/ / Volkov: the origin of the family and the famous noble birth

Volkov: the origin of the name and the famous noble birth

Each of us at least once in my life was interested inorigin or meaning of one's surname. The history of the origin of the name Volkov is curious and fascinating. Not only does the name endow a person with special features, but also a surname. This is one of the reasons why it is necessary to know the origin and meaning of your surname. Also believe that in the beginning and the end of the twentieth century on the 22nd place among the most popular was Volkov's surname. The origin and significance of it will be considered below.

Version number 1

There are several theories aboutthe origin of this family name. Many people are interested in the genus Volkov. The origin of the name will be considered in two versions. So, it consists of a subgroup formed from the names of animals. In many countries there are male names that carry the word "wolf" in their meaning. For example, in Germany there is the name Wolf, in Serbia - Wook. Think randomness? This is not so and is connected with the fact that the predator is familiar to man since ancient times. Our ancestors gave the wolf such qualities as rage, insatiability, greed and cruelty. Also our ancestors believed that the wolf is an intermediary between the worlds of the living and the dead, magicians and ordinary people.

wolves origin of the surname

There is such a legend.The wolf molded the devil out of the clay, or wove it out of the wood, but failed to revive it. When God endowed this creature with life, the wolf rushed to the devil and grabbed him by the hoof. The Slavs especially believed in the magical possibilities of this animal, therefore, as a defense against various diseases, they carried a tail of a wolf with them. Also as the amulet was the name of the predator himself. Some documentary sources confirm that at the time of Ancient Rus Volk could be called an unfriendly and lonely person. The name Volkov first met researchers in the documents of the XVI century. Analysis of the name of Volkov gave ground for the existence of another version.

Version # 2

German lexicographer Max Fasmer in his"Etymological dictionary of the Russian language" writes that the name of the animal - the wolf - originated from the verb "drag", and specifies that this predator "drags" its prey or sacrifice. But this version for onomastics (a section of the language studying the origin of names and names) sounds unconvincing, because not only this predator, but many others, "drags out" its victim. Also in the dictionary of Max Fasmer, the specific etymology of the verb "drag" is not specified. It turns out that the German "Wolf" originated from the Slavic "wolf".

history of the origin of the names of wolves

The origin of the name of the predator is restored tothe basis of the ancient and little-known Nakh language. "Wolf" consists of two onomatopoeic words "in" - howling, and "lakh" - up. Adding the Nakh words, we get a "volach", which literally translates as "howling up". In this language, from the image of howling howling to the moon of the wolf, one more meaning of the verb "lakh" - to sing - was formed.

There are a few more unreliable versions of the origin of the name Volkov. But to consider them no longer makes sense.

Rod Volkov: the origin of the name

In the Russian Empire was recorded aboutseventy noble families with such a name. Among them there are several ancient ones. The very first Volkovs believe that their kind was founded by a noble Lithuanian Wolf Gregory who came to Russia in the beginning of the 16th century. In the following centuries the Volkovs were fixed in the ranks of the governor, the cronies, ambassadors and deacons. Grandchildren-great-grandsons of Gregory the Wolf were awarded in 1618 with lands (at that time they were called patrimonies) in Yaroslavl district. According to the herbarium of the first volume, it is known that this branch of the Volkovs is one of the oldest. It came from Volkov Vasily Ivanovich, which was recorded in the sixth part of the genealogical books of Kostroma, Novgorod, Vologda and other provinces.

surname of the Wolf origin and meaning

Great grandson of Grigory Volk - Ivan Fedorovich Volkov -among his contemporaries he was known as a heroic person, he was awarded the rank of Major-General, showed himself especially during the storming of the Izmailovo fortress, for which he was awarded patrimonies in Mosalsky and Meshchovsk districts. This genus is recorded in the seventh part of the genealogical books of Simbirsk, Moscow, Novgorod, Chersonesos and Tambov.

Volkovs - noble family, which belongs tonew and well-deserved nobility, they are included in the second and third part of the genealogical books of twenty-two provinces! The permission of his Imperial Highness was confirmed that the founder of the Russian theater Fyodor Grigoryevich Volkov (the origin of the family name has a common source) was also awarded the title of hereditary nobleman.

analysis of the names of wolves

Let's sum up the results

The origin of the name Volkov has severalversions. It was also established that during the times of the Russian Empire 72 noble families were recorded. The oldest of them was founded by Lithuanian Gregory Volk at the beginning of the 16th century. They say that Volkov was harsh. The origin of the surname, of course, is connected with the predatory animal.

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