There is a whole stratum of people who believe that the 10-15 million euros that the monarchs manage to pay to the treasury is an absolutely unreasonable expenditure of taxpayers' money. But there is also a large army of Swedes, who believe that the king is a symbol of stability and tradition, and the institution of the monarchy should be maintained.

carl xvi gustav family

Scandals in the royal family

Royal privacy is subjectcontinuous monitoring of the media and the public. The monarch says that nothing human is alien to him. And journalists have repeatedly recorded how Carl Gustav indulges in the joys of life. Since his youth, he has paid increased attention to the ladies, and for a long time he could not get rid of this habit. In 2010, the book "Carl XVI Gustav, the Monarch Remainingly" was published, around which a terrible scandal erupted. This work was an unauthorized biography of the monarch. Karl Gustav did not deny anything, he simply said that all of this was “past affairs”.

Not less scandals caused and the life of Princess Madeleine, who, before marriage, loved to spend time in clubs and constantly got into the bindings.

Interesting Facts

Carl XVI Gustav as a child dreamed of being a driver of a steam locomotive. At the age of three he learned to play the mouth organ and had not forgotten about this hobby so far.

At the wedding of the king with Sylvia, the group “ABBA” sang, which dedicated the song “The Dancing Queen” to the bride.

The daughter of King Victoria inherited his disease - dyslexia, she has serious difficulties with reading and writing. The king was able by incredible efforts to overcome his illness.

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