/ / Aset Isekeshev: brief biography of one of the most successful akims of the country

Aset Issekeshev: brief biography of one of the most successful akims of the country

At the peak of its glory today is Kazakhpolitician Aset Issekeshev. Photos of the official can be seen on the front pages of many print publications of the country. And all because he is one of the brightest and most successful akims of Kazakhstan. However, is the politician really as good as the local media describe him?

Aset Isekeshev

Aset Issekeshev: a biography of his early years and education

Aset Orentayevich was born on August 17, 1971years in Karaganda. From an early age proved to be a very talented young man. In school, he studied perfectly. In 1994 he graduated from the Kazakh State University. Al-Farabi. He chose jurisprudence as the main discipline.

After graduation, Aset Issekeshev wentwork in the prosecutor's office of Medeu district. Here he quickly gained popularity. In parallel, he studied at the Higher School of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Upon its completion, began to make its way into the political arena of the country.

Swift career

Aset Isekeshev rather quickly made a career for himself.

  • 1998 - the post of chief consultant in the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of Kazakhstan;
  • 1999 - Director of the Department of Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Ministry of Justice;
  • 2000 - President of CJSC National Legal Service;
  • 2002 - one of the advisers to the Minister of Budget Planning and Economics;
  • 2003 - the post of vice-minister for trade and industry of Kazakhstan;
  • 2007 - Marketing Director at Credit Swiss LLP;
  • 2008 - Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2010 - Minister of New Technologies and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2014 - Minister of Development and Investment.

Aset Isekeshev biography

Political portrait

Aset Issekeshev is a vivid example of Kazakhreformers. Having a good intellect and a young grasp, he introduces innovative projects and reforms into state policy at his own risk. In particular, he developed an industrial development strategy that has been used in Kazakhstan for the past 12 years.

Also Aset Issekeshev is the author of suchprojects, such as the Cluster Initiative, the Information Technology Park and the Regional Technoparks. Under his auspices, he developed reforms related to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, investment and industrial policy.

Thanks to this tireless work, Aset Orentayevich became one of the most prominent reformers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the post of akim

June 21, 2016 Aset Issekeshev appointed AkimAstana (a post similar to the head of administration or the mayor). Immediately after taking office, the policy had to face a number of problems requiring immediate intervention. For example, to deal with the effects of floods that swept the county after a long rainy season.

It should be noted that the newly elected akim skillfullycoped with the current tasks. Moreover, he was lucky to see the millionth inhabitant of Astana, who was born on the eve of the City Day. And although Aset Issekeshev had just assumed his position, several decrees were issued from his pen, aimed at improving the life of citizens.

Aset Isekeshev photo

Criticism towards Aset Issekeshevich

Naturally, any politician is faced withcriticism in his address. The new akim of Astana was no exception. So, at the end of November 2016, the city was covered with heavy snowfalls, which for some time stopped traffic in it. After that, many dissatisfied responses flew in the direction of Aset Orentayevich. One and all claimed that the head of the city had not prepared in advance a plan for cleaning the streets.

In response, Issekeshev advised citizens morecorrectly plan your day and go to work in advance. According to him, all equipment was sent for snow cleaning on time. However, due to too much precipitation, the cleaning speed was greatly reduced, which resulted in traffic jams and congestion.

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