/ / Northern bedstraw: description, use in traditional medicine

North bedstraw: description, use in traditional medicine

Many plants are harmoniouscombination of good and beauty. One of these is a northern bedstraw. Tall perennial plant belongs to the family marenovye, richly blooms almost all summer, shrouding in a rich and thick aroma all around. For this quality, the people called him honey grass. In addition, the plant has long been used in alternative medicine.

Northern bedstraw: botanical description

North bedstrap

Plant tall, strong, uprightthe stems grow to 80 cm. They have a simple structure, most often smooth, less often - stiff-haired, branched or simple. Lanceolate leaves are collected in whorls of four each, saturated green. Flowers form paniculate inflorescence, have a fragrant corolla of white color. There are five possible plant variations on the type of leaves and spinous hairs. Rhizome thin, creeping type. This is a Eurasian plant species, in our country is widely distributed throughout the European part and in Siberia. The northern bedstraw prefers to grow in the meadows, in the bushes, along the roads, at the edge of the forest.

Chemical composition

The use of plants in traditional medicine of manycountries due to the high content in it of various useful substances. Thus, the creeping rhizome is rich in saponins, flavonoids, anthraquinones, coumarins and tannins. The stem and leaves contain glycosides that affect the heart muscle, iridoids, essential oils, anthraquinones, alkaloids, vitamin C. In addition, the flowers are rich in specific rennet, which causes souring of milk. Previously, for this purpose, the northern bedstraw (Marenov family) was used in the manufacture of cheese in Holland.

morning Northern bedwatch

For the purpose of further application in folkmedicine, grass is harvested in July - early August, that is, during the period of its mass flowering. For this, the stem is cut at a level of 15 cm from the soil surface. Tied in strong bunches and dried in a shady, well-ventilated place.

North bedstraw: healing properties

Official medicine and pharmacologyit is established that the plant has pronounced sedative (sedative) properties. It has long been used in Tibetan therapy (rhizomes), as well as in Belarus, Yakutia, Altai, in Western Siberia. The bedstraw is valued mainly for its diuretic effect. Its use is permitted by medicine, but not in its pure form, but as part of herbal preparations. In the people it is used in diseases of the kidneys, in particular, remove the swelling that occurs in various pathologies of the body.

In addition, it is known that the northern bedstraw has a regenerating, astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect.

Application of the plant

 morning sun bed medicinal properties

Healing rhizomes of plants used in the treatmentpneumonia, kidney disease, endometritis. As one of the components, it is part of a variety of herbal preparations recommended for use in infectious diseases.

Honey infusion and herbal teas recommendedexperts in the field of traditional medicine and for external use. In particular, if there are purulent wounds, bruises, cuts, burns. The northern bedstraw can be used as a dry powder in the case of ulcers, dusted them with wounds. Ointment from fresh grass juice quickly relieves inflammation in boils and suppurations. In gynecology, a decoction is often used for douching for cervical erosion.

Cooking infusion

In order to prepare a healing infusion,only two components are needed: boiling water and the grass itself. It is necessary to fill in a dry bed-bed in a ratio of 4 tbsp. l 0.4 liters and infuse the mixture for about 4-5 hours, covered with a towel to keep the heat longer. In conclusion, strain the infusion through several layers of gauze and safely use it in the form of baths, lotions on damaged areas of the skin.

For the treatment of impotence prescribed drinking course.It is recommended to use the infusion of 2 tablespoons three times a day. For the treatment of angina pectoris, the ratio of herbs and cooking water varies. You need to take 0.5 liters of boiling water and only 20 g of dry grass of the bedstraw.

morning Northern botanical description


As noted above, the northern northern(Marenov family) has a pronounced diuretic effect. For this reason, diabetics should use infusions and decoctions of its herbs or rhizomes with extreme caution. It is not recommended to use the bedstrap in pure form or as part of fees for women during pregnancy, as well as for children.

The plant has a strong astringent effect.therefore, his appointment is prescribed courses with an interval of one or two weeks. In addition, it is known that the bedstraw is poisonous, so the dosage should be strictly observed so that the treatment is beneficial and not harmful. However, like any other homeopathic remedy. Before you begin treatment with folk remedies, you should always consult with your doctor, and not blindly rely on intuition and advice of herbalists.

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